Kiss Ass Story

Kiss Ass Story


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Author : Anthony X
Publisher : AuthorHouse
Release : 2016-11-09
ISBN : 1524649422
Language : En, Es, Fr & De

This book is his journeya Black Kiss-story thats full of funny, entertaining, and in some cases, heartbreaking stories of his years as a die-hard Kiss fan committed to the hottest band in the land. Its the voice for everyone who was there and remembers what it was like being a hardcore Kiss fan back in the day, with all the mystery, excitement, anticipation, and mania, but also the rejection, taunting, and funny looks. So get ready to go back to a time before you had a full-time job, responsibilities, commitments, the stress of daily life, and when Kiss was the most important thing in your life. Get ready to relive your magical Kiss years all over again.
Author : Cathy Chadson
Publisher : Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Release : 2017-01-29
ISBN : 9781542824583
Language : En, Es, Fr & De

To release your stress from the big day, sometimes you need to swear. Anyway, to swear in the front of people is not look good. This coloring book is the way to solve the problem and help you feel more relax. Words and Fonts creativity are not just help you release stress but also entertain you in another way. Let's release your big day with this miracle coloring book.
Author : J.R. Rogue
Publisher : Rogue Books
Release : 2018-03-22
ISBN : 0987650XXX
Language : En, Es, Fr & De

My love is poison. His kiss is mine. “The first time he saw me I was shattered glass, and he was a shadow. If I had stayed, he would have just faded away.” It’s strange how easy it is to tell our stories to a stranger’s eyes. The truth about Connor Stratford and I had always been a sad tale. Over ten years of chasing, tears, lies, vows, and leaving. Two people who never loved each other at the same time, but couldn’t let each other go. Now here I was telling our story over drinks midday in an airport bar with my old diary clutched in my hand. Telling some version of our story, anyway. I left him once with no goodbye. Now I was returning home to give him what he needed to move on. “It’s important. It’s what you’re thinking.” I knew what his message meant, sent in the middle of the night after I woke from a fever dream. He was finally ready, and so was I. I just needed to finally give him the kiss he begged for. The one that meant goodbye.
Author : Chris Warner
Publisher : Wagon Publishing
Release : 2020-05-15
ISBN : 0987650XXX
Language : En, Es, Fr & De

A Long Time Coming...The Ulysses Long Story By Ulysses Long with Chris Warner One fleeting moment can derail a life. A youthful mistake that netted him $6.50 ultimately bore a 130-year prison sentence. In 1968, Ulysses Long was 25. An honorably discharged Air Force veteran of three years, he was a free spirit on the streets of New Orleans, hanging out on corners, chasing girls and good times. He was young and extremely naïve. An emotional roller coaster ride, the Ulysses Long Story follows Ulysses from the bustling New Orleans riverfront docks to the perilous prison conditions of Angola State Penitentiary, and finally to Baton Rouge--the viper pit of Louisiana politics. Ulysses maintained a sense of right throughout his time among the brutal social circles of the Angola State Penitentiary. He persevered to freedom through the twisted, bureaucratic manipulations of a racist judicial system during a time when Louisiana was reluctant to make the United States Constitution work for blacks. Ulysses survived his tortuous twenty-year odyssey through uncanny personal strength. Anger at the incredible odds against him would have been understandable. And yet, anger did not fuel his crusade for freedom, nor does bitterness taint his story. Hope is the main character. In time, Long finds faith and friendship in an unlikely knight, LSU Basketball Coach Dale Brown, that leads to his eventual pardon by Louisiana Governor Edwin Edwards. The subject of a forthcoming George Soros Open Society Institute documentary titled, New Orleans Justice (N.O. Justice), the Ulysses Long Story is a fascinating tale of corruption, greed, fear and faith. This is not a scared straight story. It s an honest lesson in personal responsibility, a lasting testament of human faith, and an indelible tribute to the ultimate power of hope.
Author : Dave Thompson
Publisher : Omnibus Press
Release : 2012-06-26
ISBN : 0857127810
Language : En, Es, Fr & De

