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By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. Сборник содержит материалы международной конференции, приуроченной к летию яркого исследователя позднего каменного века Восточной Европы В. Представленные работы объединены проблематикой изучения взаимодействия человека и окружающей среды и разным моделям адаптации в рамках первобытного хозяйства. Основное внимание уделяется роли рыбной ловли и собирательства съедобных растений, важнейших видов деятельности, однако недостаточно освещенных в археологических источниках. Материалы поздних поселений с благоприятными условиями сохранности органических материалов, а также косвенные свидетельства производства и использования рыболовных инструментов и орудий собирательства, горелые макроостатки семян и растений, данные химического состава содержимого посуды и изотопные характеристики человеческих костей, должны помочь реально оценить роль этих видов пищевых ресурсов в диете первобытного человека. Olga Lozovskaya. In: Zamostje 2. Lozovski, O. Lozovskaya, I. Clemente Conte. The abundant ichtiofaunal remains and the tools found at the site harpoons, needle nets, fishhooks and scaling knives corroborate this importance. In this article, we focus on the consumption of fishhooks through an analysis of the usewear observed on their surfaces. We compare the usewear observed on the archaeological fishhooks with that seen on experimental fishhooks used to capture fish species. We show how some attributes disposition, quantity and hardness of the fish teeth influence the nature of the usewear, especially the striations, formed on the surfaces of the fishhooks. Vasilii Soenov. Статья написана к юбилею выдающегося трасолога и археолога Галины Федоровны Коробковой Oleg Kuznetsov. The used materials come from the excavation of the multilayer peat-bog site Zamostje 2 Moscow region, Russia. Different kinds of evidence of fishing were analyzed: fish remains, bone tools harpoon heads, barbed, fish hooks, knives from elk ribs , wooden artifacts floats, paddles , finds of wooden constructions — fish traps and fish fence and, finally, coprolites. Due to this approach it is possible to distinguish differences in fishery strategies in the late Mesolithic and early Neolithic and ways of consuming fish. Материалы по археологии, истории и этнографии Таврии. Выпуск XXV. Michel Kazanski. This article analyses the sites of the steppe nomads, such as burials and commemorative monuments, from the Post-Hunnic period mid-fifth to mid-sixth century. Their nature corresponds to the first and the most primitive form of nomadism, when the nomads united into numerous groups constantly moved along the steppe. The given form of nomadism corresponds to the main civilization features of the people in question, such as high militarization, the absence of stable 'ethnographic' features of the material culture, and a great ethnic heterogeneity of steppe collectives, with predominant military-political and not ethnocultural factor. The appearance of 'princely' graves indicates the formation of military aristocracy. Simultaneously, the regional features of material culture started shaping. Moreover, the material culture reveals Mediterranean and Central Asian influences reflecting the main directions of cultural and military-political contacts of the Post-Hunnic nomads. Vasilii Soenov , Nikita Konstantinov. Константинов Н. Сборник научных трудов. ISBN We consider the hunting activities of the ancient and medieval population of Altai as a part of the traditional system of using natural resources. Natural resources of the Altai were favorable for hunting since ancient times. This activity was high in the livelihood of the ancient population in the economic sphere. Hunting also used as military training, to perform certain social functions; different rituals were carried out in the framework of hunt. All process of hunting has been associated with the system of rules and restrictions governing the animal production. Key words. Altai; archeology; nature management; hunting. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Lozovskaya, A. Vybornov, E. Related Papers. Quaternary International Subsistence strategies in the Stone Age: Direct and indirect evidence of fishing and gathering. Соенов В. Коробкова и каменный век Украины G. Korobkova and stone age of Ukraine Konstantinov N.

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