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Кола купить Марихуана [Amnesia Haze]

Кола купить Марихуана [Amnesia Haze]

Кола купить Марихуана [Amnesia Haze]



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Кола купить Марихуана [Amnesia Haze]

Кола купить Марихуана [Amnesia Haze]


Кола купить Марихуана [Amnesia Haze]

Amnesia Haze

Кола купить Марихуана [Amnesia Haze]

Brought to the world by the legendary scientists over at Netherlands-based cannabis company Soma Seeds , Amnesia Haze is yet another one of their powerful and potent haze type strains generated for marijuana consumers to enjoy globally. The meticulous and professional breeding techniques that were used to develop this cannabis strain have not gone unrecognized; in fact, Amnesia Haze has won 1st place at the Cannabis Cup, as well as 1st place in the Sativa Cup. A previous Cannabis Cup winner, Amnesia Haze is an absolute must-try for any serious weed consumer. Amnesia Haze has withstood the test of time, and will probably still be winning awards years or even decades down the road. Nowadays you can stumble upon this superb sativa in most coffeeshops around Amsterdam where Amnesia has gained mass popularity and has become a favorite of patrons , or in both medical and recreational U. Amnesia Haze is indeed a genetic smorgasbord of sorts, with its cannabinoid profile drawing reference from such parent plants as:. As you can see, the relatives of Amnesia Haze are predominantly landrace strains, which is possibly in part what gives this cannabis type such a clean, pure high with fewer side effects than some other sativas. This small addition of indica gives the Amnesia Haze strain a slightly more balanced, well-rounded high, and helps to keep the paranoia, jitters and anxiety typical of many sativas, at bay. This is what the cannabis community can honestly call a one hit quitter. Probably the most overwhelming note of the Amnesia Haze aroma is its pungent earthy scent that fills up any room it happens to be in. These earthy notes slowly begin to blend into hints of citrus, lemon and even sometimes pine, creating a full-bodied and well-rounded overall profile. The taste of AH is similar to the scent, but possesses a bit of a sweeter hint that sends the taste buds into a world of their own. The smoke of this cannabis strain is smooth and buttery, easily traveling into the lungs, with little after cough involved, as long as you purchase a fine quality batch. The appearance of Amnesia Haze has that classic ganja look to it, with dull, compressed sugar leaves intermittently sprinkled with orange pistils. Even with its traditional arrangement of hues, Amnesia Haze does look beautiful, with sugar leaves that are grey, pale green and sagey in color. In between the frosty, crystalline leaves are soft brassy pistils tiny hairs , which curl and mix throughout the buds. This crop grows medium to tall in height, and possesses a sativa-like branch structure, with many separate colas that extend from one, high growing stalk. Unfortunately, one criteria in which Amnesia Haze falls short in is its convenience to grow. This cannabis strain is not the easiest to cultivate, as its production is reserved primarily to experienced cultivators or those who are honestly searching for a challenging. The Amnesia Haze crop is a bit of a paradox, as it prefers a balmy, sunny and Mediterranean style climate which is challenging to recreate indoors but at the same time is can be quite sensitive to pests — making it simpler to grow indoors. If you are fortunate enough to reside in an environment where balmy, sunny, Mediterranean conditions exist, and if you monitor the plants regularly for pests, this could be an adequate solution. Indoor yields average around 21 ounces of bud per meter squared, while outdoor yields average a little larger at 25 ounces per plant. On quite the contrary, it has a tendency to spark an interest in creative outlets, bringing about surges of motivation and productive energy. Primarily, however, Amnesia Haze weed serves as a powerful medicine, bringing a massive smile to most who try it. Expect plenty of giggles and a euphoric, blissful sensation to follow. Even better, consume Amnesia Haze as a morning or mid-afternoon pick me up, so you can possess the energy to keep moving forward. Although Amnesia Haze is utilized by a variety of medical cannabis patients, probably its most common use is by patients that have mood disorders. Those who suffer from depression or the depressive side of Bipolar, can discover real relief with the help of Amnesia Haze, which digs deep and brings up inner happiness, joy and an overall uplifted vibe. Even better, stress becomes a thing of the past, because one characteristic