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I think my husband is too kinky for my vanilla tastes!!!





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Well, you need to tell yourself that this isn't your problem and it's nothing you've done. It's your husband's problem and I think you've just reached an impasse in your relationship. Your sex lives are no longer compatible. He no longer can get excited having "vanilla" sex and you can't fix him. He's not gay or transgendered. He has a fetish, and if you don't want to break up with him, you may need to let him find a fetishist to let him fulfill his sexual fantasies. But you know your other options. I would say you're probably headed for a divorce since he's making you so unhappy. You may want to start planning for that eventual end.

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He is wearing women's cloths? RUN!!!!!!

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Stop babying him. Stop doing things you "find disgusting" then being upset and throwing up. Never do sexual things that are a turn off, humiliating or completely unacceptable to you. Learn to compromise. You are ruining your marriage by being a doormat to the point of your disgust, resentment and almost bizarre babying and mother him.

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My husband let me know this fairly early in our relationship. On average we probably only do it 2 times a month. I try every day to be a good wife, and do things I think a good wife should do.

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Yes definitely, I agree, however OP said that's not an option she will consider.

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Dramatically , October 14, 2018 in Sex and Romance

My husband and I have been married for 2 years and dating for 6 before that. So 8 years total. He is the love of my life and my best friend. I would be so lost without him. However....our sex a complete disaster right now, and I feel like I have single handedly destroyed it and he doesn't even know it. And it's over what we each like in bed....which what I like is pure vanilla sex. I mean...I'm fine putting on a sexy costume, or some mildly kinky things. I am adventurous. My everything my husband is turned on by, I am so horribly turned off by that I just want to get it over with as soon as possible....and I feel so guilty because I know he likes it. He is very into me dominating him, and feminization. He likes when I put him in clothes, and ladies lingerie, when I do his makeup....he recently bought a wig with long hair...

When he first told me what he liked, I was a little wierded out, but still very accepting of him. He is so insecure about himself that I try to build his confidence. I always tell him he's attractive, sexy, and so on. And with his kinks I always try to be supportive and buy him panties and bras I think he might like. this continues and get more and more involved...(first it started with just wearing my panties, which I thought was kinda hot until he started wearing my sets and dresses, then makeup, then pegging, then the last time he added the wig) I just....get more and more uncomfortable....and the bigger downside is we haven't really found an in-between that works for us...because everything I need, bores him and turns him off. The last time we had vanilla sex that I enjoy, he couldn't keep it up....and I feel like I am trying so hard to find a place to compromise but he just feels like something is wrong with him....but for me.....I just....I just can't. I don't enjoy him in a dress, calling him a sissy when he's in me....and as of right now it's been almost 3 weeks since the last time we had sex. Finally this past Tuesday he asked if we could do it when I got home from work. I was so ecstatic I said yes right away and was filled with such Joy over the fact he wanted me. Until he started texting me all the things he was looking forward to and asking me to stop at a sex shop on the way home to grab some toys....and then I just lost it.....and spent most of my day crying in the office bathroom. Because as he was telling me what he wanted I got less and less excited and just...broke. I will also say the last 3 months have been very emotionally and physically stressful on both of us, between trying to work on the sex aspect of our marriage and being open, but not hurtful (which was pretty inevitable when we both told each other what we like doesn't turn the other one on at all) and on top of that he has a very stressful job that has really taken a toll on his confidence.... probably also compared to the fact that he doesn't think he's a good he's been so depressed combat that I have gone is positive overmode to try and cheer him up. I am a good wife and take every chance I can to show him how much I love him. I write him letters. I do his laundry. I tell him sweet things I love about him throughout the day. And the last 3 months that I have really kicked it up a notch and I feel like I am giving and giving and giving so much of myself to make him happy....and for 3 weeks we've gone without sex while I plead with him to do something. ...and he finally asks. But it just requires me to give more. And I just broke. And I realized....I support his kinks and fantasies so he feels better about himself. But really...I just want to be done as soon as we start because it just disgusts me. When I picture myself intimate with my husband....I don't want to grab onto his wig....or pull up his skirt....I don't want to run my hands over his chest (that I find so sexy and such a turn on) and get stopped by the bra he wanted to wear.....ive been so torn with how I feel that I am actually sick....physocally sick....tonight we cuddled for the first time in days....and I suggested tomorrow we try doing it. And he said he would love to, he's thought of me all week. It put such a smile on my face to hear he wanted me. That he wanted to touch me. That he wanted to please me. Then he whispered in my ear "I want you inside me" ....when he fell asleep I couldn't stop crying because that is the last thing I want to hear....I felt....feel so ....used? Uncherished? Taken for granted? And of course....disgusted.....I feel like a failure as his wife because I feel this way.....I feel lost...I feel so alone. I have tried for the last week to scour the internet for something, anything to try to fix this....and I haven't found anything that wasn't love his kinks, introduce a third person so he can enjoy what he likes without me, or divorce....I feel like none of these are options. Especially divorce or a third person. Those two outcomes I think are part of what are making me physically sick. Even now as I type I have to keep going to the bathroom and probably won't get any sleep I am so sick to my stomach. But I found an article where a wife described a very similar situation as what I'm in...and all her feelings are what I feel. She was supportive...and with each piece of women's clothing or toys...she would make him happy and hate herself a little more....I love my husband. I love him so much. I just....I just don't know how to move forward from how I feel, improve our sex life and not crush him.....I just don't know what to do.

