Kinky Spice

Kinky Spice


Kinky Spice
Vanessa Chalmers , Digital Health Reporter
Vanessa Chalmers , Digital Health Reporter
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EVERYONE has a different tolerance to spice - some can only handle a korma while others go for vindaloo.
A doctor has a theory that this could indicate how kinky individuals are in bed.
Spice generally is known to be helpful for fat burning , the heart and anti-ageing .
It's also long been considered a sex stimulant - but it's not clear if this particular theory has much basis.
Dr Karan Raj , an NHS doctor who has become a TikTok sensation, explained his belief that people who enjoy spicy food may have masochistic tendencies.
Masochism is the enjoyment of pain for sexual gratification.
He doesn't offer specific evidence of his theory, but said it could be to do with pain receptors.
Speaking to his 4.4 million followers, Dr Raj said : “If you like spicy food you might be just a little bit kinky.
“Spicy is not a taste. Your tongue can only taste sweet, salty, bitter, sour and umami. 
“But your tongue can detect pain and temperature.
“Capsaicin, the chemical found in most spicy food, binds to pain receptors in your tongue.
“So if you enjoy spicy food, I guess you could say it's a weird form of benign masochism - you like pain just a bit.”
Capsaicin binds to a special class of vanilloid receptors inside our mouth called VR1 receptors.
VR1 receptors are designed to detect heat to prevent us eating something that it’s too hot to eat.
But, by accident, it also binds to spicy food. This is why eating a spicy meal feels physically hot inside the mouth.
Dr Raj continued in his video, which has emassed more than 1.5 million likes: “In fact, if you eat a lot of spicy foods this desensitises pain receptors, so you keep wanting to get spicier and spicier so you can feel the burn.
“This is truly strange, because capsaicin can desensitise pain receptors, it's actually used to treat some types of chronic pain.”
Capsaicin is found in all sorts of foods used to pick up the heat - chillis, jalapenos and hot peppers.
Although Dr Raj’s theory isn’t proven, spicy food as an indicator of someone’s sexual tendencies is nothing new. 
A survey conducted by OnePoll on behalf of El Yucateco - a Mexican salsa company - found that those who have a preference for hotter spices have twice as much sex as those who don’t. 
Those who loved loading their food with hot sauces had sex approximately 5.3 times per month when compared to 3.2 times per month of those who detested any type of spice.
They also had more of a sense of adventure, enjoying roller coasters, loud music, and driving fast more.
There is some evidence that capsaicin is an aphrodisiac because, by creating the sense of pain on the tongue, it releases an adrenaline-type hormone.
This high could get you more in the mood for sex , it’s theorised.
And watching someone eat a spicy meal is more likely to turn you on than watching them eat sweet treats, psychologists have found.
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Home Couple Time Top Kinky Sex Ideas – Spice it up

Rima Coleman - October 14, 2022 0

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Love is great, but what is love without the exciting and kinky sex ideas in the bedroom? If you happen to be with your partner for a longer time period, chances are that you both already got used to the same old vanilla stuff , and you might want to spice up the atmosphere. However, it is a bit tricky bringing up a kinky idea to your partner, simply because the line between hot and crazy is really thin, and you might end up looking like a weirdo if you fail to present your kinkiness as you should.
Today’s article will be focused on top kinky sex ideas that should spice up the atmosphere in your bedroom again, so if you want to learn more, feel free to continue reading until the end. Here’s what you need to know.
When it comes to bringing up a new idea to your partner, you need to make sure that they are at least a bit interested in it. You can know this by your previous talks or simply by knowing their personality at least just a bit. If you know that your partner has always been the freaky type, mentioning a threesome might not be that scary, however, if they’ve always been shy and didn’t show any interest towards anything that isn’t vanilla, it might be a little shocking for them. So basically, use the current information and knowledge you have about them, and start from there. Now that you know this, let’s take a look at some actual ideas.
The first, most simple but yet very effective idea is to spice it up with some new and kinky clothes. This can be anything from simple lingerie stockings, and even moving up to the more hardcore items such as leather outfits, etc. Although you might think that this is nothing significant, some people really have a thing for kinky outfits during sex, so definitely try it, we guarantee it will work. Check out if you are interested in such items.
The last thing you can do to spice up your sex life would be to have an affair. The idea of adultery will definitely boost your sex drive in your couple. It is also a great way to learn new practices that you can then replicate with your partner. Choose mature women as they have probably a lot of experience in bed. Follow these tips to start dating a mature woman.
Of course, don’t go behind your girlfriends back and start a new relationship with an unknown woman. It is something that you and your partner need to agree on and set boundaries to avoid any confusion and drama.
The plain old vanilla sex life might be a little boring for both of you after a while, so it is probably a good time to spice it up with some toys – click here to learn more. Most of the times people think that toys are something strange and weird, but in reality, a lot of people use them, and you will be surprised how many of them own a couple. Toys can be anything ranging from simple vibrators and all the way to the more interesting stuff, so it is up to you what you’ll choose.
Spicing up the sex life doesn’t always have to be about purchasing new items or about items at all. Maybe your partner wants to try public sex or something like that, or simply new positions at new spots in your house. Anything that’s new and hasn’t been done before should be exciting enough to brighten up the atmosphere, just make sure that you stay safe and not get arrested if you decide to do it somewhere in the open.

