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The Dutch producer and supplier of cleaning equipment has an exceptionally successful global operation thanks to a smart corporate philosophy and an unprecedented drive for innovation. Key words are quality, safety and ergonomics. This is how the chief executive officer and co- owner Rick Koks second generation likes to describe the company. Concise, no nonsense. And successful. KOKS Group, which produces and supplies advanced cleaning and transport equipment for the industrial and sewerage market segments, saw the light of day a quarter of a century ago and grew exponentially in a relatively short period of time. The foundation was laid in the early years for the successful multinational it has now become. Initially, KOKS Group focussed on high-pressure pumps and then on vacuum units vehicles on behalf of the industrial and government sectors. More and more activities were gradually added. In order to be able to continue growing, the company chose to change course and take the business back to its core activity: production. In so doing, the focus in recent years has been specifically on industry. The head office is still in Alkmaar, The Netherlands. After the Netherlands, Saudi Arabia with its thriving oil industry is the largest sales area. KOKS Group works with its own sales staff, dealers and service partners in regions with high potential. Design, production and assembly of the mobile cleaning equipment are carried out according to a strict regime. This applies to the product lines as well as to aftersales and the maintenance of the valuable equipment. Cleaning tanks and pipes as well as transporting materials form vital links in the industry, from Botlek in the Netherlands to the deserts of Saudi Arabia. Oil companies, cleaning companies and builders work together in the SIR. Safe techniques, reliable equipment and high-quality staff training are just some of the most important areas of expertise. KOKS believes in the power of educating and training people in the areas of safety and the efficient use of industrial cleaning equipment. KOKS knows and understands the industry and sees the importance of trained personnel for the safety, productivity and growth of organisations. KOKS Academy is the ultimate place to launch or develop a career in the industrial cleaning industry. Cleaning facilities and pipes involves a high degree of responsibility for people and the environment. Safety is therefore a priority at all times. We actively support our clients in this. Not only in the operational phase, but also with maintenance, stops and shutdowns. With good equipment, as well as with inspected, certified processes and cleaning methods. The knowledge we have acquired over 30 years is of great value to our clients. KOKS Group therefore presents itself as much more than a producer and supplier. We play an active part in helping clients meet and even surpass their targets. As partners. One of the examples of this approach is the highly streamlined way of working that is standard in KOKS Group and is improving continuously. By tightly scheduling and organising regular machine maintenance, inspections and repairs, for example, the time that clients have to do without their equipment falls from a few weeks to just six days. The official inspection documents are made available on-line via a secure environment, fixed and transparent pricing is used and the annual schedules are checked well in advance with the client. In industries where time is money and stoppages mean losses, this signifies huge added value. Heavy pressure has been placed on the company with the astonishing growth spurt it has witnessed, mainly over the last three to four years. But the team spirit is excellent. This is important because people are the decisive factor in the company, Rick Koks says. The second generation are now at the helm with me as managing director and my brother Gerard as financial director, but we continue to keep its flag flying high as a family business. That level of involvement and job satisfaction I still think is one of the best compliments you can be given. A traditional family business. But one where innovation is a major issue. In the technological field, for example. One significant innovation with which KOKS Group is expected to score is cleaning using ultrasound technology. Manual cleaning of oil pipes and elements is not just time-consuming, but is also a burden on people and the environment. KOKS Group has developed a system where the elements to be cleaned are placed in a large tank. High-frequency sound waves vibrate dirt and debris away and the result is amazing. The applications the company has had developed in-house by ICT experts are another example of innovation. It is also possible to contact the back office directly. Seamless planning, tight processes, strict quality requirements and smart ergonomics: this is how KOKS Group is entering its second quarter century. Faster, higher and better. We shall keep on developing, always going the extra mile'. As a growing, innovative, healthy and reliable company, KOKS Group has gained an excellent reputation in the petro chemical sector and other industries as a vacuum truck builder. Just get in touch with our customer service desk. Feel free to contact us! You are here Home About us. To Top Product Overview. Founded in and has since grown into a dynamic company that operates globally and consists of eight specialised subsidiaries in the USA, The Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia and participations in rental organizations that operate in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. KOKS is averagely rated with an 8. Follow Us:. All rights reserved.

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