Kitty Wilder

Kitty Wilder


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Kathleen (Kitty) Joanne Wilder
1951 - 2021

Kathleen (Kitty) Joanne Wilder
1951 - 2021


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Let the joy-filled memory of Kitty be with us forever.

The memorial service recording is available here: & on the Lookout Mountain Community Church’s archive & Facebook page Remembering Kitty Wilder - Life Model In lieu of flowers please consider donating to support the causes that were important to Kitty. Direct link to donate:

Posted by Jen Coursey on October 15, 2021

Kitty was so good at remembering her loved one’s birthdays and making them feel loved and celebrated. Just this year I got to celebrate my birthday with her and it was a precious time and something I will forever cherish.

Posted by Mike and Deana Woytasek on October 15, 2021

Dearest Dear Jim and All of Jim & Kitty's Beloved Family; including their sons, James & Rami and their Families, and Friends, our hearts, thoughts and prayers go out for each of you dear ones in this sad time of missing your wife, mother, sister, sister-in-law, aunt, grandmother and Friend today, which would have been her 70th birthday~ we're fondly remembering Kitty preparing an African meal that we enjoyed with she & Jim and others in their home; and, also getting to have a spontaneous dinner with Kitty & her sister, Karen, on one of Kitty's birthdays when she was visiting Minnesota~ ~We Love & Miss You, Dear Kitty~        Mike & Deana

Posted by Theodora Osei-Fordwuo on October 15, 2021

Happy birthday my friend, keep resting in peace till we meet again, miss you dearly. You will forever be in my heart ❤️

Posted by Karen Mertes on October 15, 2021

Today would have been my sisters 70th birthday. She wanted me to come out and celebrate with her on this milemarker birthday so I would have been out there celebrating today. However, she is in a much better place, free of pain. I miss her so much and the memories we shared over the years. I think of all the laughter and tears we have shared over the years. She was such a special Sister and I miss her so much. Love you my special Sister. I was blessed to have you in my life as my Sister.

Posted by Mike and Deana Woytasek on September 9, 2021

Thank you dear Wilder Family, Relatives and Friends for all of the photos, tributes and stories; as they bring us such joy in remembering your dearly beloved Kitty~please keep 'em coming Thanks, again. Regarding the photos: especially liked the Beautiful "Moment in the Airport" of Jim & Kitty, the "Date Night with Mom" from Rami, the sibling photo from Karen where Bob is sweetly leaning over Karen as a baby, whom Kitty is holding; and, with regards to the tributes & stories: enjoyed Jim's camel & shopping stories, James' Beautiful Rose tribute/story, Karen's sister story; and, hearing sweet stories from some of Jim & Kitty's "grands; " as we know Jim & Kitty so love/loved their grabdchildren!! May God comfort Each of Your hearts~ And, Much Love from our hearts to yours~

Posted by Elizabeth Stalcup on August 23, 2021

We first met Kitty during Thrive track two training in Austin Texas. She was so gracious and full of life. Because we had some previous experience with returning to joy from the Connexus classes, she made us feel special by calling on us to see if we had anything to add to her marvelous training. We prayed for her nightly during her long illness. On March 29th, I emailed her to see if she would endorse a book I had written. I remember feeling a nudge from God to contact her but I also felt uncomfortable. It seemed inconsiderate from my point of view. I did not want to trouble her when she was sick. She was resting after having been in the hospital for two weeks, and read through the whole thing! And then she wrote a short endorsement! I had no idea how much she was suffering at the time, and was profoundly touched by her generous spirit. Less than six hours after I sent the firsts email, she responded with sweet affirming words that I will always treasure. She was just like that! She will be sorely missed. I am so glad we will see each other again!

Posted by Carolyn Raney on August 17, 2021

I miss Kitty too! I loved her joyful smile and her way of finding other third culture kid adults and helping them meet each other (which she did for us several times at Thrive conferences). My husband, Paul, and I got to attend some of the Connexus classes at PazNaz that Jim and Kitty lead. Both of them were so kind to us, so helpful in explaining Life Model concepts we had a hard time understanding, and so good at being examples we wanted to follow. We loved attending Thrive Track 2 and enjoying all the toys Kitty gave out to help us engage with play! She was so good at inspiring fun and laughter! I have a set of dishes (bright green with red speckles) in my house passed along from Kitty when she was downsizing in preparation for their move to Colorado. When I use those plates (which is often) I remember her generous heart, her kindness, the way she created belonging around her, and I thank God that I got to know her!

