Kiss X Sis Ova 3

Kiss X Sis Ova 3


Kiss X Sis Ova 3


Content Warning

Explicit Sex,


Mature Themes

Although they are not related by blood, Keita finds himself the object of his feisty twin-sisters Ako and Riko’s affections. Using extremely creative ways to wake him in the morning, the girls kiss, caress and grope their way into Kei-chan’s bed in the hope of becoming his bride. Forbidden sibling love even spreads to the school classroom, and as the rivalry between Ako and Riko intensifies, will they stop at nothing to win their brother’s unwilling heart? But how far is too far, and can Keita say no to two beautiful young girls throwing themselves at him forever?

It's not an easy challenge to pull off incest as a form of comedy styling. This is what actually kept me away from the anime Kissxsis in the first place. My friend reassured me that this anime was superb and she wasn't kidding. So lets dive in.
Keita Suminoe is an average high school student that grew up with two girls that he shared affection for due to his child like innocence. Much to their surprise their families married each other and these two girls became Keita's sisters. The two girls (Ako Suminoe and Riko Suminoe) are far from reserved when it comes to their feelings; especially when compared to Keita himself. But should keita indulge in his desires for his new stepsisters?
See what's wrong? It's pretty stupid, but was it really supposed to be taken seriously? Bear in mind this is a comedy and this is not the main focus. What gives the story a bonus is the fact that it's pretty original and probably not been attempted before. 
The animation of a comedy is in my opinion key to creating a funny anime by simply how far in eccentricity it will go without making you question your sanity. In Kissxsis it knows where to draw the line and to deliver it well. It's used well to show the impulsiveness of the two twins Ako and Riko but to also Keita and how bewildered he becomes when exposed to any suggestive behaviour
The theme song is changed between two different ones as the series progresses; they are good songs but they aren't anything really spectacular. The music during the anime itself plays an important role in any kinky behaviour approaching. The same saxophone song occurs doing any perverted act. 
Another surreal expression from "KEI-CHAN!"
This is the higlight of the whole anime. Whilst Keita can be a little boring and lacks any depth at times. His sisters are unique to each other despite sharing an obession for their younger brother. You would expect the parents to help keita's case but the father of the year ritually tells them to fool around whenever possible and the way his animation is done makes him the funniest character in the series in my opinion. His teacher Yuzuki is also very eccentric and is always trying to intervene in this sistuation which she (and many of the audience) believes is morally wrong. Keita's sexually explicit friends also get a few laughs from their interogations with Keita and what he does to his step-sisters
Rarely has wincest ever been so funny with surreal situations and even more surreal animation style at some parts. My main critisism is that the comedy starts to decline towards more recent releases. There is a reason for this but it would somewhat spoil the anime for any newcomers. But if you want cuteness and boobs this show has plenty of it to go around with no need for any tentacles. Watch the TV series before the OVA to earn a better understanding of what is going on but it's sure to make you giggle more than once.
If you liked this try: High School DxD (Specials)
(I do not watch as much anime as many of you but if you have any feedback at all I would appreciate it greatly :D)
okay this has to be like one of my al time favorites. If you are looking for a really happy and funny ecchi this is your anime to watch.The two sisters who are constantly trying to hit on thier brother make the anime super funny. Besides great humor ist also really ecchi, not the sensuraded kind of stuf, and they bring the brother complex issue so not awkward that this serrie is even watchable for everyone :DAlso youre gonna love the twins 'couse they are so kawaii and happy, you cant hate them. also the Animation is really nice to watch. So this serrie really is a must see.
Based off memory. Also, spoilers. (Mature language)
Kiss x Sis. The famous, not-blood incest anime. The famous not-blood incest with loli anime. The famous, add a girl that once peed on him and a teacher-anime. Yes. If you have never seen this show, welcome to the Hentai Club, amirite?
Anyways. Here we have Keita Suminoe, who is being harassed into choosing and pretty much downright fucking his two sisters, who are not related by blood, Ako and Riko. This is the OVA version of said anime, with only 12 episodes, that spanned over 7 years. The TV version wasn't made until 2010, so if you're looking to actually get a chronolgical order, go watch that, and then this. The story for this OVA series were just episodes that contained one little story of Keita's life, invlolving all the damned harem characters and more.
Animation overall was good. I'd also like to point out the Opening sequence. That was very spicy.
Soundtrack was good.
Characters, although lacking in the story as said above, were well done. Keita struggles between being a brother and friend to society or being a guy who likes his sisters. Also, teacher issues, the girl who peed on him, and a loli.
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The series producers decided to move the more "spicy" manga chapters into the OVAs, and because of this, they are chronologically spread between the anime episodes.
What should be a chronologically correct viewing order of the OVAs + anime episodes?
After rereading and rewatching it, I conclude that the animators just took a random chapter of the manga and put it on anime anywhere they like, there is no chronological sequence of the anime, you can watch it from the anime randomly and will not lose the plot, unless for the last three episodes.
However, there is some important event that can be sorted chronologically based on manga chapter:
And from here, it only happens in manga and hasn't been told in anime, BEWARE SPOILER
Manga chapter 42 when all the characters go on a trip and manga chapter 67 when Keita starts dating Kiryuu Sensei
Some of the OVA episodes happen before anime, and some chapters in the manga didn't happen at all in anime or OVA.
So, with that being said, this anime doesn't really care about the plot and focus only on the ecchi-almost-hentai theme. You can watch it however you like and just enjoy the show.
Well there's a lot of debate about that. I found that there's 'somewhat' of an order as it follows below, and by the way, that order is how the OVA's and anime's episodes were released as well:
Note that the OVA's list starts with '00'. It isn't a typo, it's how it was released, and is counted as that in the official list of released content of the series overall. This list is for BD released / translated content.
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