Kitty Catherine Diaper

Kitty Catherine Diaper


Kitty Catherine Diaper
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Oct 17, 2018

Let me tell you a most interesting story from my youth. My parents divorced when I was three years old. My mother raised my little brother (then newborn) and I. I was a bed wetter and desperately jealous of the fact that my brother got to be cared for by my mom. I’m not saying that she didn’t love or care for me because, she did. My brother was very young so he, naturally, required more care. To my child-mind, it just didn’t seem fair. I did not wear diapers for bedwetting after I was day trained but I really wanted them so, my mother would give me more attention.
When I was six, my mother had the opportunity to get a much better job but, it meant going out of state for a few days to be interviewed. Mom asked her friend, Catherine (whom I called Miss Kitty, much to the amusement of both ladies) to watch my brother and me. Catherine had four little girls, all around my age; Patty-age 5, Kate-age 6, Sherry-age 8 and Jodi-age 9. I would play with the girls when we visited Catherine. I liked the girls and they thought that my brother and I were simply the most adorable little boys they’d ever seen.
Catherine knew about my bedwetting and wanted to let me wear diapers TO BED. My mother however didn’t want me to get used to it so, she nixed the idea. As soon as I arrived, the girls drug me upstairs to show me where I’d be sleeping. When we got to the guest room, I saw two baby cribs. Catherine had pulled the cribs out of storage so that she had something waterproof for me to sleep on. The second I saw the cribs, I very nearly wet myself right there. I think that the girls could tell that I was excited. They gave me questioning looks but, turned away quickly when I looked at them.
They helped me put my clothes away until Catherine called us for lunch. As we ate lunch, Catherine asked me how I was doing, if I was excited about staying over and, if I would be ok playing with the girls for a few days. It was small talk to ease me into being away from my mother.
After lunch, Catherine took me upstairs, into the guest room and closed the door. She told me that she knew about my bedwetting and my mother nixing the idea of me wearing a diaper to bed. She said that since she didn’t have any other waterproof covers, I would have to sleep in the crib. She looked and me and asked if I was going to fight her. I hesitated for a moment then, gave her a reluctant “no”. I really thought I was pulling one over on her.
The girls and I played some games for a while until, we heard the telephone ring. Catherine sounded upset and entered the living room a moment later. She told us that a very dear friend of hers had fallen from a ladder and couldn’t get back into her apartment for her I.D. and wallet, before the ambulance took her to the hospital. She wanted Catherine to get the items and bring them to her in the hospital. Catherine told us that her friend had no family so she had to help her. She then informed us that her sister, Mattie, would be coming by to watch us while she helped her friend. That was when I saw a look of pure mischief on Jodi’s face. Jodi whispered something to the other girls then told us that we should all go up to her room so we wouldn’t be underfoot. Catherine was glad to get us out of her way until Mattie arrived so, she agreed and we all raced upstairs to Jodi and Sherry’s room. Jodi was the last to arrive, a few minutes later, with a suspicious package, wrapped in a garbage bag, under her arm.
I could hear Catherine running around outside, getting ready to leave and checking on my brother, in the guest room. Jodi asked me if I wanted to play another game and I said yes. It was the best mistake of my life. Sherry and Kate, pinned me to Jodi’s bed while Patty put a pacifier in my mouth. Jodi had changed my brother’s diapers before so she knew exactly how to do it. She pulled my pants off, leaving my socks intact then, went my underwear. A pink diaper was put under me and baby powder was splashed all over. The diaper was pulled up and taped on. It happened before I could put up much of a fight. The girls released me and I sat there, absolutely gob smacked. My mind was racing, trying to process that I had just been diapered in front of and by my friends. I started to cry and Jodi pulled me onto her lap.
“It’s ok. I watched how you look when your brother gets his diaper changed or when you mommy feeds him a bottle. You want to be a baby too, don’t you?” The emotions flowed out of me and I buried my head in Jodi’s shoulder. The other girls came over and hugged me, assuring me that it was alright.
Catherine must have heard my crying and came upstairs. We all heard her footsteps and knew where she was headed. I dived under Jodi’s covers as the bedroom door popped open and Catherine stuck her head in the door, looking a bit upset and nervous.
“What’s going on in here? I distinctly heard crying.” Jodi was quick with a probable and Ironic explanation
“We’re Playing house, mommy. Jamie is the baby and he was pretending to be hungry.” I popped my head out from under the covers, the pacifier still in my mouth
Catherine’s face squished up and she came over, pinched my cheeks (the ones on my face) and told me how adorable I looked. Just then, the doorbell rang. Catherine picked me up, along with the blankets and a look of shock came over her. She didn’t open the blankets to investigate but instead, carried me downstairs. At the door was a large woman with long, green hair and, the same mischievous look on her face that the girls had when they planned this little adventure. Catherine passed me to the woman, Mattie. She explained the situation to her sister but, strangely enough, left out the part of me being six years old. She even went so far as to say that my mom had mistakenly loaded the diaper bag with my brothers diapers and forgotten any of mine. She said that they still had some disposables from when the girls were little and to just use them until she returned.
Now, before I continue, I would like you to understand something. I was never large by any definition of the word. While it is true that I might have passed for an average four year old, there was no way that I could have been mistaken for a toddler. To this day, I wonder if Mattie simply played along and if it was a giant conspiracy to baby me.
