Kitty Pryde Rule 34

Kitty Pryde Rule 34


Kitty Pryde Rule 34
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Kitty Pryde (a.k.a. Shadowcat) is a mutant gifted with the ability to become intangible and phase her entire body through solid material. A talented prodigy, she became the poster child of the X-Men; eventually reaching maturation and becoming the team's current leader.


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#3 Edited By John_Feaster
It's best not to think about the failings of writers to keep up with something as basic as character history."
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Kitty Pryde appears in 6140 issues .

She's in her mid-late 20s currently in the comics right? Because I know that the Marvel characters "age" & i was wondering if someone knew her age.
She looks much younger but I'm pleased that she does. It makes sense that there would at least one petite mutant over the age of 18. They're all built like Playboys! I want some variety~
  She SHOULD be about 23 ight now, but it looks as if she's more like 18 or 19. She's old enough to drink in England, but not the states.  You think that's odd, poor Sam Guthre (Cannonball) was 19 when he first appeared in 1983, and 21 today. Meanwhile, Roberto Dacosta (Sunspot) was 13 at the same time in the same comic...and he's also 21. Now THAT'S a confusing timeline ;>)
So marvel needs to give all there characters real world birthdays to remind everyone how old they are.
So marvel needs to give all there characters real world birthdays to remind everyone how old they are.
I'd say she's early 20's. Kurt and Piotr and Bobby are late 20's and most of the other original X-Men are mid 30's. Beast probably 35. Scott and Warren 32 or 33.
she's said to be over 18 but under 21
It's not just me, right... I mean, it IS ridiculous that she's meant to be the same age as a comparative newbie like Pixie.
Comics characters are not meant to have solid ages. Just ball park figures which they seem to stay at throughout the ages. lol Very rarely do we ever see character progression in the terms of age, and when we do it all gets retconned back anyways because the character can no longer associate with the 'younger' crowd. Or whatever BS they use as an excuse.
I also would say that Kitty is in her early 20´s. She wouldn´t be a teacher if she was even younger.
I would say 19, because i think Cannoball is supposed to be 21, and she was younger than the new mutants right?
The thing about comics, you just never have any idea how old characters are. And if they say, the age probably won't change. Because no one wants to watch the characters age and die =)
Kitty had just turned 13 in January 1980. The Marvel comic book universe has a sliding timeline, but it also uses a pretty consistent rule-of-thumb: one year passes there for every three years in the real world. That means that as of 2015, 35 years have passed in the real world, but only 11 (and change) in the marvel universe. That would make Kitty 24 years old as of 2015, and by the January 2016 issues she should be turning, or have just turned, 25.
Kitty had just turned 13 in January 1980. The Marvel comic book universe has a sliding timeline, but it also uses a pretty consistent rule-of-thumb: one year passes there for every three years in the real world. That means that as of 2015, 35 years have passed in the real world, but only 11 (and change) in the marvel universe. That would make Kitty 24 years old as of 2015, and by the January 2016 issues she should be turning, or have just turned, 25.
Could you explain that? I just get confused in this part:
That means that as of 2015, 35 years have passed in the real world, but only 11 (and change) in the marvel universe
It takes 3 real-world years to equal one Marvel universe year. It is now January 2016, so if I do the math: 2016 - 1980 = 36 years have passed in the real world. Divide this by 3 and that means that 36 / 3 = 12 years (or there about) should have passed in the Marvel universe since Kitty turned 13. So she should be turning 25 now.
I should mention that while several Marvel writers have mentioned this rule-of-thumb, there are also some WILD inconsistencies with it. For example, Franklin Richards's age has been ALL OVER the place. But overall, it holds true.
Franklin, BTW, was born in November 1968. That was more than 47 years ago in real-world time. Divide 47 by 3 and that would mean that Franklin is now 15 years old. He will turn 16 in November 2016 when the real-world time since his birth equals 48 years. (That's one hell of a long puberty to go through!)
She was 14 in X-Men vs FC and then she celebrated her 15th in Excalibur. I think that they aged her though much more in Excalibur when other writers took over for Claremont. Funny story. If you ask Google directly, it says 23.
any source for 23? based on only goes up to 21
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For Peter Parker, with the great power and responsibility of being Spider-man also comes a great love life. These are just 15 women he's romanced!
