Know why online shoppers are spending more time and money on mobile apps

Know why online shoppers are spending more time and money on mobile apps


The growth in the number of smartphone users and the significance of apps is a no-brainer. It has become quite evident over the years that the future of online businesses relies heavily on the mCommerce industry.

In fact, with code-free mobile app builders available online, it has become easier to create apps and publish them. However, there are certain factors that you must get acquainted with, before accomplishing this feat.

Understanding the buying tendencies of online shoppers and their inclination towards mobile apps will help you know the industry better. So, let us begin unravelling and discovering some crucial facts.

The growth in trends of mobile shopping is due to a range of factors. Some of the primary reasons are as listed below:

#1: Easy Accessibility

The best thing about businesses with apps is that they are easily accessible. People can get access to huge number of products just by the touch of an icon.  This makes online shopping more reasonable and desirable.

#2: More Convenience

It is also more convenient to shop online and this ease is playing an instrumental role in increasing the number of mobile shoppers. People can easily compare and pick products based on their quality, price, brand, etc., and schedule a delivery and payment as per choice.

#3: Effortless Acquisition

While website is good for exposure and for introducing your brand to the world, apps help in turning visitors to regular customers. It is also easier to acquire a customer for businesses that offer the convenience of apps.

#4: Higher ROI

Many businesses that do not even store inventory, make money by selling third party products through their apps. Clearly, apps ensure higher ROI (Return on Investment) and give an unprecedented boost to your revenue by helping in cross-selling and up-selling products.  

Suggested Read: Mobile app monetization: The ultimate guide to monetizing mobile apps

Statistics are the best exhibits

Let us get a statistical insight into the significance of mobile apps:

#1: Strength of Apps on Stores:

There are more than 2.5 million Android apps on the Google Play Store. Whereas the number for the iOS apps on the Apple App Store stands at around 1.85 million.

#2: Number of Downloads:

The number of daily and collective app downloads are increasing each year. Almost 250 million app downloads are predicted for the year 2022 with an increase rate of 25 per cent across the globe.

#3: Session Time and Frequency:

The session time and frequency of mobile apps is quite higher than apps due to proximity and ease. On an average, mobile users tend to check their phone around 47 times a day.

#4: Shopping Preferences:

Around 42 per cent users look for the shopping app of a brand after using the website. Where as 72 per cent consumers think that shopping through apps is easier.

#5: Revenue:

The global revenue through mobile apps is expected to reach around USD 190 billion this year. The rate of increase in the growth statistics of revenue is pleasing and promising for the app industry.

Data Source: Top 75+ mobile app statistics – Market size & usage; Statista 

How to tap into the mCommerce industry

Follow the tips listed below and ace your entry in the mobile app market:

#1: Build a premium app:

The first step is to create an app without going through the hassles of coding. Sign up for a user-friendly DIY mobile app builder that offers premium native apps and enables you to build one in a code-free environment.

Suggested Read: How to Make an App Without a Single Line of Code with AppMySite Online App Maker

#2: Customize the design:

Focus on enhancing the aesthetics of the app and making it more user-friendly. This may include content and image optimization, product listing, leveraging shopping and payment features, and more.

#3: Publish it on stores:

The next step is to launch your app and publish it on the app stores. It is suggested that you build apps for both Google Play Store and Apple App Store for maximum audience coverage.

#4: Reach out to customers:

Once your app is listed on the app stores, the real game begins. Start planning and executing a robust outreach strategy in order to promote app downloads and usage.  

Suggested Read: Popular mobile app marketing techniques – The complete guide to success

Wrapping Up!

This was our detailed article to help you understand the significance of mobile apps in detail. Implement your learning and enter the app industry without any delay.

Sign up for AppMySite and convert WordPress to app without coding. Enter the mobile friendly market with a bang and grow your business unprecedently. 

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