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Kinky Tumblr


Kinky Tumblr

Vagabond...Ne'er do well...Insufferable Bastard  

Talk dirty to me  

"And maybe I am not as poetic as I think I am. And maybe I am not as poetic as I wish to be. And maybe my life isn’t as interesting as I like to paint it. And maybe I am not sad but I just want to feel. Feel something, anything. I long for the warmth of the touch of someone I love. And maybe I am running out of maybes. But that is okay because I would rather have maybes than what ifs."

Theme is The Atlantic by Peter Vidani for Tumblr .

Also known as the best writing program ever! It’s a full-screen writing program!
So you open it up, and it looks like this:
You’re thinking, “Ok, so what? It’s a screen with a picture. Whoopdie do.” But it get’s better! It’s customizable!
You can also use custom fonts that you have installed!
If you drag your own music into the folder, like so:
See “typing sounds”? You can change those too!
Perhaps the best is - YOU CAN USE ANY PICTURE FOR THE BACKGROUND. It will automatically fade it for you!
Seriously, guys, this tool is wonderful. You can use it for:
It auto-saves. It exports to .rtf. Hotkeys from Word for italicize, underlining, and bold work. You can print RIGHT FROM THERE.
It fits on a flash drive. The entire thing with added music is maybe 131MBs.
black women with colored hair 😍😍😍
i’m seeing a lot of people reblogging suicide hotlines and this is just a reminder that this is a suicide help line that works like a text-based instant messenger for people who may need to talk to someone but have trouble/are uncomfortable making phone calls
reblogging for all of my anxious lovies xx you can do this
In case you dont understand, when LGBT people say they feel uncomfortable with people posting rainbows over their icons whilst not being supportive of LGBT people in the least this is exactly what they mean
This one… THIS video…….. yo. Everything you need to know about her is right here in these few seconds.
fredricka-douglass-deactivated2 asked: What book are you reading?

NSFW, but not marked as such yet bc Tumblr's shitty / Any minors who even TRY to interact will be BLOCKED / I write kinky shit, as the name implies, but I can't draw to save my life (in other words, art would make me very happy and I'll love you forever) / I might write smut on here, but I'm married, so... yeah.

Here we are, in rant-y, bullet point style!
How've you been? Hope you're still doing alright
My physical health, moving house, and the amount of work my employer wanted me to do took a toll, but I’m a lot better now. Hoping to have some renewed vigour and passion now that I’m in a better place.
Hope you all still enjoy my stuff after such a long break!
What about Kaoru getting really self-conscious when he gains weight at first but then starts to love it when he realizes he looks more different from Hikaru and feels more like an individual so he embraces it...
We stan chubby cuties being confident here, and this boy would own it. Also, he’s just so warm?? And he’s got some sexy curves to work, and fill out his lovely clothes perfectly (or, occasionally, filling them a little to much for the stitching to handle o////o). 
He’d just look and feel so awesome, and be the perfect, fluffy pillow!
Mori as a house husband tho, learning how to cook and spoiling his significant other with lavish homecooked meals, boxed lunches, breakfast in bed...
That boy is stellar husband material! Top tier, perfect, loving man. He’d totally put a good few pounds on his lover from all the pampering, but he thinks it’s cute as anything. He’s definitely one to have the opinion that relationship weight gain is lovely, because it means they’re comfortable with him!
Of course, not to mention being something that just shows off how well he takes care of his SO!
I've been hyped thinking about feedee Kaoru for a long while, like he prefers custom clothes so whenever he sends orders for new sizes, he's already outgrowing them. Or even the realization that he's even more different than Hikaru. It's discomforting at first being seen as the fat twin, but it soon feels freeing in a way when he gains more (heh "gains more" >:3) confidence in himself as an individual (I mean he already sort of has after the twins' arc but y'know)
Honestly, I love this so much?? I’ve been thinking of a chubby Kaoru story for a while now! I’m hopefully going to get around to writing it, but things keep coming up, haha ;-;’
Were you always into Ouran characters with feederism or is this like new-ish to you?
New-ish, I’d say. I’m just kinda exploring here, and I’m glad so many people like my content! I’ve always loved chubby characters (so soft, so cute, great to hug), so this is me completely indulging in my tastes.
Honestly? Not good. My health has somehow gotten worse yet again, so I haven’t really been doing too well. Still, at least I’m on furlow from my job, so I’ll hopefully be able to rest and feel better…
To be honest, I've been thinking of Mori being with Kaoru. with feederism and just in general. Despite having very few interactions it's interesting to think of their dynamic if something like that can be possible
That’s a really cute pairing??? I was thinking of doing some Mori/Kyoya/Kaoru, so I was thinking about those two and possible dynamics, but this is adorable on its own.
TBH, I can see mutual gaining with them, if Mori was cool with it (he loves his exercise and such, but musclechub Mori is just 🥵). Kaoru loves to pamper, Mori loves to pamper, they both gain relationship weight and are really into it 😈
Kaoru would get so big for Mori tho, knowing how much the other man loves it. He’s a little shit, so you know he’s stretching and showing off his tummy, moaning about how full he is but he still wants dessert.
I've been rereading Ouran and I found one moment on Kyoya's day out with Haruhi where he says something like "Be it prince or pig, it doesnt matter what people think of me around here" like damn boi, keep talking like that...
Oof, I love him 😍 That was just an A+ moment, honestly, and he was so cute eating that burger?? His chubby cheeks puffed up, enjoying the food 🥰
This is kind of a rare-pair but what about Renge as a feeder for Kyoya?
Honestly? I think Renge would be such a cute feeder! We all know she loves a soft Kyoya (and he’s certainly softer than he’d admit), so why not physically more plush, while we’re at it.
She likes when Kyoya’s a little more fem, in big hoodies and long socks, but what if those baggy clothes got skin tight? What if he couldn’t even get them over his belly? 🤤
She tries to bake sweets for him, with varying degrees of success, but she’s so enthusiastic and peppy?? Honestly makes Kyoya flush red every time.
They’d be such a cute feeder/feedee couple 🥰

Request by saying the number you want, gender/sexuality, situation of AU or whatever.
Number and gender/sexuality are the two most important. 
You may pick up to 3 numbers. No more than that please. (example: 10, 17, 23)
I’m the only one doing these, so its going to take some time.
Discovering boundaries (making rules ect)
No speaking (only using body language)
Sex game (e.g. first to come loses)
One catches the other Masturbating ★
Opposite sex (e.g. change who gives and receives)
Clubbing (as in night club, unless you’re really kinky)
Pushing boundaries (comfort zone, maybe like a sequel to 2.)
Loud sex/knowing someone can hear ★
Telling each other a kink and doing them
Writing a smut fic to each other and reading it to them
In a really dirty place (like a public toilet)
Explaining their relationship to someone who didn’t know
Inventing a secret sex language to use in public
Calming the others anger (with sex)
Wake up In the middle of the night and have sex (then go back to sleep)
In the dark (with or without torch)
Restrained sex (not necessarily bondage)

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