Alice Cooper is an American rock singer, songwriter and musician whose career spans more than four decades. With a stage show that features guillotines, electric chairs, fake blood, boa constrictors and baby dolls, Cooper has pioneered a grandly theatrical and violent brand of hard rock designed to shock. Drawing from exclusive and unpublished interviews with a variety of names and faces from throughout Alice’s career, the book follows Cooper’s tale from his life growing up as a preacher’s son in Arizona, through the early years of struggle in Phoenix and then Los Angeles, and then onto the rollercoaster ride that has been the years since then. Includes interviews with original bandmates Michael Bruce and the late Glenn Buxton, drummer Neal Smith, the late Frank Zappa, manager Shep Gordon and producer Bob Ezrin. Includes tributes and recollections from many of the artists who call Alice an influence - from the Damned and the Cramps, to White Zombie and Gwar. Session players and songwriters who have made their own contributions to the Alice story recall their days spent with this Prince of Hell-raisers. The result is a story that alternately thrills, shocks, surprises and delights. Includes full discography and bibliography.
Author : Iceberg Slim
Publisher : Canongate Books
Release : 2009-02-05
ISBN : 1847674755
Language : En, Es, Fr & De

In this astonishing account, Iceberg Slim reveals the secret inner world of the pimp, and the smells, sounds, fears and petty triumphs of his world. A legendary figure of the Chicago underworld, this is his story: from defending his mother against the men in their lives to becoming a giant of the streets. A seething tale of brutality, cunning and greed, Pimp is a harrowing portrait of life on the wrong side of the tracks, and a rich warning from a true survivor.
Author : David Surles
Publisher : iUniverse
Release : 2019-09-24
ISBN : 1532080034
Language : En, Es, Fr & De

Abandoned as a baby by her biological mother, Truce Williams is rescued from a dumpster and welcomed into a new family. Her name, inspired by the word truce, represents a treaty of peace between the warring crime family who find her. Despite what society thinks about her newfound kin, Truce is loved and welcomed. She finds support and acts as a link in her community between two major mob organizations. She is raised by strong role models, including her grandfather and mother, both part of the civil rights movement, and her father, head of the Chicago-based black mafia. As Truce grows, she learns lessons definitely not found inside a textbook. Many youth are brought up in harsh situations, and though Truce’s story may be fictional, her journey isn’t far from the truth: there is hope for a brighter tomorrow. Laugh, cry, and cheer as Truce’s tragic start becomes a fantastic future.
Author : Michael Holmes
Publisher : Insomniac Press
Release : 2009-10-05
ISBN : 189741482X
Language : En, Es, Fr & De

Once again proving that no subject matter is beyond his poetic grasp, Michael Holmes now takes on the carnivalesque world of professional wrestling. With humour and bone-cracking language, Parts Unknown bridges the artificial trenches that established cultural endeavours have dug between themselves and their ''lowbrow'' athletic neighbours. These high-flying poems strut to their own music and enter the literary ring ready to rumble.
Author : Rusty Fischer
Publisher : Medallion Media Group
Release : 2014-08-01
ISBN : 1605426504
Language : En, Es, Fr & De

Maddy Swift is just a normal high school girl—until she’s struck by lighting and reanimated as a zombie. Great. Like Barracuda Bay High wasn’t cold-blooded enough already! Navigating the perils of cliques and hot guys was bad enough. Now Maddy has to learn to survive as the undead. She quickly discovers she’s not the only one walking dead in class, and soon she’s thrown into an epic battle surrounding everyone she’s ever loved. Avoiding detection by curious Normals while fighting vengeful Zerkers and equally lethal Sentinels, Maddy discovers life as a zombie is no picnic. Turns out there’s a lot more to it than shuffling around 24/7 growling, “Brains!”
Author : Gideon C Mekwunye
Publisher : Xlibris Corporation
Release : 2014-08-14
ISBN : 1499057040
Language : En, Es, Fr & De

