Kiev Hookers

Kiev Hookers


Kiev is a beautiful city full of history and modern flare that works together in perfect harmony. Ranging from the stunning architectural buildings to the spooky Chernobyl Museum which is found just 30 miles away. But let’s be honest now. You did not click on this page to read about some museum or landscape, right? You clicked on this page because you want to learn how to pick up girls in Kiev!
Well, my friend – Welcome to my hometown Kiev. Because when the sun goes down, the real fun begins!
And with fun I mean meeting a lot of Ukrainian women..
It is time to explore the Kiev nightlife. With this guide I will show you where to go for fun and excitement throughout the evening and where to meet some stunning girls from Kiev.
Extra note: If you are talking to women in Kiev online or you plan to meet your date in Kiev. Check out my dating coach service page to make sure you are not getting scammed and your date goes smooth and sexy! You can read the client reviews of my services here. 
As Kiev is the capital of Ukraine you will have no trouble meeting a lot of Ukrainian women during your holiday. The public parks, cafes, restaurants, tours and pub-crawls are a great way to meet the locals and start implementing your dating game.
If I had to choose between the day-game or night-game I would prefer picking up girls in Kiev clubs during the night. A few drinks does wonders for your chances as a foreigner to score that stunning Ukrainian lady.
Make no mistake about it – Kiev is full of beautiful women but there is also a lot of competition. Most foreigners looking to hook up with Ukrainian girls will only travel to Kiev and ignore Odessa and other cities.
Sure – I know what you are thinking now;
Please tell me how to get ahead of the competition so I do not waste my time in Kiev and go home empty handed!
First of all, before you visit Ukraine you need to come up with a game plan. You need to make sure that become a master in dating Ukrainian women and in order to do so I highly recommend you check out our E-book “Eastern Promises – How to Crush Your Ukrainian Dating Game” . For the price of a fancy cup of coffee you can now learn all the in’s and out’s on how to successfully pick up Ukrainian ladies in Kiev.
The second step would be to starting meeting people as fast as possible on online dating sites. Online dating sites you say? But why?
If you’re considering heading to Kiev, you should definitely consider doing some online dating in preparation of your trip. It will prepare you for the local dating game and make sure you will be ready for any questions the Ukrainian girls might ask you.
It also protects you from any scammers you can encounter during the Kiev nightlife adventures as you will already know the person before you arrive. I highly recommend you do not just try to meet women blindly as your level of success will be very little if you do not speak fluent Russian.
I recommend Ukraine Cupid and Elena Models as the best Ukraine dating sites. Tinder and Badoo are not very popular in Kiev, and a lot of girls actually use these two datingsites as they know that most foreign men use them.
It also gives you the chance to meet girls that actually speak English. Because let’s be honest? How good is your Russian these days?
Sign up for free, check out all the profiles and talk to as many Ukrainian women as possible.
No idea what a sugar baby, sugar daddy and a sugar date is? Oh boy, you are missing out on a lot of fun. They idea behind Sugar dating is easy. Ukrainian women that are in need of some extra cash are looking for wealthy men to support them.
Ok, you might think.. Isn’t that just gold digger? Well, Yes & no – but let me explain.
The idea is that the sugar baby (the girl) and the sugar daddy (you) set-up an arrangement. You provide the woman with a certain cashflow, clothes, education fees etc. How much and how often is totally up to you.
A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G you two agree upon. That is the beauty! No failed dates, no drama.. just a straight up agreement that can include activities like normal chats, cuddling, webcam sessions or just full-blown heavenly sex. It all depends on what you and sugar baby agree upon.
Ok ok, I know what you are thinking.
Pub-crawls? I am not 18 anymore, mate! 
Well – of course you are not! Unless you truly are an 18-year-old reader in which case you will fully understand my next golden tip!
Pub-crawls and guided tours are an amazing way to meet some Ukrainian women. You will have a guide with you that knows the hot-spots and can translate for you for almost half the price that a dating agency would charge you.