Posted by Cynthia Jacobsen on August 17, 2021

Kitty lived a life that effectively modeled what excellence is in the human condition: one who lives truth and love in the power and presence of God, so that she changed the atmosphere, character, and lives of the people everywhere she went. Kitty Wilder has earned a position of honor among the greatest human beings I have either read about or have known. I met Kitty Wilder in 2006, was then blessed to be trained by her in THRIVE Track II in 2009. Her passion to help develop, then pass on, the skills of Returning to Joy (and many other skills in the Life Model) changed the course of my life. Being an outspoken, truthful, thoughtful and loving woman, who also loved play, humor, while exuding joy, gave me the gift to release my fears and enter into intimacy with God. In her steadfastness of “being His” I decided to do the work to change my Hell Habits to Heaven Habits, taught well in The Life Model and THRIVE. Immanuel has increased my Great Adventure of heaven on earth, a praise full of The Life Model & THRIVE. Kitty’s commitment to THRIVE was alive and well during the recent Track II training in Holland, MI. In her honor we gathered, reunion for many of us, new to those who blessed us with their open hearts. The lovely surprise of the arrival of several of the Wilder family, blessings of joy shared in suffering well, more tribute to Kathleen. Kitty has gone before us, making way for more. I pray, Lord help us step willingly into her steps, into your dance, following your gracious moves whereby we inspire the return to all you intended for us to be, filled with love for one another with the capacity and skill to live in the fullness of your joy.

Posted by Dominic M on August 16, 2021

I am a part of Youth With A Mission and was in Kona Hawaii in 2014 during the Thrive seminar that Jim and Kitty were running alongside the team of others. I have been impacted in a way that echoes to this day and now into the lives of my wife and children now - though at the time I was just engaged. The Bible says to leave no debt outstanding, and to honour those whom need honouring. I honour Kitty and Jim as well for the incredible work that they believe in and the deep and profound impact that its has in my life and those around me now. My condolences to Jim and his family - and sincerest gratitude for the privilege of being invested in. Dominic Milazzo

Posted by Kerry Merritt on August 15, 2021

Kitty Wilder was special to me because she loved in a way that I had never experienced before. Her genuine love, though I was just meeting her (while dealing with some of my worst character issues), caused me to feel unusually safe. She did not reject me. She called my failures failures. But she gave me believable hope and confidence that with a few adjustments and skills to be learned, the hard road would be worth while taking. She never sugar coated things, but would in essence, hold my hand and bring me comfort in my most difficult season of life. Kitty reflected a God of the Bible likeness even though she was just a fallen human, with her own journey. She wasn't perfect, but her transparency, colorfulness, and uniqueness allowed me to believe again that God does great things, even in people. She had learned something and made it so attractive that I wanted to learn it too. Joy! With each sentence that came out of her mouth, whether praise, humor, or hard to swallow truth, I learned to trust her more and more. I wanted to learn from her, and it seemed that she knew how to draw upon that hunger. I hurt because I won't see her again in this age. I would have liked to hug her again. Laugh a little more with her. Look her in the eyes and receive the light that came through her connection with God. But I know that she now sees, hears, and knows Immanuel in fullness. I continue to run my race, as she did hers with courage from the heart Jesus gave her. Jim and family, you must be so proud of her, yet feeling her absence too deep for words. My prayers are with you. Grace, peace, love and much joy to you. In loving memory of Kitty Wilder.

Posted by pam bryan on August 14, 2021

I sought out Kitty at our 2012 year one Thrive training partly because of her warm smile. I needed to ask her how to go forward in an area where I was stuck. She understood and told me a story. She also gave me an assignment: "Play with your peers". We did. We invited the same couples over every other week just to tell stories, play games and get better acquainted. It was a surprising success in building joy! She asked me about it the next year at Thrive. I believe her "play" nudge gave us the impetus to start our house church the following January. Because of Kitty I will remember to play! Remembering her smile fills me with quiet. 