of this cannabis strain is that it contains a mild relaxation effect — which can assist in calming any tension and grounding you back into the present moment. For mood disorders , it is best to consume an average, comfortable and familiar dose of this cannabis strain, because the over consumption of THC can sometimes lead to paranoia and anxiety, regardless of the strain type. Stick to what you know in order to guarantee yourself an enjoyable experience. Within the physical realm, pain including chronic , fatigue and lack of appetite, can all benefit from Amnesia Haze, which seems to act as a powerful numbing agent, as well as a subtle energizer that will not cause any over hype, or those frustrating jitters and shakes like some sativas can. Physical ailments can benefit from an average to large dose of this medical marijuana strain; then the full benefits and effects of the medicine can be felt. Searching for alternatives to smoking, can be a simple and convenient way to consume a greater quantity of THC, without all the added work and effort. Many dispensaries and recreational shops sell edible, concentrate and extract forms of Amnesia Haze. Sativa lovers rejoice! Amnesia Haze has very few negative side effects in relation to most sativa strains. Thankfully, you can feel an overwhelming sense of relief with this cannabis strain, because the only negative that Amnesia commonly causes, is cotton mouth dry mouth , which really is not so bad. Cure cottonmouth by drinking plenty of hydrating fluids before, during and after your cannabis consumption, and keep a bottle near by, so that even if you are feeling lazy, your source of hydration will be in close reach. On rarer occasions, this cannabis can cause dry, red eyes, but being prepared and keeping a bottle of moisturizing eye drops on hand, can keep this discomfort at bay. If you struggle with depression, stress, chronic pain , lack of appetite, fatigue, or simply find it difficult to get motivated and start your day, Amnesia Haze might be the quintessential marijuana strain for you. We hope you found this Amnesia Haze review to be not only entertaining, but also educational and informative. It is important to remember that the consumption of cannabis is the sole responsibility of the user and discretion should be always taken. I grew this one, and the orange pistils were an add on advantage to add color to my weed plantation. The strain is not very difficult to grow if you germinate it right, and sells away very quickly. I tried this strain to lose some weight, but in the end I gained some on the contrary. I felt it improved my appetite, and also I was always so happy and never cared that weight mattered at all in the entire world! I would recommend Amnesia Haze for moderate smokers, in terms of tolerance levels. I used to find it too strong when I just started smoking, and today, three years down the line, I look for strains that have more potency. So maybe more suitable foe the mid range stoners. But a perfect strain in all respects otherwise, of the THC level suits you. I was travelling to South Africa, where they offered Amnesia Haze infused drink as a welcome drink in the hotel. I was really not aware of such practices, and found it to be a great experience. I had never smoked any form of wed earlier, but this drink was well tolerable and tasted great. This is a great strain for treating anxiety. I suggested that my mom give it a try and being quite anti-weed, it was a tough task. She is loving the results. Got some Amnesia Haze but it stinks to high heaven when smoked. Is that normal? Also is quite brittle and easily crushes in fingertips. Then you have bought it from a good dealer. The Amnesia must be well dried. This greatly reduces the weight, which is to the disadvantage of the seller. So, enjoy it! Amnesia haze is just the perfect strain to keep me going throughout the day. It is the best thing ever happened to me. Hey but it gave me a bad headache later on, I am not new to this cannabis world, can you suggest some tip so that I can try it once again? Your email address will not be published. MarijuanaBreak Staff Updated on The Amnesia Haze strain is a very diverse strain that takes many characteristics from a multitude of other parent strains. It can have varying genetics, but overall draws its lineage from landrace strains, giving it a clean high with less side effects than traditional strains. Amnesia Haze also tastes crisp and refreshing, featuring notes of pine trees, lemons, citrus fruits, and earthy goodness. This strain can be grown both indoors and outdoors, average flowering time indoors is approximately 9 weeks, or late October if growing outdoors. 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