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Navee Sangvitoon / EyeEm Getty Images
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Rhalou Allerhand
Rhalou is a Digital Editor specialising in health and wellness across Hearst’s titles, covering everything from sexual health to parenting.

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The beginner’s guide to kinky sex, from role play to bondage and beyond.
If you've ever picked up a copy of Fifty Shades of Grey or accidentally wondered into your local Ann Summers store, you might have a vague understanding of what kinky sex entails. But while we can't knock EL James for bringing kink into the public consciousness, the stereotypes depicted in popular culture are often way off the mark.
Kinky sex is a way of experimenting with boundaries in the bedroom which sometimes involves a good spanking, but it also comes with emotional, physical and even spiritual benefits that could improve your relationships and transform your self-esteem. All that from a bit of slap and tickle? Bear with us...
We spoke to Bodyworker and Sex & Intimacy Coach Libby Sheppard, gynaecologist and co-founder of Hanx Sarah Welsh, and sex and dating expert at The Stag Company Clarissa Bloom, about the pros and cons of exploring kinky sex, plus we share 26 expert tips for beginners on how to enjoy a positive, safe and sexy kink experience:
Sexual attitudes have changed and so has society’s perceptions of what is considered risqué in the bedroom. These days kinky sex is best described as anything unconventional – that is to say, outside of kissing, vaginal penetration, masturbation and oral sex. But what one person may view as kinky, another might consider vanilla love-making, so it's not an exact science. 'Kinky sex can mean different things to different people and plays out along a broad spectrum,' says Sheppard. 'But it is basically any sexual act that utilises aspects of fantasy, role play or polarity/power dynamics and isn’t limited to penis-in-vagina sex.'
What one person may view as kinky, another might consider vanilla love-making, so it's not an exact science.
The truth is you can set your own kinky parameters. So if you and your partner enjoy experimenting in ways that feel wild and sexy and outlandish to you, then that defines your kink. 'Kinky sex involves something that you enjoy adding to your experience,' says Sheppard. 'Examples of kinky sex might be: acting out sexual fantasies , using toys like butt plugs, floggers or pussy pumps, using restraints or bondage or involving extra people - threesomes, or group sex.'
Attitudes are changing, but stepping outside the boundaries of sexual norms still often comes with a side serving of judgement and may be considered taboo. ‘We recently conducted a survey exploring fantasy with over 600 responses, and unsurprisingly, kink and its many aspects came up again and again,’ says Welsh. ‘It’s not as underground, weird or unusual as some perceive it to be.’
The most common misconception is that kinky sex exclusively involves being trussed up in a gimp suit and spanked into submission.
The most common misconception is that kinky sex exclusively involves being trussed up in a gimp suit and spanked into submission. While this certainly does happen, there is more to kink than BDSM.
There’s also a false perception that the person in the dominant role (AKA the Dom) is the one in control and calling the shots, when often it’s the reverse. ‘Most of the time, the person playing the Dom is performing this act to please their partner whose kink is to be submissive,’ says Bloom.
Sexual gratification aside, kinky sex can benefit your mental health, your self-confidence and even your stress levels. A study from Northern Illinois University found that couples who engaged in positive, consensual sadomasochistic activity had lower cortisol levels – the stress hormone – and reported increased feelings of intimacy.
Understanding what you find arousing is important, as your sexual wellness is an essential element of your wellbeing.
Exploring kink is also technically an act of self-care, explains Welsh. ‘Taking ownership of your pleasure and understanding what you find arousing is really important, as your sexual wellness is an essential element of your overall wellbeing,’ she says.
There’s also the social aspect to consider. Meeting others with similar fantasies in the kink community and finding your 'tribe' can be hugely validating. ‘Being able to talk openly about what turns you on without fear of judgement is an amazing experience and the kink lifestyle has a huge community aspect,’ says Bloom. ‘From local meet-ups to regular events, there are often things going on in each town across the UK.’
Everyone has different limits and boundaries, and it’s important to respect that. Follow our 6 tips to make sure kinky sex is a safe, positive experience for everyone involved:
