Контрольная Работа 7 Класс Афанасьева

Контрольная Работа 7 Класс Афанасьева


Контрольная Работа 7 Класс Афанасьева

Опубликовано 25.08.2015 - 13:03 - Федорова Марина Александровна
Контрольно-измерительные материалы предназначены для учащихся 7- классов, изучающие английский язык по УМК О.В. Афанасьевой, И.В. Михеевой «English. Новый курс английского языка для российских школ» .
Контрольно-измерительные материалы по предмету
к УМК О.В. Афанасьевой, И.В. Михеевой «English. Новый курс английского языка для российских школ»
Unit 1. Travelling in Russia and abroad.
Ex.               Did you watch TV? – Yes, I did. I watched TV.
      1. John is … than his brother Bob.
           a) young b) younger c) the youngest
      2. The coffee table is … of all the tables in the room.
          a) low b) lower c) the lowest
      3. Winters in England are not as … as in Russia.
         a) cold b) colder c) the coldest
      4. The weather today is as … as it was yesterday.
         a) pleasant b) more pleasant c) the most pleasant
         a) slow b) slower c) the slowest
        My family (1-travel) in Britain last September. We (2-go) there by plane. Our trip (3-begin) in England. We (4-meet) a lot of people, (5-visite) a lot of cities and (6-see) a lot of places of interest. I (7-like) London very much. We (8-make) a bus tour of the city. I (9-not, understand) all the sentences the speaker (10-say), but I (11-can) (12-enjoy) the streets of London, its parks, churches and palaces.
 They travelled in Britain last September.
Last month Richard (1-go) to London. He wanted (2-become) a university student. He (3-take) some bags with a lot of food with him. At the university he (4-can, not) answer any questions. He (5-think) they all (6-be) difficult. Richard (7-become) very sad. He (8-decide) to leave for his home town. He (9-choose) to go by bus.
Unit 4. Traditions, holidays, festivals.
Christmas is a home and family celebration in Britain. Those who live away try to get back home. Christmas is the biggest holiday of the year.   As Christmas nears, everyone buys Christmas presents for friends and relatives. Christmas people try to give children everything they want. Children count the weeks, then the days to Christmas. On Christmas Eve, families and friends gather for the festivities. Housewives are busy preparing food, and children are sent to bed. They are told that if they don't go to sleep, Father Christmas will not bring them any presents. Then, when they are asleep, the parents come into their bedrooms and leave the presents near their beds, or under the Christmas tree, or in a stocking hanging up somewhere in the room.
         a) Christmas presents               b) Father Christmas
         c) Christmas celebrations        d) the Christmas tree
  2. When Christmas comes, the children are given presents...
         a)   at the Christmas table.                     b) in the streets
          c) at schools.                                         d) at home
         a)  Christmas is a family holiday.
          b)   Presents are usually given at Christmas.
          c)   At Christmas, children usually don't go to sleep.
          d)   Children find their presents near their beds, under the Christmas tree or in a stocking.
           a) British Children                         b) British Christmas
           c) Christmas parties                        d) British Homes
    5. Find the word which is not in the text .
         a) Christmas                     b) Presents
         c) Easter                            d) Eve
1 . Jenny goes …   school at 8 o’clock
2.  Room 450 is   …   the second floor.
3.  Jack likes to listen   …   the radio.
4.  Her birthday is   … the15th …  March.
5.  Are you interested   …   politics?
III. Choose the right form of the verb.
1.         Last year we ... in a hotel in Mexico City.
2.         She  ... at 5 pm yesterday afternoon when I called.
3.         He ... when Ann called for help.
4.         I ....to London yesterday.
5.         I ... a friendly dog while I ... to work today.
IV. Put the verb in Past Simple or Past Progressive.
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