Kneading an imaginary bread in a real neighborhood

Kneading an imaginary bread in a real neighborhood

The Squatted Prosfygika Community and its defense struggle

The recent events, including those in Tempi, Pylos, the
commercialization of public spaces into parks, squares, and hills, the
violent attacks by local and foreign organized fascist groups, home
foreclosures even for debts as low as 800 euros, the destruction and
loss of lives due to the absence of fire and flood protection measures,
racist pogroms, murders because you are Roma, because you didn't pay a
ticket, or because you're late for a boat, or simply because... “because
I have the power and I can do it”, as well as many other incidents,
leave us with no illusion that the way our societies are organized
generates violence that normalizes and legitimizes it. We understand
that the structure of the system leads to a complete deadlock,
escalating injustice, elevating violence, and causing pain and nothing
but pain to all the lower strata of society. The response to all of
this, which seems enormous, impersonal, and unbeatable, is to build a
different way of organizing where we have control over decisions and
responsibility for our lives, not an authority whose only concern is to
serve the economic elite and do everything for profit, grinding our
bodies and "souls like wheat in the mills." Within this context, a
neighborhood of hope and resistance has emerged at the “Prosfygika” on
Alexandras Avenue. This neighborhood, originating from the future,
demonstrates that a self-organized community in the heart of a European
metropolis is possible, offering a vision based on solidarity, mutual
respect, and dignity without hierarchies but with collective
decision-making and shared responsibility for our lives. What some might
consider a utopian society is already unfolding here, not as something
complete and finished but as an ongoing process in the present moment.
In Prosfygika, approximately 27 different nationalities coexist,
speaking different languages, believing in different religions or none
at all, having different cultures, and within this diverse mosaic, they
manage to hold their assemblies and make joint decisions on all matters.
They discuss, agree, and collaborate for their common purposes and a
common perspective, as well as for the resolution of everyday problems.
At the same time, the neighborhood participates in struggles that take
place a few kilometers away or on the other side of the Earth,
recognizing that these struggles are common. The way the community has
self-organized is based on the emerging needs. So, for example, when the
children in the neighborhood need extra lessons or creative activities,
the structure of the children's center steps in to meet those needs. If
there's a need for food, the logistics structure ensures that the
community has access to food. Over the 13 years of its existence, the
community has developed various structures and infrastructures, all
aimed at meeting these needs. What also matters greatly in the community
is how relationships are structured and how issues that arise are
resolved. When someone faces an issue, they bring it to the assembly,
and together, the community members work towards a resolution. If the
issue cannot be resolved immediately, working groups are formed,
involving the broader community and its structures. These topics can
range from interpersonal relationships to collaborative work or any
challenges arising in the collective daily lives of the community
members. Of course, such communities pose a threat to the state and
established powers, and that's why the Prosfygika, which represent the
cradle of this different world, are under constant threat and
suppression, which is continuously escalating. Now more than ever, the
Prosfigika are in danger because the so-called "Double Regeneration" is
being prepared including Panathinaikos' stadium. Violence from the
economic elites and the states is blatant, their greed for profits is
relentless, and under the guise of gentrification and redevelopment,
they are devouring land, beaches, parks, hills, houses, and anything
that can generate profits. They do not hesitate to harm us with alleged
accidents and environmental destruction, all while their policies are
criminal. We see that they plunder anything that can yield profits, and
they attack anything that can resist their plans – almost all squats
have been evacuated. The Prosfigika combine both aspects: they are land
for economic exploitation and a center of struggle. It's a "Double
Assault," so to speak. Nevertheless, the community resists vigorously
and continues to develop and create new structures constantly. It
persists in its struggle on all fronts, organizing and defending every
inch of its liberated territory, as well as every idea, expectation, and
perspective that has been built through endless hours of assemblies,
discussions, collective work, struggles for the future, and physical
confrontations against the forces of repression. Recently, a solidarity
committee was formed to support their struggle, with its main task being
the creation and promotion of the #saveprosfygika campaign. The
campaign aims to support the real rescue of Prosfygika, both as
buildings and as a community, along with preserving the historical
memory that the authorities have so blatantly distorted and distortingly
vilified over the years. Committee for the Enhancement and Defense of
the Prosfygika Community and its Collective Memory #saveprosfygika
Email: Fb: Save Prosfygika

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