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Keine Abbildung vorhanden für Farbe:

Susan Clark

Cameron Mitchell

Burt Lancaster

Roland Kibbee

mehr Alterseinstufung: Freigegeben ab 18 Jahren Format: DVD

4,2 von 5 Sternen

12 Sternebewertungen

Achtung: ab 18! Eine Lieferung an Minderjährige ist nicht möglich. Klicken Sie bitte hier für weitere Informationen (5 € Versandgebühr für Games).



16:9 - 1.85:1, 16:9 - 1.77:1 Verpackungsabmessungen


18.03 x 13.76 x 1.48 cm; 83.16 Gramm Regisseur


Burt Lancaster, Roland Kibbee Medienformat


Dolby, PAL Laufzeit


1 Stunde und 53 Minuten Erscheinungstermin


11. November 2010 Darsteller


Susan Clark, Cameron Mitchell, Harris Yulin, Robert Quarry, Morgan Woodward Sprache,


Deutsch (Dolby Digital 2.0), Englisch (Dolby Digital 2.0) Studio


EuroVideo Medien GmbH ASIN


B0044VH9LO Herkunftsland


Deutschland Anzahl Disks



4,2 von 5 Sternen

12 Sternebewertungen


Neueste zuerst


Habe ich für einen Bekannten bestellt. Der ist von diesem Film begeistert. Er hat diesen Film schon längere Zeit gesucht. Kann er nur weiter empfehlen.

Eine Person fand diese Informationen hilfreich

Der Film ist interessant und spannend bis zum Schluß obwohl die Auflösung weit hergeholt ist. Vollkommen unklar bleibt, warum der Film ab 18 Jahren zugelassen ist. Das kann eigentlich nur ein Irrtum sein. Ich meine, dass das Bildformat 1.33 : 1 ist (Fullscreen) und nicht 1.85 : 1 wie auf der DVD Hülle vermerkt. Schwach ist, dass keinerlei Informationen geschweige denn ein booklet vorhanden ist. Aus dem DVD Cover ist nicht mal zu entnehmen, in welchem Jahr der Film entstanden ist. Selbst der Name des Regisseurs fehlt. Hier werden von der MIG filmgroup nicht mal Mindeststandards eingehalten.

6 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich

Schade, daß es diesen Film NICHT auf DVD gibt!! Er ist ein Krimijuwel, mit Burt Lancaster als Expolizist, der, gerade wegen Totschlages aus dem Gefängnis entlassen, eine Stelle als Nachwächter in einem College annimmt. Er wird in den Mordfall an einer jungen Studentin verstrickt und will den Fall lösen. Er kommt aber auch seiner Bewährungshelferin ins Gehege. Letztlich deckt er ein Komplott auf. Eine gut eingewobene Parallelhandlung zeigt ein paar rüde Szenen. Hundefreunde bitte nicht anschauen. Auch für Nichtburtlancasterfans, obwohl angestaubt, sehenswert....

