Kivelson V Desperate Magic

Kivelson V Desperate Magic


Kivelson V Desperate Magic
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Valerie Kivelson believes that this was due to the threat witchcraft represented to society's moral order "at the most intimate and inescapable level." 8Desperate Magic is not simply another case study in history of Russian witchcraft trials.
"The argument of this book," Kivelson declares, "embeds Muscovites' desperate acts of magic in a collective moral economy in which hierarchy locked everyone into a world of harsh constraints" (255). Hierarchy was ubiquitous in Muscovy—a "natural condition of life" (169)—and so was magic . Both touched all the social classes in early modern Russia.
Valerie KIVELSON , Desperate Magic , The Moral Economy of Witchcraft in Seventeenth‑Century Russia, Ithaca - London : Cornell University Press, 2013, 349 p. 1 Historiography of European witchcraft trials grows larger year after year and already numbers thousands of works. History of Russian witchcraft has also attracted attention
Images for Kivelson V Desperate Magic
Reviews 271 Desperate Magic : The Moral Economy of Witchcraft in Seventeenth-Century Russia. By Valerie Kivelson (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2013. xx plus 349 pp.). This book accomplishes more than the author is willing to admit. In its eight chapters Kivelson surveys the mainstream historiography of European witchcraft and its relationship to witchcraft in Russia; discusses the doc ...
From the court records of seventeenth-century Russia a very different picture emerges. The great majority of those accused of witchcraft were men. Broadly comparative, Desperate Magic by Valerie Kivelson is the first sustained study of seventeenth-century Russian witch trials. The book uses trial evidence to illuminate some of the central ...
Valerie KIVELSON Desperate Magic The Moral Economy of Witchcraft in Seventeenth-Century Russia Ithaca - London : Cornell University Press, 2013,349 p. Historiography of European witchcraft trials grows larger year after year and already numbers thousands of works. History of Russian witchcraft has also attracted
"" Desperate Magic is a triumphant crowning of years of careful work and wide-ranging inquiry. It is a milestone in the study of witchcraft in the European eastand it will certainly give those who work on the "centers" much to ponder."―David Frick" ― Slavic Review
Desperate Magic : The Moral Economy of Witchcraft in Seventeenth-Century Russia. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2013. Witchcraft Casebook: Magic in Russia, Poland, and Ukraine, 15th-21st Centuries, (edited volume). Russian History/Histoire russe vol. 40, nos. 3-4 (2013) (guest editor). Kartografiia tsarstva: Zemlia i ee znacheniia v XVII-m v .
Valerie A. Kivelson is Thomas N. Tentler Collegiate Professor of History and Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of History at the University of Michigan. She is the author of Cartographies of Tsardom, Desperate Magic , and Autocracy in the Provinces. See all books by this author.
Kivelson , Valerie. Desperate Magic : The Moral Economy of Witchcraft in Seventeenth-Century Russia. Cornell University Press, 2013. Levin, Eve. Sex and Society in the World of the Orthodox Slavs, 900-1700. Cornell University Press, 1989. Michael Stolberg, 'The Crime of Onan and the Laws of Nature.
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Desperate Magic: The Moral Economy of Witchcraft in Seventeenth-Century Russia. By Valerie Kivelson (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2013. xx plus 349 pp.)
Desperate Magic: The Moral Economy of Witchcraft in Seventeenth-Century Russia. By Valerie...

Bever, Edward

2015-09-23 00:00:00

Reviews 271 Desperate Magic: The Moral Economy of Witchcraft in Seventeenth-Century Russia. By Valerie Kivelson (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2013. xx plus 349 pp.). This book accomplishes more than the author is willing to admit. In its eight chapters Kivelson surveys the mainstream historiography of European witchcraft and its relationship to witchcraft in Russia; discusses the doc- umentation and procedures in Russian trials both to establish the evidentiary base of her study and to contextualize the situations the documents chronicle; and es- tablishes that diabolism, the cornerstone of the early modern European persecu- tions, was all but absent in Russian witchcraft in both theory and practice. She goes on to explain how the atypical predominance of male suspects in Russian trials manifested the gendered nature of specific Russian magical practices; argues that witchcraft practices and suspicions were ways of negotiating the tensions gen- erated by the increasingly oppressive hierarchical structure of Russian society; and concludes that even without diabolism witchcraft was one of the select few offens- es along with treason and heresy considered so heinous that they were invariably prosecuted with torture because of the challenge it posed to the hierarchical social order. The archival research on

Journal of Social History
Oxford University Press

Journal of Social History
, Volume 49 (1) – Sep 23, 2015

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Journal of Social History

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Bever, Edward. "Desperate Magic: The Moral Economy of Witchcraft in Seventeenth-Century Russia. By Valerie Kivelson (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2013. xx plus 349 pp.)." Journal of Social History 49.1 (2015): 271-272.
Bever, E. (2015). Desperate Magic: The Moral Economy of Witchcraft in Seventeenth-Century Russia. By Valerie Kivelson (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2013. xx plus 349 pp.). Journal of Social History, 49(1), 271-272.


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Reviews 271 Desperate Magic: The Moral Economy of Witchcraft in Seventeenth-Century Russia. By Valerie Kivelson (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2013. xx plus 349 pp.). This book accomplishes more than the author is willing to admit. In its eight chapters Kivelson surveys the mainstream historiography of European witchcraft and its relationship to witchcraft in Russia; discusses the doc- umentation and procedures in Russian trials both to establish the evidentiary base of her study and to contextualize the situations the documents chronicle; and es- tablishes that diabolism, the cornerstone of the early modern European persecu- tions, was all but absent in Russian witchcraft in both theory and practice. She goes on to explain how the atypical predominance of male suspects in Russian trials manifested the gendered nature of specific Russian magical practices; argues that witchcraft practices and suspicions were ways of negotiating the tensions gen- erated by the increasingly oppressive hierarchical structure of Russian society; and concludes that even without diabolism witchcraft was one of the select few offens- es along with treason and heresy considered so heinous that they were invariably prosecuted with torture because of the challenge it posed to the hierarchical social order. The archival research on

Journal of Social History
– Oxford University Press

Select data courtesy of the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
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Магия отчаяния: моральная экономика колдовства в России XVII века
Перевод с английского В. Петрова Translated into Russian by V. Petrov
Series: Contemporary Western Rusistika ISBN: 9781644694503 (hardcover)
Дата издания: Декабрь 2020 Publication Date: December 2020
В книге «Магия отчаяния» Валери Кивельсон преследование колдовства в России XVII века рассматривается в контексте законодательства, религии и жизни общества. Собрав воедино сохранившиеся свидетельства о судах над колдунами, автор сравнивает и анализирует показания свидетелей, характер вопросов обвинителей и признаний обвиняемых. В результате возникает картина, дающая целостное представление о понятиях морали и нравственности в России того времени. Главное открытие этой удивительной книги состоит в том, что к колдовству в России обращались не только женщины, но и мужчины, не только представители социальных низов, но и все
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