Keen to give kink a try? The key to exploring your kinky side starts with open, honest communication and fun! So sit down and talk about what turns you on with your other half before you get started. Discussing your sexual desires with a trusted partner can also serve as foreplay and be seriously steamy. So talk about it, plan what you hope to explore together and enjoy the ride! As long as you're all consenting adults, anything goes and the world is your rubber lobster:
Depriving any one of the sensations associated with sexual pleasure can sharpen the rest, so something as simple as switching off the lights can be remarkably erotic. ' Removing one sense can be a simple and safe way to begin with kinky sex,' says Sheppard. 'Try blindfolding your partner or using sound-muffling headphones.'
Restraint can be a part of power play or sensory deprivation, so it adds to feelings of complete submission. It can also be tantalising if you're tied up and unable to resist the tickle of a feather or the sting of an ice cube.
There are a million different ways to restrict someone’s movement. 'Don’t go straight for ropes or silk ties, they can be fiddly to undo quickly and you risk tying them too tight,' advises Sheppard. 'Soft leather handcuffs are a comfortable, pleasurable alternative.' Using shibari rope or bondage tape are also popular ways to experiment with bondage.
If you've ever found yourself on the brink of orgasm but you've managed to hold back for a moment, you will know how tantalising orgasm denial can be. Known as edging, hovering over the precipice of sexual pleasure can prolong the party and make the eventual reward even more intense. Sex toys can really add to this, as you can control your lovers orgasm by simply switching off every time they get close to the edge. Reading up on tantric sex can also help brush up your delayed orgasm skills.
Role play includes everything from fantasy pillow talk to fancy dress. If you're shy and the idea of acting out your sexual fantasies feels rather awkward, role play might surprise you. By adopting a different persona in the bedroom, fans of role play often find it easier to explore sexual situations they might not otherwise feel comfortable with. Popular role play scenarios often involve power play such as boss and secretary, but this is your sexual fantasy so if pretending to be two ponies in a meadow gets you off, don't hold back. Provided you've agreed in advance, role play can bring you closer to your partner and help you live out your wildest dreams - so ride that pony!
Group sex is the epitome of kink and most of us have fantasised about inviting additional people into the bedroom for a threesome or an orgy. However, with relationship hang-ups and safety measures to consider, group sex with friends does not always translate that well into real life. The easiest way to dip your toe in the multiples pond is to invite a stranger to join you (easily done via most dating apps now) or attend a sex party to see how it feels first. We hear Killing Kittens is a great place to start.
Swinging differs from group sex, as it refers to the practice of swapping partners rather than a fleshy free for all. While it's easy to draw parallels between adultery and swinging, provided it's between consenting adults and everyone's having a jolly good time, what's not to enjoy? Thanks to the communication and trust that comes with swinging, swing fans report enhanced intimacy and devotion in their relationships, so throw your keys onto the coffee table and get stuck in.
Something as simple as mutual masturbation with your lover can be surprisingly kinky. Try sitting opposite each other on the bed but only touching yourself and see how things pan out. Watching your lover while pleasuring yourself can be incredibly sexy, increase shared intimacy and feels like a private sex show. Add sex toys into the mix for guaranteed orgasmic bliss.
If you've never watched porn or it's a hobby you usually enjoy alone, you are in for a treat. All those oily naked bodies you see writhing around on screen? Watch porn together and you can replicate it with real live flesh! It's also useful for tips and suggestions for sexual positions and role play games. The catch: watching too much porn may lead to unrealistic expectations about genital size, hairlessness and staying power.
Technology has come on leaps and bounds and these days everyone and their dog can press record on their smartphone and make a sexy video. However, don't be disappointed if your sex tape doesn't turn out like the porn films. Find an area in your home with good lighting, wear your sexiest outfit and don't be afraid to delete it if you're not keen on the finished product. And do not invite your dog.
Sex with strangers can be seriously kinky but also comes with its fair share of risks so proceed with caution. Most dating apps come with casual hook up functionality these days, but if this doesn't appeal you can create the idea of stranger sex without putting yourself at risk. Sign up to a webcam, join Chatroulette to indulge in virtual sex with people you don't know or simply use your imagination.
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