2 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich
4,0 von 5 Sternen

A Good -- If Not Great -- Release of an Unfairly Neglected Thriller

I've known THE MIDNIGHT MAN ever since it aired on American network television (on NBC, I believe, on a Saturday night, in prime time) in the mid-1970s, and was intrigued enough by it to track down the underlying novel (The Midnight Lady and the Mourning Man) by David Anthony. But it never made any money in the United States, at least, and so it was never a candidate for video release in America, though it did turn up (with the language censored and some of the momentary nudity and the most harrowing violence edited out) in off-network syndication and on the A&E Channel into the 1990s. The Region 2 DVD at hand comes from Germany (I have an all-region player, so that's not an issue), but the opening menu allows you to select the English soundtrack and watch it thus, and without German subtitles, either. The image is full-screen and seems to come off of an old 1980s-era transfer, with frame flaws here and there and with somewhat indistinct sound by modern standards -- but it is still a treat to see this movie pretty much intact after all of these years. I'll save a review of the film for another forum, except to say that this movie marked a new era of harsh realism for a star of Burt Lancaster's caliber and history, putting him in the middle of a noirish rural/border state murder/blackmail mystery with lots of twists in the plot and quirks to the characters and Lancaster playing a distinctly un-glamorous role, as an ex-Chicago homicide detective, newly paroled from a manslaughter conviction (he killed the man he found in his wife's bed) who takes a job as the night security guard at a small liberal arts college in an un-named state (it was shot in South Carolina, but it could just as easily be Tennessee or West Virginia, based on what we learn). In his first week (perhaps even his first night, from what we can tell) on the job, he's confronted with a seemingly minor burglary -- almost more of a nuisance than a crime as far as most of the people who know about it are concerned -- that, in less than 48 hours, explodes into murder, and soon expands to include blackmail and more murder, plus attempted murder and felonious assault against him. And it's all tied to a stolen audio cassette tape, a string of violent robberies, and a very powerful state senator in line for the governorship. At the time of its release, seeing Lancaster in a vehicle like this, shot entirely on location and playing a distinctly down-market character furtively seeking redemption -- and wearing ill-fitting clothes and slouching a great deal -- was so jarring to certain movie critics (Vincent Canby of the New York Times comes to mind), that they bitterly hated the movie and what it seemed to stand for in terms of trends in filmmaking, but it was no "worse" than, say, Don Siegel's CHARLEY VARRICK, issued from the same studio a year earlier, as an anti-Hollywood, revisionist-type thriller. In terms of plot and characters, think of The Big Sleep updated and transposed to a rural setting, and offering an interlocking series of events that's every bit as complex as Raymond Chandler's work.Adding to the appeal of the work is that it was co-directed by Lancaster himself (only his second stint behind the camera) and screenwriter Roland Kibbee (who, with Lancaster, adapted the original novel). Anyway, back to the DVD, it's a full-screen transfer, which leads one to believe that this was derived from an existing broadcast master. The menu is easy enough to use, even for a non-German speaker such as myself (you just have to click on the setting for language, "Sprachen," and click on English, then go back to the main menu and start the movie). As a result of the soundtrack not being remastered or restored in any way, some of the dialogue may get lost as multiple characters speak at once in on-location settings (including some very rural southern dialect at times) -- and some of that dialogue is dated, as when Lancaster's character described a particular place as "where Sappho and her women did their thing"; there's also some occasionally casual (yet very arch in execution) use of profanity every so often (as though the makers were bent on reminding theater audiences that this was NOT an old-Hollywood movie, but part of the post-Easy Rider/Midnight Cowboy era). The flaws in the source don't detract significantly, and the transfer allows us to appreciate the location shoot's virtues quite well (despite the ominous goings on and ubiquitous corruption in this picture, South Carolina looks like it could be a very nice and pretty place to live). The chaptering didn't seem too important, as once you're roped into this plot, as I learned watching this movie 40 years ago, you won't want to skip around. And there is a trailer. And as a bonus for those new to the movie, you get some fine supporting performances by Susan Clark, Harris Yulin, Ed Lauter, Cameron Mitchell (before he began to deteriorate personally and professionally), Robert Quarry, Morgan Woodward, Joan Lorring, and a young Catherine Bach (who is excellent in her role). And short of a new transfer or a major restoration (both singularly unlikely to take place), this is probably as good as the movie is going to look for fans.

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5,0 von 5 Sternen

my dvd arrived very quickly

a great dvd well worth looking for and a good price thanks

Un bon film (de 50 ans) gâché par des images non remasterisées.

5,0 von 5 Sternen

A Rare Burt Lancaster Film!

I really like this film. Caught it many years ago on TV and never forgot it. I own a multi region DVD player. And it has been a great investment. This movie is not available from an American distributer. I found this at a reasonable price from a seller from Germany. The movie is rare and the only one that Burt wrote and directed as well as starring. It is a murder mystery and the twist and turns keep you guessing. Great cast and local settings help make this one of a different type of film for Burt Lancaster. I really found myself getting into this now period piece. Hard to believe that it is filmed in current then times. It is quite eye opening. Mystery Buffs and Burt Lancaster fans find this movie it is worth the work.

3 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich
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Vor ein paar Jahren musste er selber in den Knast: Cop Slade hatte aus Eifersucht den Liebhaber seiner Frau erschossen. Nachdem er nun seine Strafe verbüßt hat, bekommt er einen Job als Nachtwächter in einem College. Doch schon in seiner ersten Nacht werden Unterlagen von Studenten gestohlen, darunter auch die von Senator Claybornes Tochter. Kurz darauf wird sie brutal ermordet, und der Senator erhält einen Drohbrief. Der zuständige Sheriff ist mit dem Fall völlig überfordert. Als dann auch noch Claybornes Sekretärin ermordet wird, beginnt Cop Slade auf eigene Faust zu ermitteln. Schon bald gerät er in einen Sumpf aus Gewalt und Erpressung. Bonusmaterial: Trailershow;

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Dave Grusin, Joan Lorring, Harris Yulin, Roland Kibbee, Morgan Woodward, Cameron Mitchell, Lawrence Dobkin, Burt Lancaster, Susan Clark, Robert Quarry Dave Grusin, Joan Lorring, Harris Yulin, Roland Kibbee, Morgan Woodward, Cameron Mitchell, Lawrence Dobkin, Burt Lancaster, Susan Clark, Robert Quarry… Mehr anzeigen

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