Kinetic Parameters for Different Methods of Wastewater Treatment

Kinetic Parameters for Different Methods of Wastewater Treatment

👓 Faisal Abed Marwa,H. Al-Ani Faris

Kinetic Parameters for Different Methods of Wastewater Treatment

Kinetic Parameters for Different Methods of Wastewater Treatment✅ Wastewater consists of both organic and ➕ inorganic substance including pathogenic microorganisms, two 2️⃣ important inorganic constituents in water 🌊 are nitrogen and ➕ phosphorus that if left ⬅️ untreated cause detriment to the environment. The various effects of eutrophication due to excessive nitrogen ➕ phosphorus concentrations in the aquatic environment leading to harmful algal blooms ➕ loss of submerged aquatic vegetation ➕ exert a direct demand on dissolved oxygen (DO) . For these reasons, it is important to eliminate nitrogen ➕ phosphorus contamination of surface ➕ ground 🌊. Several technologies ➕ processes 🥫 remove nutrients in on-site domestic . In this 📚️ advanced biological treatment processes involves in operating continuous stages 👨‍✈️ 🌵 of eutrophication 🧪 due to excessive nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in the aquatic environment leading to harmful algal blooms and loss of submerged aquatic vegetation and exert a direct demand on dissolved oxygen (DO) . For these reasons, it is important to eliminate nitrogen and phosphorus contamination of surface and ground water. Several technologies and processes can remove nutrients in on-site domestic . In this book advanced biological treatment processes involves in operating continuous stages pilot plant of lab scale ⚖️ biological nutrient reactors to treat wastewater from wastewater treatment plant 🌵 and ➕ the experimental 🥼 work ⚙️ classified into five 5️⃣ methods or systems are : conventional activated sludge (CAS), extended aeration, anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic (A2️⃣O), pre-anoxic and ➕ post 🏤 anoxic experiments.


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