The best part? Can you remember what the best part was if your golden years when joining some legendary pub-crawls?
I will let you think about that one for a second..
It was about getting drunk and chatting to as many lovely ladies as possible. And thankfully those chats become a lot easier when alcohol is involved (by now this could actually be considered a scientific fact), you have a translator and know the hot-spots!
That is 3 birds with 1 stone, mate! And for just a few bucks (because Ukraine is cheap) you can book an amazing Kiev Nightlife Tour here. 
In order to meet the girls from Kiev you need to know where to find them. I always had more success picking up girls during the Kiev nightlife compared to the day game. For some reason they seem much more social and relaxed after a few drinks – something we all can appreciate of course.
This does not mean you can’t be successful during the day. It just takes more time and effort and since most of our readers are just on holiday I want to show you how to get the best results in the shortest amount of time.
Ready to explore the best bars in Kiev? – Let’s go!
If you are looking for an enjoyable place to have fun with your friends in a unique atmosphere. The bar has an excellent jazz music and a very memorable slogan, “Alcohol is Cheaper and Therapy.” The live music is nightly. Pink Freud is full of excitement and fun with a hipster flare. It is advised that if you intend on visiting this bar and have not been there before, you find a local to bring you there.
The signage on the outside of the courtyard style bar is on the side and not facing where one would think the main entrance is. It can be difficult to find if the exact location is unknown and relying on general GPS is not always able to get you to the exact location. The specific prices are higher than the standard European bar, so be sure to have adequate funds before heading out to Pink Freud for an evening of drinks, great food, and dancing.
Sometimes, just a standard bar cannot compete with an actual nightlife complex. Shooters is the place to be if you are not exactly sure what you want, but you know you are looking for a good time. This is no small time bar, but a flashy experience of Kiev nightlife at its best. The menu is a mix of various foods including seafood, vegetable platters, and sausage dishes to satisfy all types of appetites.
Drink and food prices vary greatly, but you can expect to pay between $7 and $10 per dish or drink order. It is also important to remember that since this bar is a complex, they have many events during the evenings, so be sure to check their website before venturing out. Monday is half price night, so this is an excellent night for partying if you happen to be on a strict budget.
Not all bars are stuck in small corners tucked away within the city. Some stand high above it all in the case of the B-Hush Bar. This is in my opinion one of the best nightclubs in Kiev.
This bar is among the more pricey establishments within the city and does call for a certain level of attire, so dress to impress and leave your casual wear at home. The B-Hush Bar is open every night, but it is best to visit the bar when the weather is warm.
Although you can still get a drink and step out onto the roof to see the view, it is much more enjoyable when the party is going in the warmer weather.
The views from this bar are truly remarkable as you can see most of the city. This is a great bar to bring a date or for a special occasion.
Apart from the view, the staff is the most notable attribute of the B-Hush Rooftop Bar as they are professional, yet fun to be around. If you want an upscale experience, but still want to have fun, this is the bar for you.
If you are looking to pick-up girls here make sure you do not mistake a Kiev hooker for a hot prospect. There are a lot of them in this bar and before you know it you will be wasting an hour of your time on a prostitute.
Local bars are some of the best places to find any time you are traveling and when in Kiev, there are a number of local smaller  clubs to choose from. The 44 Art Club is among the most popular. They allow more of a local and low-key atmosphere with local artists performing nightly.
You will not find any high-end culinary experience, but again local fare. The music ranges from loud and modern to slower and older. I honest there were a lot of students here (ranging from 18-24 years old) and they loved that I was from Europe and were very keen to hang-out with me all night.
The louder bands are available on the more popular nights such as Friday and Saturday nights with the slower bands available through the week. The prices are reasonable, so you can budget small for this experience. 44 Art Club is only open until 4am, so they are not as open late as some of the larger bars in the city.
The Coyote Ugly Bar chain started within the United States and the main attraction to this type of bar is the excitement of girls from Kiev dancing on the bars. The chain currently has 15 locations, but the one in Kiev is among the newest. For those that are looking for a loud bar with lots of entertainment, this is the perfect location. The prices are a bit higher than the average bar as you tend to pay for the name as opposed to the drink. About 4-6 USD for a drink.