Posted by Bonnie Prudhomme on August 14, 2021

It was always a privilege to talk to Kitty and Jim in the few events we shared. As they knew our daughter-in-law to be, they participated in our sons wedding. With considerable love and attention, they continued to invest in our children's lives. About Kitty in particular, I'll always remember how she took the time for me at a Thrive IV, now called Family conference. I stopped her with some questions outside one of the large group sessions. Kindly and tenderly she listened and reassured me, with her Life Model wisdom. She demonstrated the relational skills I had only read about. We treasure your touch in our lives, pray for your family, and send our love, Bonnie and Guy Prudhomme

Posted by Simon Birkey on August 14, 2021

  I’m the lucky one.  When Jim and Kitty moved to Pasadena, they set up home a block from mine. I grew up with James and Rami, my best friends (nay, my brothers), to which Kitty was another “mom” to me. The loss here cuts deep. I struggle to think there’s not another hug or smile waiting for me.   As I think back upon the decades I’ve lived, I recognize that the people I meet and the relationships I’ve had, create a constellation upon the firmament of my life. Kitty is part of a very special one for me. She shines brighter than most. A glorious radiant sun (bright yellow!), not far from my father’s. (The constellations take specific animal shapes that will always bring a smile to my face!) I want to convey something here, but words feel impotent. But, I’ll say this- in a crowded room, I could easily ignore everyone and naturally find my way to Kitty. That familiar smile and hug. With her it was never contrived. It was never forced. It was home. As I said, I was the lucky one. Lucky to fall into the gravity of her love. My love to all those who shared in my luck.

Posted by David Brown on August 14, 2021

Kitty ministered to me by being Kitty. If she expressed appreciation, I didn’t have to wonder if it was real. If she wasn’t happy about something I didn’t have to guess at that. Her son, James, wrote a story about the Rose, with her Oak Tree, that shaded and protected the Gardner’s beloved rose. This story was shared at her memorial. That story squeezed my heart and made my eyes leak. I knew Jim was the Gardner’s beloved Oak Tree. As the years went by, with Kitty standing with Jim in the ministry of Thrive, and teaching Thrive principles, I watched the Gardner’s beloved rose, blossom. She blossomed so beautifully, that even acquaintances and strangers got a sample of the attentive care she gave to her children and grandchildren. Kitty’s life is evidence of the truth of Thrive principles, including the power of practicing appreciation, so she could find/see God in the midst of a panic attack on a dangerous icy road on the way to the hospital-again. Including the truth, that wherever we go, Jesus is there. The truth is, he is not always glad for the things that happen, but he is always glad to be with us and share the experience with us. I want to be like Kitty, to so blossom that there is only one room, I haven’t gone into with him, and then to even go there and find his peace in the worst of pains. Kitty and Jim, you are overcomers

Posted by David Brown on August 14, 2021

This is from my wife Carol: When I first saw Kitty and Jim, I thought they seemed so different. He was tall and quiet and she was short and loud. One time we visited and she offered to give me a massage. I was surprised but very pleased and grateful. She brought me joy in the way I most needed. In that same visit, I had a question for Jim. “Since God is outside of time, so can we ask him in the present to apply our prayer to the past, because it’s all the same to him?” Jim, sat up straighter and let his eyes get wide and said, “Well, that got deep fast.” I was already impressed with the kind hearted, deep wisdom of this man and to have him recognize my depth brought me joy in the way I most needed. Jim and Kitty fit together in the way that most matters. They didn’t just have the need to be blessed. They also have the hunger to be a blessing.

Posted by Gary Knight on August 14, 2021

I had only one brief encounter with Kitty when I heard her speak about relational maturity at the Life Model Works family gathering. The one thing I heard Kitty say that struck me like a bolt of lightning was: "We wouldn't be having all the divorces if we had at least adult relational maturity." That one statement has changed my life. I had no idea as to what she was talking about but that sent me on a quest of how I could mature, because I found out that I was an infant and a child relationally. And here I was over 70. And I am now maturing! WOW!! A gentle protector adult, parent, and elder. WOW!!

Posted by Evey DeRoos on August 14, 2021

For someone who for much of my life prefered invisbility and avoided imposing on others, Kitty's remembering me after a Thrive training was a complete surprise. Kitty was careful not to surprise me too much, though --probably protecting me from overwhelm ;) She gently touched my arm at an Annual Gathering and let me know she was glad to see me again. I am so grateful for the wonderful gift of experiencing Kitty as Track II trainer with my daugh
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