Spider-Man's list of ex-girlfriends is almost as lengthy as his rogues gallery. For a superhero who can barely make it to work at the Daily Bugle on time or have enough money saved up every month to make rent, Peter Parker certainly makes time and spends money (when he's got it) on the ladies -- both in and out of costume. In many ways, Peter Parker's various love affairs, relationships, and flings have helped the character develop in new and interesting ways over the years. In fact, most of Peter's partners are tremendously interesting characters in their own right and have found cross-series appeal in many of Marvel's other comics and in their very own stories.
Much of Peter Parker's life has been defined by true loves lost, unrequited love and the pain of heartache as he consistently sacrifices his own happiness to fight for the greater good, and he often lacks a certain way with the ladies because of his hectic crime-fighting schedule. Despite the trials and sacrifices of Peter's struggles as Spider-Man, he has had some powerful and enduring relationships in his day. Spider-Man's romantic history proves that with great power and responsibility also comes a great love life.
Although Carol Danvers (then still going by the name of Ms. Marvel) and Spider-Man had frequently met as superhero friends, in Ms. Marvel #34 the two of them agreed to go on a date. Well, it was more of a negotiation to maybe go on a date sometime, somewhere. Carol had recently been unable to utilize her powers and Spider-Man arrived on the scene just in time to help her get some much-needed dirt on Norman Osborn from an immortal girl called "The Essential."
During their super date in Ms. Marvel #47, Carol offers to treat the hopelessly and endlessly broke Peter to a fancy upscale meal. He and Carol swap stories of how the Green Goblin wants to kill both of them until their dinner is interrupted by some bad guys wanting to take Carol down. Afterward, Peter and Carol share a couple of delicious chili dogs on a roof overlooking the city.
The deadly mercenary Silver Sablinova a.k.a. Silver Sable first appeared in Amazing Spider-Man #265. At the time, she was less concerned with Spidey's good looks and more concerned with recouping her expenses for her company: Silver Sable International, after Spider-Man's escapades in apprehending the jewel thief known as Black Fox. Sable reveals herself to be the leader of a group formed by her father called the Wild Pack that travels the world taking down war criminals. Sable's father trained her in combat and international espionage after her mother was murdered.
The two often teamed up strictly on a professional level until the "Ends of the Earth" arc of Amazing Spider-Man . The threat posed by Dock Octopus' latest plot to destroy Spider-Man and/or the world caused Sable to reveal her true feelings for him. Although, she then selflessly sacrificed herself for their victory and presumably, for Peter himself.
Jean DeWolff met Spidey in Marvel Team Up #48 where she became one of his staunchest allies and developed romantic feelings for the wall-crawler. Jean even kept a very personal collection of newspaper clippings and photos of Spider-Man (with Black Cat clipped out). In Venom Super Special #1 while Peter was off-world fighting aliens, Jean thought she had finally told Spidey the truth, but her words only fell on deaf ears as Spider-Man's symbiote was masquerading as the real web-head.
Jean's connection to Spider-Man was the healthiest male relationship in her life. Her brother was the criminal, Wraith, under the control of her father in Marvel Team-Up #50 and she was tragically murdered by her former love, the Sin Eater, in Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man #107. Jean was resurrected by the Jackal in 2016's "The Clone Conspiracy" arc only to die once more, this time under more heroic circumstances.
Debra Whitman first met Peter in Amazing Spider-Man #196 while at Empire State University. Deb had come to New York to escape an abusive marriage and began dating Peter. Although most if not all of their dates were interrupted by Peter's obligations as Spider-Man, there were dates, so for Peter that's an improvement. Deb soon felt neglected and was driven into the company of her old friend Biff Rifkin in Amazing Spider-Man #216.
Due to Peter's record-setting terrible boyfriend behavior, Deb suspected that he was Spider-Man. After hearing about her tragic past and in part blaming himself for her recent struggles, Peter decided to reveal his secret identity...only to get laughed at by a now very relieved Deb. The mere sight of Peter actually in a Spider-Man outfit was apparently so ridiculous enough that it convinced Deb he wasn't really Spidey!
With Spider-Man book numbers refreshing faster than Marvel could put them out, Dan Slott introduced Peter Parker's latest girlfriend: Lian Tang, in 2015's The Amazing Spider-Man #1. Lian works for the Shanghai branch of Pete's own Parker Industries and although their company designs tech for Spider-Man, Lian is as clueless as the rest of the employees when it comes to the wall-crawler's secret identity.
