Kinky Love Story

Kinky Love Story


Kinky Love Story

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Saddle up, it's gonna be a rough ride from here on.
"I'm into restraints and bondage . The feeling of not being able to move or fight against what is being done to me really turns me on. A fantasy of mine is to be completely tied up and be given orgasms nonstop ."
"I'm poly and have a few different kink styles that I really enjoy with various partners ( impact play, primal biting/clawing, a bit of a bimbo fetish at times , etc.). One thing that has really been doing it for me lately has been a form of erotic hypnosis . My partner puts me in a light trance and 'programs' me to focus exclusively on getting my pleasure from serving him."
"Bondage and being tied up really turns me on. A recurring sex fantasy is being locked into one of these in a frat house living room , while the hot frat guys take turns using my holes."
"I really enjoy breath play (choking), pain play (spanking, flogging, etc.), I love bondage, blindfolds, and gags . I also get off on the thought of people watching me but I have never gotten to play with this fantasy outside of my mind. More than anything though I love pleasuring my partner(s) so I am up to try almost anything and everything."
"Not necessarily DD/lg but just a daddy kink . Also being choked, spanked, and having my hair pulled ."
"I've been having sex with the same man for 23 years, so we most definitely experiment to keep those home fires burning bright. More recently, we've dabbled in choking and bondage . I don't know if it's a 'power' thing, but I've never experienced orgasms the way I do when his hands are around my throat and he's calling me his 'little whore'. It's indescribable!"
"I'm into polyandry , as in one woman and two men . Preferably all three in a relationship together."
"I'm really into moderate BDSM , meaning DD/lg, spanking (paddle, belt, hands, and flogger) nipple clamps, choking, being slapped, bondage, gags , etc. I'm also a submissive."
"My boyfriend and I have handcuffs, bed and door restraints, hog ties, a variety of gags and blindfolds, whips, and paddles . We also have dildos, strap-ons, and vibrators . We enjoy using food during sex but not so often as it tends to be a little harder to clear up after! We change between submissive and dominant roles regularly. As much kink as we have, we still love vanilla sex in our relationship."
"Personally for me I like a Dom/sub relationship in the bedroom, preferably with someone else who is a switch so we can both take turns. Along with this is spanking, and bondage , as well as some role-play occasionally. Oh yeah, and wax play if we both feel up to it."
" Feet definitely, watersports if i'm in the mood, and spit too."
"I am a sucker for being flogged with wide-fall heavy hide floggers. Crops are fun, and restraints too, or being restrained (held down by my jaw, or face down with a hand on the base of my neck)."
"I'm really into sadism and masochism in a severely rough sex kind of way. I also enjoy being tied up and engaging in certain types of role-play . It took me a long time to come to terms with my kinks, but I'm glad I'm finally able to open up about them."
Note: submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