Download Tear Drops book written by Gideon C Mekwunye, available in PDF, EPUB, and Kindle, or read full book online anywhere and anytime. Compatible with any devices.
Author : Brooklyn Darkchild
Publisher :
Release : 2009-09
ISBN : 057803333X
Language : En, Es, Fr & De

The Princess who returns to the mansion is far different from the star who left with Einstein the night before, and Obie finds her "carry on as usual" attitude a bit hard to take. Forced to separate by conflicting career demands, their racial and social class issues ignite. While Obie and Princess ponder how long they can make their relationship work, three deaths in a row push a still-fragile Princess over the edge, and Obie wonders if things will ever be right again.
Author : Lucy B. Williams
Publisher : iUniverse
Release : 2013-10-21
ISBN : 1491708522
Language : En, Es, Fr & De

Drucilla Hallmark does not want to leave the hospital—and Tony Tortomasi—to return to Shady Grove, where rumor has it that she intends to take revenge on all who have hurt her in the past. Despite her wishes to stay, Dru is forced to bid Tony goodbye—but not before he faithfully promises their souls will always be together. Now, despite her professional success, she is again at the mercy of her husband, Richard, who is sadly still a womanizer and a fake—certainly not the man of her dreams. Desperate to see Tony, she manages to snatch fleeting moments with him that are never quite enough to satiate her desires. With the help of her friend, Rex, Dru fights her way through her painful memories with the hope that one day she will be reunited forever with Tony and his young son—the only ones she feels can truly make her happy. In this continuing saga, a woman forced to face her harsh reality must battle her internal demons as she bravely struggles to make her dreams come true.
Author : L. Benoit
Publisher :
Release : 2021-08-21
ISBN : 1304501973
Language : En, Es, Fr & De

Download My Life Story book written by L. Benoit, available in PDF, EPUB, and Kindle, or read full book online anywhere and anytime. Compatible with any devices.
Author : Jenny Lynn
Publisher : Trafford Publishing
Release : 2014-03-25
ISBN : 1490723919
Language : En, Es, Fr & De

This story is based on a true Story of My Life. It is a biography and summary. What you will read about in this book is how I had a rough life. I made it through the struggles. I write this book to be dedicated to my children, Joseph and Kody. So when I get to see them again they will understand.
Author : Sandra Steen
Publisher : Xlibris Corporation
Release : 2009-10-08
ISBN : 1465315756
Language : En, Es, Fr & De

Sandra Steen is a writer born and raised in Los Angeles. She loves music. Her major was business. In her spare time, she went to acting auditions for commercials. She also writes lyrics. She hopes one day to be successful in all that she does. She's a loving person who loves people of all races. She is willing to help others. She's a firm believer that you can do anything you put your mind to; if you have a dream, never let anyone take that from you. Sandra Steen was married twice with two children from the second marriage son Ricky Steen and daughter Tiffany Steen. The first marriage was blessed with three children Karen King, Adrienne Tabin, and Ronnie Tabin, who was lost by violence. He was a good son, and she misses him very much. She hopes to continue writing about life's experiences.
Author : Ernst O. Krause
Publisher : Dorrance Publishing
Release : 2015-05-01
ISBN : 1480908916
Language : En, Es, Fr & De

For many people, stories of life behind the Iron Curtain during the Cold War may now appear as strange curiosities amid the Internet age. Equally for many, though, those “strange curiosities” were harsh, only too real realities of a mode of existence whose daily concern is how to survive yet another day. Ernst O. Krause’s life is one such story. Amid the turmoil of German defeat in World War II and the division of the country into communist and democratic zones of influence, Ernst Krause depicts how the resulting division has affected lives throughout the nation, vividly recounting the loss of social status, modes of living, and the general tragedy among the populace, along with the political apathy that met it across the western zone. Surrounded by the often grim upheavals in his country, Ernst trudges on with his passion to make a life for himself, at the same time chronicling his deep observations for posterity in this, his story. Always, Krause endeavors to follow the advice of his Prussian grandfather: “When you are asked to perform a task, execute it the best way possible. Be doubly careful when no one is watching, because that is the time when most people get sloppy.”
Author : John Dee
Publisher : John O'Keefe
Release : 2011-05-29
ISBN : 1458108813
Language : En, Es, Fr & De