If you read all this, thank you because I honestly don't know what to do.
When did the fetish obsession start? I presume the sex was normal before you were married? How often did you have sex before you were married and how often do you have normal sex now? Also you have to decide whether this is a fetish that is escalating or a fetish that he could potentially get burned out on. Also you can try directing him to other fetishes that he might potentially enjoy more that you are also receptive to. At this point it sounds like you have nowhere to go in your sex life except up. It can only get better from here but you need to communicate what you are feeling to him. You need to let him know that you are turned on and feel satisfied when he penetrates you, not the other way around.

I think this is a "we'll cross that bridge when we come to it" type of situation. Don't get yourself thinking multiple steps ahead. First you need to establish communication with your husband and let him know that this is serious and that you are emotionally struggling because of his fetishes and that while you want to support him and serve him, you feel you are destroying yourself in the process. If he loves you then he will try to meet you somewhere in the middle.
Could it be that he is actually gay? Have you sought any professional counseling? I would seek professional support as this sounds too complicated to tackle alone.
Are you sure your husband is not struggling with gender identity issues?

What you are describing goes far beyond โ€œfetishโ€ to me. It would also fit with the depression, etc,

I think that marriage (and perhaps individual) councilling would help.

As a heterosexual woman, I think itโ€™a understandable to want to have sex with your husband as a man, and I donโ€™t think you should feel guilty or ashamed of that. But also, Iโ€™m sure your husband canโ€™t control his feelings or what turns him on right now.

I agree that these are tough waters to navigate. I think that councilling to explore all of this with someone who is qualified would be quite helpful to you both.
Well, you need to tell yourself that this isn't your problem and it's nothing you've done. It's your husband's problem and I think you've just reached an impasse in your relationship. Your sex lives are no longer compatible. He no longer can get excited having "vanilla" sex and you can't fix him. He's not gay or transgendered. He has a fetish, and if you don't want to break up with him, you may need to let him find a fetishist to let him fulfill his sexual fantasies. But you know your other options. I would say you're probably headed for a divorce since he's making you so unhappy. You may want to start planning for that eventual end.
OP, please don't feel guilty for not enjoying this. Just as your husband can't control his distaste for "vanilla" sex, you can't control your distaste for the type of sex that he likes. There is a serious incompatibility here, but neither of you is necessarily wrong in your desires. They're just so completely different as to drive a wedge into your intimacy, and ultimately, into your marriage.

When did you first become aware of his preferences? I am guessing this is not an entirely new development, and that you've had hints of it along the way even before you married him - correct?

I have to echo the others that there is likely much more going on than a specific fetish. I would be wondering if he's struggling with hiding or accepting who he truly is, which as Red Dress rightly points out, could certainly be contributing to his depression and stress. I would strongly encourage you two to seek marital counseling. You are dealing with a very delicate subject and I suspect there is a lot going on internally with your husband too, which is beginning to manifest in the bedroom.

Well, I actually have to disagree with the "he's not gay or transgendered" comment. I mean, he may or may not be, we just really don't know...I think a lot more information is needed. How long has he been into these fetishes? Did you know about these fetishes before OP?

I think that sexuality and gender identity can be quite complex and people can also like very different things in bed, so it's just difficult to know what's going on with your husband. I'm a bisexual woman myself and have been in the GLBTIQ community a lpng time. I also have a fair few transgender friends.

I think in *some* cases when a male can only get turned on by dressing as a woman and being pegged with a strap-on penis like they're a woman, they *may* actually want to BE a woman. I mean, there is some possibility that he is transgender, but also doesn't necessarily mean that. May not mean he's gay either because transgender is just a gender identity, not the person's actual sexuality.

Some fetishes actually are only sexual fetishes though and nothing more. I was briefly dating a guy who told me he was completely straight but he had a HUGE sexual fetish about exactly the same things as your husband. He said he basically only preferred to date women who agreed to help him with his fetish, which was to dress up as a girl and be pegged by the woman. I'm actually not particularly into that either, especially not the dressing up as a female (no problem with it but I'm just not that turned on).

My current male partner of one year is bi-curious and he also loves to be pegged. I'm also not sure if it's just enjoyable to some men (regardless of sexuality) to be pegged because they have their prostate in the anus and apparently it feels really good. So this may also be the case with your husband.

In any case, I'm sorry to sound negative, but I think it's definitely an issue that you are so incompatible sexually. I'm not sure why you didn't know about your husband
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