The best time to visit is between midnight and 2 am on Friday night and that Thursday nights tend to be the least crowded, so plan according to what you are looking for. I personally always visit on Thursday night as there will be more young people.
The bouncer is also known to turn away patrons for not being dressed to impress, so please wear your sexiest attire for the Coyote Ugly Bar.
Otherwise you will not get in – Trust me!
Among the most legendary nightclubs in Kiev is D Fleur. This is a high-end party palace for the masses on is known for one of the best Kiev pick up bars. The restaurant itself is open from Thursday to Saturday from 6pm to 11 pm. The nightclub itself is open on the same days until 6am. The food is ok (nothing special) – but ok for a normal date.
World class DJs are brought in for special occasions or when they want to vary things up a bit.
The club was designed with the acoustics of the room in mind. No matter where you stand, you will find that the musical experience is exceptional. Special lighting effects and an expansive bar make D Fleur among the best spots when exploring Kiev by night.
It is a high-end experience, so showing up in street clothes will not get you into the club. Nor in the pants of any Ukrainian women.. Dress to impress, my friends!
Not all nightclubs cater to the newest music for the younger crowd. Disco Radio Hall is more about the music from the 80s and the 90s, so you can enjoy the music that you love no matter your age. There is also a unique aspect to this nightclub that locals as well as tourists have come to embrace. It is on the water. The bar is built on a floating barge, so it moves with the waves.
Those that have sea sickness issues might want to avoid this one. If you can handle the movement, you will be able to enjoy a night. The theme of this club is a bit more of a sexy vibe, so it is best to dress accordingly. There is a small entrance fee of just a few dollars and you can party until 6am.
This bar could be listed among the standard bars, but the fact that it is an art gallery.  The Au Petit Burxelles Bar is the perfect place to have a drink while perusing the walls for both famous and local artists. The space is rather small and therefore on a busy night, you might have to wait for a table. It maintains a European atmosphere with food and drinks to reflect that. The Au Petit Burxelles Bar is among the more pricey and classy bars. Therefore, you need to dress accordingly if you want to meet the high-class girls from Kiev.
The Kiev nightlife is not always about dancing and drinking. Sometimes it is nice to head out for a night of plays or a good comedy show. The Academic Theatre of Drama and Comedy is a local gem. The shows are relatively inexpensive when compared to other larger theaters. This theatre is not one that you have to dress up for, so casual dress is perfectly acceptable. It is recommended that if you want to enjoy a comedy show, you speak the local language. The theatre shows are a bit easier to understand even without a grasp of the language.
The newer theatres are great, but in Kiev, history is king. Therefore, why not be entertained in one of the oldest theatres in Kiev. The theatre has only been a part of the local landscape since 1989. This is not too old in comparison to theatres that are hundreds of years old.
The Bravo Kiev Drama Theatre produces dramatic plays nightly and sometimes even has puppet shows for the smaller viewers. If you are traveling with children, it can be a great experience to catch a show.
Kiev is a growing city with lots of local flare. It is full of fun and excitement and the local women love to entertain tourists. When going on a date always maintain respect for the local culture. After all, the girls from Kiev pride themselves on their Ukrainian history.
And now you know all there is to know about exploring the Kiev nightlife. Enjoy!
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I had Thomas do two ID & Passport checks. I was happy he gave me a 50% discount for the second passport. One girl was fake and I lost 600 USD (ouch!) before consulting Thomas. The other one was legit. We are still talking and planning our meet in september. I just wish I got to this website sooner to keep the 600 bucks.
is a writer, dating coach and entrepreneur based in Ukraine. He is in love with Ukrainian culture, landscapes and its beautiful ladies for the last 5 years. His 1 to 1 coaching sessions are completely custom designed to focus in on your personal sticking points and blind spots and give you the understanding and skills you need to attract the Ukrainian women you want. Contact for more information!
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