Download Eat the Food Drink the Water and Kiss Your Ass Good bye Travel Guide book written by John Dee, available in PDF, EPUB, and Kindle, or read full book online anywhere and anytime. Compatible with any devices.
Author : John Randall Savoy
Publisher : Lulu Press, Inc
Release : 2017-10-02
ISBN : 1483474941
Language : En, Es, Fr & De

My story is about being abandoned by my mother when I was a young boy of 8 along with 6 siblings and having to live with an alcoholic father and being put in the care of strangers in a strange land.
Author : R.J. Rome
Publisher : Second Chance Press
Release : 2019-05-14
ISBN : 0987650XXX
Language : En, Es, Fr & De

Would you give everything up for Fame? The trials of being a celebrity in Hollywood, yeah, they’re real, just ask Jenna and Mark. FAME is an angsty, second chance romance that floats between the past and the present, following the lives of pop princess Jenna Foster and bad boy Rockstar Mark McGinley, as they travel the lonely road of stardom. The story begins five years after Jenna and Mark’s divorce. Jenna is beyond broken and Mark can’t completely let her go. After a chance meeting brings them back into each others lives, can they put the past behind them? Or, do too many broken promises flood the road to forgiveness. Jenna and Mark’s story is a tumultuous one, about love, loss, addiction and the rise and fall of fame. Mark: It's been five years since Jenna divorced me. She's everywhere in my mind, yet, nowhere in my reality. Still, I wear my wedding band around my neck, reminding myself the magnitude of what I've lost, because when she left, she took everything. I see her down the sidewalk, I promised no contact, but it's fate we're here at the same time. I follow her and take my chances, as I call out to her. She sees me and when she hears her nickname roll off my tongue she runs. I contemplate letting her go. Too much history, too many broken promises flood the road between us, as she crosses the street to get away from me. No. I'm not letting her go this time, not that easy. I grab her and spin her to me. She's gorgeous in a white pant suit, her light brown hair flowing all around her. My mind goes blank and I'm immediately thrown back in time to that night, in 1996, when I saw her for the first time. The night that I pushed her away and made sure she stayed close at the same time. She wanted fame, all I ever wanted was her. This book contains sensitive subjects (addiction, infertility & sexual language). - - - - This book is a standalone with no cliff hangers. Reviews “FAME is a powerful exploration of the ups and downs associated with becoming a world-renowned celebrity. Jenna is a relatable character caught in the throes of passion and Rome keeps the reader guessing whether her true passion is on the stage she performs on or in the arms of her lover…” --Jennifer Charlinski, Author "A beautiful romance and an epic love story!" --Jillian James, Goodreads Reviewer “Fame: A Love Story, is heartbreakingly good! Man does this one pull the heart strings.” --_britneys.romance.library_ “What a heart-wrenching tale of second chances! I felt every emotion along with the characters.”--Jennifer, Goodreads Reviewer “A true book about second chances. The chemistry between Mark and Jenna is undeniably strong no matter what happens with them throughout the years. They fell for each other from the moment they met and even though they had many ups and downs, they always managed to find ways to make it work between them.”--Lorena, Brittany’s Book Blog “A true second chance romance with all the feels, a must read!"--A Reader of books
Author : Mikia Dameron
Publisher :
Release : 2018-04-18
ISBN : 1387754106
Language : En, Es, Fr & De

I'm ready to do a cleanse. No, not the kind that makes you regular or loses weight, but a cleanse of my closet. I have boxes and boxes of heels that were gifts from my husband. So many shoes that I haven't been able to wear them all. Brand names from Jimmy Choo, Michael Kors and Balenciaga to name a few. Yes chile, I can pay a few mortgages with my shoe collection. Why am I trying to get rid of them? Well, it is simple. My heels have a story. Listen up, and you'll see why.
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