My Wildest Sexual Experience: "One Very Hot Road Trip..."
Today, a brave reader tells us her story of a very sexy road trip with her husband...
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Today, a brave reader tells us her story of a very sexy road trip with her husband...
My husband and I were driving back from a Saturday night dinner. The drive would take 20 minutes, I knew. He was sober, but I had had a very stiff cocktail and was feeling no pain . So as we drove along the empty road under the stars, I started to get...a little frisky.
As he drove, I reached down and started, well, massaging his thighs. And then more than his thighs. He was laughing but obviously was really into it. Finally, I unbuttoned his pants, leaned over and gave him a full-on blow job. While he was driving. He looked like his eyes were going to pop out of his head. It felt like we were in a movie. I was like, I am a sexual rock star!
We made it home safely (thank God! what was I thinking?!) but as we pulled into the garage, my husband was so turned on that he couldn't wait for us to walk upstairs to the bedroom. He unbuckled his seat belt and pulled me into the backseat, where we had sex then and there. It was fantastic, cramped, sweaty, like-we-were-teenagers sex. The funniest part? We have a tiny Honda Accord!
Wow! What do you readers think? Have you ever had a sexy driving experience? When I was in high school, we used to go parking! So old-school. :)
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Many of us have had some wild sexual experiences.
However it happened, having consensual sex – no matter how kinky – is nothing to be ashamed of.
We all like to try new things – some of us more than others – and often we’re left with memories we tend to keep to ourselves.
But 16 men decided it was time to share their stories with They told us about the most out-there things they’ve ever done in the bedroom – and outside of it.
‘I had my wife and friend buttf*** me with a hairbrush. And once inserted my wife’s big vibrator in me.’
‘Went to a Naturist Spa in Kentish Town and banged a 47 year old in a steam room. I’ve also been in a gangbang.’
‘For most of my adult life I have found that when I am in a relationship for quite a while then I become fixated on the idea of sharing my partner with other men.
‘I’ve had partners just shut that down and say its not their thing (I’d never try to be pushy about this kind of thing) and others who’d be up for dabbling. With my wife, as we have been together for 10 years, it has been something that is “there” for ages.
‘She has always been keen on the idea but sensibly wary about damaging a relationship. In the beginning it was “this is just a fantasy, we shouldn’t risk it”.
‘Over the years that evolved towards dipping our toes in to the water, so to speak, and eventually to the point where she was as keen as me to try. We have done it with a handful of different people and she has also been with someone while I’m not present.’
‘I had sex in the parking garage at my place of work. It was the risk of getting caught that made it amazing.’
‘Most extreme thing I did was take GHB and let my ex and her mate strap-on me while we were all off our faces and drunk.’
‘Weirdest sex I’ve had was with a woman who was 41 when I was 19 in a field. Did loads of oral and different positions. Didn’t plan it.’
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‘My ex decided she wanted a four-way, promised me it was other women, and that all would be a surprise.
‘I had to turn up at her house, and go straight to the bedroom, where she came in and locked the door.
‘Tied me to the bed and blindfolded me. I had to remain blindfolded until they removed it.
‘I was completely at their disposal, was pegged and peed on, used in every way.
‘Took the blindfold off midway to see that the other two women were her cousin and her best friend. I was then untied and allowed to continue on into a dominant role.
‘Genuinely the strangest evening, night and morning I have ever had.’
‘Craziest thing ever was tearing my foreskin during sexual intercourse and not knowing which of us was bleeding after climax as the pleasure masked the pain for about 10 seconds.
‘Had to go to hospital for surgery. How embarrassing.’
‘Well, I was at University in Leicester and was seeing a girl, who I’ll call Sally, who was, like me, studying Maths.
‘We had a shared sense of adventure and lived to live life on the edge. Having tried sex in (among other places) rooms in the Holiday Inn which we weren’t staying at, the library at the University and many more, we had spent the day in London.
‘Being poor students we had hitchhiked down there and back. On the way back, Sally started becoming, shall we say, amorous, in the back of the car that had kindly given us a lift.
‘The couple in the front were completely unaware of anything that we were doing in the back of their car and, when we approached Leicester, the guy driving just pulled over onto the hard shoulder instead of of leaving the motorway.
‘We jumped out and passion got the better of us so we had the most incredible sex right there on the grass bank next to the M1. It was early evening the sun was setting, but still light enough for a lot of cars to toot their horns to let us know they’d seen us!’
‘In a tent… my ex and I were wild camping and obviously decided to have some fun, I don’t know if it was the risk of being “outdoors” but we were definitely a bit louder and friskier.
‘We were interrupted by a torch shining on the tent. It turns out we woke a small village just outside the forest. The guy said he thought someone was being attacked.’
‘Craziest sex ever was in the back seat of my car while on the train through the channel tunnel.
‘My wife and I had driven for about six hours before getting there and she’d been teasing me by saying things she knew would turn me on and by rubbing my penis.
‘By the time we got there I was ready to explode. We climbed into the back and I lasted less than a minute.’
‘I’d been injured and was kept in the medical centre for observation for 48 hours. I connected with a nurse, who was a commissioned officer, Captain, and I was a JNCO, Corporal.
‘So any relationship was a military crime on two levels, she was an officer, I wasn’t. She was a nurse and I a patient.
‘We’d had some heavy petting my last night in the medical centre but it was too risky to go further as the Doc and the medics slept in there.
‘We made a plan to do it covertly elsewhere. We arranged to meet near the phones and then make our way to one of the Warrior armoured fighting vehicles.
‘It was January and got dark very early.
‘We snuck into my Warrior and disabled the power so the hydraulic door wouldn’t open. As we were having sex, which was amazing, the camp came under attack from both mortar and 107mm rockets.
‘The vehicles being a very safe place to be we kept going. With the sound of alarms and explosions we continued to go at it as though the world were about to end.
‘All of my wild sex escapades were in the midst of my disease and not with my wife. For me, it all centred around being pursued and pursuing others, it was never about the sex itself.
‘I was with men, women, men and women at the same time, with cross-dressers, and have cross dressed myself.
‘I’m not proud of these experiences, some were good and fun, some I put myself into danger, and all in all I carry a lot of shame.
‘The worst of it all, through my actions, I put my wife’s health in jeopardy with my affairs.
‘To my knowledge, she is completely unaware. Today, I am living my amends to her by being faithful and placing my sex life on to a spiritual plane.
‘I know if I let myself succumb to my own desires, I get pulled into a spiralling circling of thoughts and actions that led me to make decisions that placed my wife’s health and my health in danger.
‘Thank goodness I was fortunate and never picked up an infection or was raped or murdered.’
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‘I hooked up with a guy and we went to the park after opening hours. I was f***ing him in the trees when we realised there were loads of men in the bushes watching us.’
‘When I first got with my partner we were at it all of the time, trying new moves and weren’t afraid of anything!
‘One day I decided to turn her around 180° while still on top of me, and we both just heard SNAP, she got off me straight away because we both knew something was definitely not right, and sitting at the end of my dick was blood coming out.
‘Luckily it stopped fairly quickly, but I still got a paramedic to take a look – which must’ve been the most embarrassing moment of my life.
‘For a few weeks afterwards my willy was clearly bent sideways from around the middle of it, but thankfully it went back to normal soon afterwards…’
Stories have been edited for length and clarity. 
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