Spider-Man learns that Lian had been stealing Parker Industries tech in exchange for medical treatment for her ailing mother, after which he offers to join forces to take down her blackmailers, the Zodiac. Even though she also offered to kill Spidey to get Zodiac off of her back. Spider-Man is a forgive and forget kind of guy if it means beating the bad guys!
In Marvel's Ultimate Comic Universe, Peter breaks up with Mary Jane and he and Kitty Pryde of the X-Men start a rebound relationship. In Ultimate Spider-Man Annual #1, Kitty calls Peter out of the blue for a date and they have a totally awkward teenage conversation on their cordless phones. Remember when the Ultimate Universe was the fresh and modern revamp? Peter then creepily googles Kitty to probably make sure he picked the "hot" X-Man. After one date at the mall, some crime-fighting, and a passionate kiss, he and Kitty start getting serious.
The two's crime-fighting escapades put a strain on their relationship and, when Peter and Mary Jane reconcile, Spidey and Shadowcat call it quits even though deep down Kitty still held Peter close to her heart. In Ultimate Spider-Man #200, Kitty imagined how the two of them could have been happy together as adults after Peter's death in that universe.
Liz Allan was first introduced back at the beginning of it all in Amazing Spider-Man #1 as Flash Thompson's girlfriend. The popular girl next door slowly grew a crush on Peter as revealed in Amazing Spider-Man #13. Liz finally told Peter how she really felt during their high school graduation, but at that point "Puny Parker," as Flash used to call him, was over it.
Liz would then marry Peter's best friend Harry Osborne and the couple had a son together. After Harry's villainy as the new Green Goblin finally killed him in Spectacular Spider-Man #200, Liz grew to hate Spider-Man after Peter revealed his identity during Marvel's infamous "Civil War" arc. After the time-altering events of "Brand New Day," Harry was alive again, but he and Liz were divorced in the new timeline. Recently, Liz's been running a powerful technology company that's swallowed Oscorp and Horizon Labs.
Betty Brant first met Peter Parker while she served as J. Jonah Jameson's secretary at the Daily Bugle. They started their relationship in a pretty old school way -- Betty simply rested her head on Peter's shoulder in the aftermath of an attack by the Vulture. While Pete and Betty hit it off, Spidey and Betty was another story. Betty blamed the wall-crawler for her brother's death at the eight hands of Doc Ock in Amazing Spider-Man #13.
Like many of Spider-Man's loves, Betty's life was a tragic one. She's suffered the pain of losing her husband Ned Leeds, has been embroiled in conflicts with several Hobgoblins, suffered a nervous breakdown, and even joined a cult. Things are looking up for Betty, as she has recently become a reporter for the Daily Bugle and even uncovered the identity of the real (and original) Hobgoblin in Spider-Man: Hobgoblin Lives #3.
Carlie Cooper is a forensic specialist who first appeared in 2008's Amazing Spider-Man # 545. Carlie is a tough as nails and intelligent paragon in Peter's life who became his first serious girlfriend after things ended with Mary Jane following "One More Day." In Amazing Spider-Man #647, it was actually MJ who motivated Peter to pursue Carlie and he promptly smooched Carlie while she was dressed as Black Cat for a costume party.
Their relationship lacked trust as Peter was often away for long periods of time. While Spidey and the Fantastic Four were off fighting the Sinister Six, Carlie almost angrily got a Green Goblin tattoo. She went with a Spidey one in the end, but that bit of ink didn't save things. After "Spider Island," she and Peter broke up. In Amazing Spider-Man #700, Carlie was the only one to know that Doc Ock had stolen Spider-Man's body.
Lawyer and sister to disgraced cop/Green Goblin gang member Vin Gonzales, Michelle met Peter in Amazing Spider-Man #594 when the web-slinger returned from a lengthy inter-dimensional romp with the Fantastic Four. They butted heads until finally connecting when Michelle went as Peter's unofficial date to Aunt May's wedding in Amazing Spider-Man #600.
Things got a little rowdy and Peter and Michelle ended up having a fairly drunken one-night stand that, much to Michelle's chagrin, Peter didn't even remember. Michelle later offered Peter a plate of delicious cookies as a peace offering...but chained the fridge shut, barring Pete's hop
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