The first thing Mattie did, after hugging her sister out the door was, check my diaper. I have to admit, I was nervous. I hadn’t been in diapers for nearly four years and no one, other than my mother, had ever diaper checked me. I started to cry but, Mattie was a baby expert, having babysat all through high school. She put me up against her shoulder and began to pat my back. My emotions were all over the map. I was happy to be babied, terrified that this woman would be angry when she inevitably discovered that I wasn’t a baby, confused about my feelings but, most of all, I was exhausted. As Mattie kept bouncing and patting me, I was lulled to sleep.
When I awoke, I was in the crib and the side was up. I realized immediately that my diaper was soaked but, the crib was dry. It felt so secure and comfortable that, I sat down and began playing with the baby play station, on the cribs bars. I played for some time until my diaper cooled off and I began to notice a growing need. Lunch was going to force itself into the bottom of my diaper, in short order. I was in a panic. I realized that babies poop in their diapers but, I hadn’t messed myself since I was three. I also knew that if I Didn’t poop, Mattie might discover that I was faking being a baby. The more I thought about it, the more my stress built, as did my need. Finally, nature won out and I filled my diaper. I was so upset and scared that, I began bawling. My crying woke up my brother who also, began bawling. Mattie and the girls were in the room seconds later. Jodi went to take care of my brother while Mattie came to console me.
“What have we here? Two stinky baby boys?” Mattie said, looking over to jodi who, nodded. Mattie gave me a pacifier which, in all honesty, made me feel better. She called to Sherry who, laid a plastic-coated mat on the crib mattress. Mattie laid me on the mat and I realized what was going to happen. Mattie was going to change my poopy diaper! I began wriggling, never thinking of calling out that I was not a baby. I then looked at myself. I was wearing a poopy diaper, laying in a baby crib, sucking on a pacifier. I could not deny it to myself any longer, I was a baby and, by my own hand too. If I had fought off the girls when they first babied me or, denied it to Catherine but, I hadn’t. Now, there I was, having my mom’s friend’s sister wipe my poop covered but and slip a baby blue…BABY BLUE??? Catherine had said that they could use the girl’s diapers from when they were little but…girl’s diapers are PINK! How did they get boys diapers?
Sherry must have read my mind and said, “It’s a good thing Mrs. Dunglow could spare some boy diapers, cause the girl ones almost leaked
“Yes indeed. I’m going to have to have a word withy his mommy, if I see her. Forgetting diapers for a baby! What a terrible thing to do to a child and your friend.” Mattie said as she fastened the tapes on my diaper. What happened next shocked me even more. Mattie pulled something from under me and over the front of the diaper. I heard and felt, four snaps. I wasn’t wearing my tee shirt, I was wearing a baby’s ONSIE!
I was still in shock as Mattie picked me up and carried me over to see how Jodi was doing with my brother. Jodie was just finishing with his onsie and Mattie looked over her work.
“Good job sweetie, you’ll make a terrific mommy some day. Let’s hope however, for your mom’s piece of mind that that day is a long way off Now, let’s get some dinner, I’m sure these two little guys are hungry. Mattie carried me into the kitchen where, I saw Two highchairs. Mattie slipped me into one and fastened the tray while Jodi did the same for my brother. We were just about to start the meal when the front door opened. Catherine came in, took one look at us and immediately pulled out her phone. I saw a few flashes of light and Catherine giggling. Mattie stayed for dinner and insisted on feeding me. She also gave me a baby bottle. By the time the bottle was half-way done, I had wet my diaper. Catherine was surprised but, almost fell over when Mattie said,
“Be glad it’s only wet. For crying out loud sis, what did you feed this kid for lunch. His naptime diaper was really stinky.” I buried my face in my hands to hide my shame
“Honestly though, you should really remind his mommy to remember his diapers, the next time you baby-sit. If not for the girl’s old ones and Carol’s donation, we would have been in trouble.” Mattie continued
Stunned, Catherine could only stare at her sister. Finally, she managed to speak.
“You asked Mrs. Dunglow for diapers? Did you tell her who they were for?” Catherine asked, concerned
“I told her you were baby-sitting and needed a couple of boy diapers, around size 6. Why?
I heard this and began crying. I knew Mrs. Dunglow. She was a very nice lady and she often gave us cookies and, she knew me and my brother. My brain put together the pieces and came up with the idea that she would ask mom why she had me in diapers at age 6. I could see my mom blushing then, me getting spanked for not speaking up and telling Mattie that I wasn’t a baby.
Catherine picked me up and tried to console me. I kept telling her that I was sorry. She told me that she would make sure I wasn’t punished for this. Mattie was stunned when I spoke and demanded an explanation. A few minutes later, Catherine had explained everything to Mattie. Mattie looked at me, frowning then, suddenly smiled and took me from Catherine. She held me in a hug and said,
“Six years old? No, I don’t believe it. This little guy can’t be more than three. As far as I’m concerned, I just helped take care of a couple of babies this afternoon. Nothing more.” She looked at me then, passed me back to Catherine.
“I know that sometimes, children are forced to grow up too fast and need some “baby-time”. I remember a certain little girl who loved to play baby when she thought she was alone.” Mattie continued.
Catherine looked shocked and blushed. I really didn’t understand, at the time, what was going on but, I was glad that I wasn’t in trouble. Mattie said her goodbyes and left. Catherine sat me down and talked to me about my wanting to be a baby some times. We finally came to an agreement. Neither one of us would tell my mom about what happened and, whenever she baby-sat my brother and me, she would let me be a baby if I wanted to.
I had several more baby adventures at Miss Kitty’s house, until I was 10 years old and then, Catherine said that she couldn’t do it any more. We still visited and I still stayed over from time to time and, the girls embarrassed me on occasion with tales of my baby-time visits but, never in public. I have remained friends with the girls and we talk from time to time. Jodi and I have even begun dating (I’m 15 now and she’s 18). She says that if I want too, when she get’s her own place, she’ll “baby-sit” me whenever I want to.

I’m a very happy baby boy



Adult Baby Little

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