Код события 304 0x801c001d

Код события 304 0x801c001d

Код события 304 0x801c001d

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PC Supreme LLC is an IT service provider. The server is Windows Essentials and the workstations are all Win 10 Pro x The changes will automatically apply when the user policy updates. Other users can log in anywhere in the office, including her workstation, and everything is fine. If she logs in to hers or at any other workstation she only has the locally installed printers and not the GPO deployed ones. I can manually start the RDP client and type the hostname, and the essentials dashboard shows updates, backups, security, AND group policy as green, so this may entire paragraph may be a whole other issue. When I read, that it is the office manager, the first thing, that came in my mind was: Is the office manager part of the OU, which will be affected by the GPO? Please run the RSOP in GPMC to see, if there is another GPO, that blocks yours. The Group policy result wizard reports 'The RPC Server is unavailable' on any machine except for itself. Try creating a new GPO, a copy of the first, then WMI filter it to her user object exclusively. Either UNC path to the server, right click the printer and add, or browse through the control panel wizard. Do you have a print server or is Group Policy configuring direct connections to the printers? Sorry for vanishing, folks. I was out winning the lottery or changing the bulb in a desk lamp or both or something. The RPC error was pretty easy to get around. I created an exception for the domain controller and RSOP worked fine after that. I have no idea why it worked for everyone except that one who was one of the FIRST profiles created and subsequent ones, but the problem clearly lay with the GPO. I deleted the GPO and added the printers to the default domain policy and it worked fine on every single profile after that. Go figure, because that GPO was created using the wizard in the Print Management dialogue on the server. Whatever the case, it is fixed now. Thank you everyone for the help. GPO properly applies to all users but ONE. Creating your account only takes a few minutes. The help desk software for IT. Bikerpete Mar 17, at 8: Hope it helps, Pete. LitlJay Mar 17, at 9: I did find this in the event log a LOT and it seems to correspond with the user policy updating: David Auth Mar 17, at 2: DragonsRule Mar 17, at 3: With only 3 printers is there a reason to not use a Computer GPO and just assign all printers to all Computers? Suggest checking the Group Policy Operational log: Is the Authenticated Users group included in the Security Filtering for the GPO? The event log you have posted I believe is the device attempting to join Azure AD. LitlJay Mar 17, at 5: That would be fine, but is there a way to assign the GPO to all computers? By assigning it to the OU that includes all of the users, everyone gets the printers. DragonsRule Mar 17, at 5: That will allow you to work with them separately when needed. LitlJay Mar 20, at 9: DragonsRule Mar 20, at 1: Most of us avoid making any changes to that whenever possible. It makes troubleshooting harder as more and more things end up in one GPO. LitlJay Mar 21, at 2: I agree very much! I do not like adding anything to the default domain policy. Creating my own policies for needling little things also makes them easier to manage. Need to change a login rule? I go to the login rules policy that I created. Problem with the login script? I DO NOT like burying customization in the default policy. Add link Text to display: Where should this link go? Join me to this group. About Advertising Privacy Terms Help Sitemap. Join millions of IT pros like you. Join Now or Log In. Need to recover your Spiceworks IT Desktop password?

Windows 10 Client lassen sich nicht in die Domain Windows 2012 R2 einbinden

I am attempting to set up automatic AAD join for Windows 10 as described here: We have two internal ADFS 3. They are configured using Azure AD Connect for federation with Office on four UPNs:. The ADFS servers are exposed using a TCP-level load balancer on https: The ADFS servers are not running the DRS, as we are intending to do that with Azure AD. The federated authentication with Office is successful for users created with any of those UPN suffixes, but only after having altered the third rule as described in https: However, while all other authentication seems to work fine, the automatic AADJ process fails on all existing Windows 10 Enterprise domain joined client machines. Similar errors appear if I try to run C: Firstly, please note that this process is called Automatic AAD registration or Automatic workplace join, not Automatic AAD join. In the first scenario via MSI package , the schedule task will be triggered when login through the user account which has been synced to AAD via AAD connect. After the task completed, you will find the devices have been registered to AAD and associated with that user. In the second scenario via GPO, the event log showed that the Automatic Registration is completed and also I can see the machines in Azure AD portal. Also please ensure that the ADFS server in your environment is configured and worked correctly. By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service. Sign up or log in to customize your list. Stack Exchange Inbox Reputation and Badges. Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Server Fault is a question and answer site for system and network administrators. Join them; it only takes a minute: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. AADSTS when attempting automatic Azure AD registration of domain-joined Windows 10 device. They are configured using Azure AD Connect for federation with Office on four UPNs: Set the service connection point Executed Initialize-ADSyncDomainJoinedComputerSync Ensured that first three federation rules in the article exist they were created automatically by Azure AD Connect Ensured that Auth Method Claim Rule exists and executed Set-AdfsRelyingPartyTrust Created the Group Policy Additionally, the domains: Event ID Automatic registration failed at authentication phase. Unable to acquire access token. GetStatus returned failure AdalError: No tenant-identifying information found in either the request or implied by any provided credentials. Webrequest returns error code: Token response is not successfull. Webrequest has valid state ; HRESULT: Webrequest opening connection ; HRESULT: UseWindowsIntegratedAuth- received realm info ; HRESULT: UseWindowsIntegratedAuth w Tenant ; HRESULT: AcquireToken- returns false ; HRESULT: AcquireToken- refresh token is not available ; HRESULT: AcquireToken get refresh token info ; HRESULT: Authority validation is completed ; HRESULT: Authority validation is enabled ; HRESULT: Token is not available in the cache ; HRESULT: Unknown HResult Error code: The key was not found, so returning FALSE. Unable to retrieve access token 0x Cameron 1 7. They are necessary to view backend logs. Longfei Sun - MSFT 4. Sign up or log in StackExchange. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Text Mining of Stack Overflow Questions. Server Fault works best with JavaScript enabled. NO windows-serverr2 microsoft-office adfs azure-active-directory share improve this question. MathOverflow Mathematics Cross Validated stats Theoretical Computer Science Physics Chemistry Biology Computer Science Philosophy more Meta Stack Exchange Stack Apps Area 51 Stack Overflow Talent.

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