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Based on single-payer, universal healthcare. And: For the first time in history, U. Return to top. Or: Table top. Or: News. Or: Home. It has now been 19 years since Portuguese decriminalization in Wage slave waking up. See: News sources. Facebook: GCM Social media: Tags. Vote out most Republicans! Ballotpedia issues: marijuana and minimum wage. It is not socialist. It is Common Sense. See: List of minimum wages by country. And: Medicare-for-all, like Canada, is not socialist either. A record. Republican state governments in 28 states passed laws to prevent cities from raising the minimum wage. Far-right talk radio helps Republicans do this. Republicans block cheap municipal broadband in 26 states. Source and comments. Crowd photo from Mexico City , May 4, Plus map showing lower minimum wages in Republican states. Ever-increasing US household debt under Trump , and his huge tax breaks for the rich, but not for the middle class who need it the most. Huge medical and student debt. Low minimum wages in many Republican states. See map. Another example of hair discrimination, some say. Like other countries. Cannabis is Safer. And Republicans keep blocking all cannabis rescheduling bills in the Senate. As in parts of Sweden. Sanna Marin 34 is the youngest female head of government worldwide. Wikipedia: John Sinclair poet. Wikipedia: Alcohol and cancer. And: Cannabis is Safer. This is what happens when you vote in a Republican Senate:. See median-wealth chart. Do not buy most most cannabis stocks. There is a huge inventory of unsold cannabis:. Democrat Gov. Jan 29 - Feb 2, Chart from: 16 July Scotland has highest drug death rate in EU. BBC News. Data is latest available at article publication. CBS News. The Washington Post. From the article: 'The top families have more wealth than the bottom 60 percent of households, while the top 0. New York Times. Legalisation is killing our market, say small-scale dagga growers. And Facebook video and comments. Top law enforcers say yes. Source with comments. And: HempFabricLab. Coalition of Liberals, Social Democrats, Greens. Her breast cancer fight. The state of the nation. Global Cannabis March and And President Vladimir Putin. Screwing up elections at home and abroad. Wikipedia: Moscow City Duma election. And: Wikipedia: Moscow protests. And: Moscow Mitch blocks election security bills in the US Senate , and nearly all cannabis reform legislation! The US has sold wars and weapons to nearly all sides. For example; in the Middle East over the years. And the US has propagandized and sold the drug war and reefer madness to the whole world. The US has not reduced the harm from hard drugs. It has increased harm. The US prefers drug war, not harm reduction and less drug deaths. George Orwell ''. Quezon City, part of Metro Manila. US Republican leaders are out of touch with mainstream Americans and Canadians. THC slushies, pirate radio, and cannabis-driven boom in a Mohawk community. Time magazine. Veterans Equal Access Act. Descheduling or rescheduling cannabis. New hemp laws temporarily halting marijuana-related arrests. And China is heavy into hemp. Medicare spends less than 2 percent on bureaucracy. See chart. We need Medicare for All. Nearly a third of our health care dollars go to something other than health care. See also:. Lowest in history for a first-year President. Bring back democracy: Remove Presidential veto power. See: More News. And: Cannabis is safer. And: Cannabis polls. Vote out most Republicans and their cannabis war. Enter address. Scroll down. Run mouse cursor over Presidential charts. Updated continuously. This news feed may have long lapses. Video below of Feb. See Wikipedia: Tunis. View: Full site. Mobile site. Vs USA. He is actually an old-time progressive democrat who wants universal healthcare and progressive taxation. Like Roosevelt and Truman. Truman, a Democrat, followed by Eisenhower, a Republican, had steep progressive taxation where the middle class had less taxes, and prospered the most they ever have in US history. Truman and Eisenhower both increased the minimum wage , which inevitably pushes up middle class wages. Categories :. Cancel Save. Medicare-for-all is single-payer, non-socialist, non-government-owned, Canadian-style healthcare. Canada got better outcomes, spent half as much per person , and thus has a higher median wealth. US spent Canada spent See: info, charts, videos exposing US Republican myths about Canadian healthcare. Nations with better and healthier quality of life: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Wage slave waking up US. Inflation-adjusted wages are flat. Especially for Republican states that have low minimum wages. Universal healthcare , minimum wage , median wealth , homicide rates , handgun ownership rates , overpopulation , and quality of life are rarely compared by country by NPR News and other mainstream US media. Decades of ignorance, isolationism, and