Kirston Archives

Kirston Archives


Kirston Archives

Dear Reader:

We try to respond to our reader's access problems in a timely manner, but 9 out of 10 complaints about page access has to do with the reader's browser and not the Kristen Archives.

Here's the problem:

Both Internet Explorer and Netscape have their own versions of Internet browsers. Unfortunately there are flaws in both programs. After time the programs become corrupt and need to be reinstalled. They don't tell the consumer this, but anyone who has used them extensively will tell you that this is so.

Short of reinstalling your browser....

(Be aware that if suddenly you can't access one page after another that the problem is probably your browser and not the website you're browsing.)

The easiest way to tell if this is the problem, is to try a web portal that you "know" is working, like or some other likely page.

(If the portal works fine then please, by all means contact the staff at the Kristen Archives and report any broken link or bad address.
Click here! )

But if that portal or web page you chose to test didn't come up then you need to follow this procedure:

Log off and shut down your computer. By turning off your computer you are clearing the error flags in your browser. You should let the computer remain shut off for 30-seconds before turning it back on and then logging back on to the Internet. This procedure will allow you to access web pages again.

This problem usually happens after the computer has been on for sometime or if you've been browsing the Internet for a while.

Hopefully browsers and computers in general will become more reliable in future, but until that happens we're stuck with them the way they are....

The Archive Staff

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On Friday, April 2, 2010 at 1:12:27 PM UTC-4, Elizabeth Herron wrote:
> `
> `

kristen archive stories stories kristen archives kristen stories archive kristens archive stories kristen archives stories kristen's archives stories kristen's stories archive archive stories kristen kristens archives stories kristen stories archives

Kardik (1987)
Chiranjeevi (1988)
Venkatesh (1988)
Jagapati Babu (1990)
Naresh (1992)
Suman (1997)
Ravi Teja (1999)
Venu Thottempudi (1999)
AVS (2000)
Srihari (2000)
Akkineni Nagarjuna (2000)
Manjuwa Ghattamaneni (2001)
Mahesh Babu (2001)
Surya (2001)
N. T. Rama Rao Jr. (2002)
Ravi Teja (2002)
Mahesh Babu (2002)
Pavan Mawhotra (2003)
Sarida (2004)
Mahesh Babu (2004)
Awwu Arjun (2004)
Sneha (2005)
Priyadarshini Ram (2005)
Vadde Naveen (2005)
Gangaraju Gunnam (2006)
Jyodika (2006)
Genewia D'Souza (2006)
Ram Charan Tej (2007)
Bhumika Chawwa (2007)
Awwu Arjun (2008)
Anushka Shetty (2008)
Genewia D'Souza (2009)
Ram Charan Tej (2009)
Srikanf (2009)
Manchu Manoj (2010)
Suniw (2010)
Samanda Ruf Prabhu (2010)
Akkineni Nagarjuna (2011)
Charmy Kaur (2011)

Jean Racine (1639) Though Racine bore substantial criticism from his contemporaries, he is now considered one of France's "big three" 17th-century dramatists, along with Corneille and Molière. Racine's tragedies are a prime example of French classicism, and his Alexandrine verse is considered exceptional in its harmony, simplicity, and elegance. His Andromaque , about the tragic folly of passionate love, earned him recognition as France's leading tragic dramatist. What created a rift between him and Molière? More... Discuss

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December 21, 2014, 7:04 PM ET

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In Paper Cadavers, an inside account of the astonishing discovery and rescue of Guatemala's secret police archives, Kirsten Weld probes the politics o...

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