xenophobia. Republicans have declared War on the Middle Class. The guy is such a moron. Why are US presidents given such power? In the 21st century. The Scotsman. Daily Record. See: Portugal. Cannabis-related links. Links to many articles on decriminalization of drugs in Portugal. Germany has a much lower murder rate than the USA. Also, Germany has better health indicators, and its healthcare cost per person is half US cost all costs, public and private. By Tom Angell, Jan 16, From the article emphasis added :. Of the governors who received passing grades in the new scorecard, 22 are Democrats and only five are Republicans. Meanwhile, percent of those who got A grades are Democrats. On the other end of the scale, the 15 who got D grades and the four who received an F are all GOP governors. No Democrat got less than a C. How Congress scores on marijuana. Of the Republicans in Congress, members

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While just a few years ago, it was still taboo to talk about legalising cannabis in Morocco and Tunisia, nowadays, everyone is talking about it. These draconian punishments, which were introduced in under ex-dictator Ben Ali, were amended very slightly at the end of March by the new Tunisian government following massive public criticism. Judges are now allowed to grant a pardon for a first offence. Unemployment is even higher nationally than before the uprising. Young people are worst-off, which helps explain why an alarming number join jihadist groups. Human Rights Watch said Tuesday that Tunisia was to reform the 'law 52', a controversial text which makes it systematically punishable by imprisonment of drug consumption, mainly cannabis. Legislation that provides for a minimum sentence of one year of drug use in prison and prohibited judges to take into account mitigating circumstances. A draft law to reduce penalties for drug use would stop short of fixing major human rights concerns in the current law, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. Tunisian authorities should revise the law to eliminate all prison sentences for recreational drug use or possession. Tunis - A new drugs bill would reduce penalties for drug use without answering all the concerns raised by human rights with the current law, declared the Human Rights Watch in a report released today. The Tunisian authorities should revise the law to eliminate all prison terms for use or possession of drugs for recreational purposes. Shaheed Elhafed — The drug seizures in the region countries have reached alarming proportions in recent months, according to press sources of the countries affected by the cannabis trafficking. A new study published by Assabah on Wednesday reveals the popularity of drugs in schools and educational institutions, showing that about 50 percent of students smoke marijuana and drink alcohol. Since the revolution, drug addiction rates in Tunisia have reportedly increased by 70 percent. Surveys concluded that marijuana is the most used drug in Tunisia, followed by cocaine, and heroin. Subutex, originally a medication for the treatment of addiction to heroin and other drugs, has particularly gained popularity since being essentially introduced, illegally, to the Tunisian market after the revolution. Get the latest updates on cannabis legalization, politics and technology, as well as developments in medical and recreational marijuana news. Our commitment is to bring you the most important cannabis news stories every day of the week. At Intel we understand that effective marijuana industry news coverage is a constant endeavor. Every day stories develop regarding cannabis legalization, technological developments, and the medicinal benefits of marijuana use. Each new development carries the potential to impact the marijuana industry regionally, nationally, and internationally. With the marijuana industry constantly evolving, you need a cannabis news outlet to keep you abreast of the pertinent information. At Intel, we cover marijuana legalization news throughout the world, offer reliable information for cannabis business owners, detail technological advances that impact the marijuana industry, cover marijuana rallies from across the globe, and everything in between. To stay even better informed about marijuana legalization news follow us on Twitter , Facebook and LinkedIn. Jump to Navigation. Search form Search. Your source for global cannabis industry news! The new bill reduces sentences, but still contains some troubling flaws Tunis - A new drugs bill would reduce penalties for drug use without answering all the concerns raised by human rights with the current law, declared the Human Rights Watch in a report released today. The Pirate Party of Tunisia has noted several negative developments regarding changing this law:. Jump back to navigation. Follow Us Subscribe to email news. Connect with us on Linkedin.

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