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Keeping children safe online
Sharing nudes and semi-nudes

Trying not to shout at them, or make them feel like it’s their fault. They’re probably worried and need your help and advice.
Reassuring them and offering support – remind them they can always talk to you, another trusted adult, or Childline.
Asking open questions such as "what happened?" rather than asking "why have you done it?", as the latter may stop them from opening up to you.
Talking to them about how to treat others online and what is and isn’t appropriate online behaviour.
Reminding them that people might not always be who they say they are online, so they should be careful about talking to anyone they don't know.
Speaking with the designated safeguarding lead at their school, if your child agrees. Schools can keep an eye on the situation and help stop images or videos being shared. They can also support any other children who've been affected or have a counselling service children can self-refer to.
Exploring the social media platforms, apps and games they’re using together.


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Advice to help you understand the risks and support your child if they've been sending, sharing or receiving nude images.
Sharing nudes is when someone sends a naked or semi-naked image or video to another person. Sharing nudes is sometimes called ‘sexting’, however this term is often used by young people to talk about sharing sexual messages and not imagery.  
Young people can send nudes using phones, tablets and laptops and can share them across any app, site or game, including during a livestream. It could include sharing them across devices using offline services like Airdrop or Bluetooth.
If you’re worried your child might have been sending or receiving nude images, or if you want to talk to them about the risks, we’ve got advice to help. 
Reasons why children and young people may send nude or semi-nude images or videos to someone include:
The law says that creating or sharing sexual images or videos of a child under 18 is illegal, even if the person sharing is a child. This includes:
Whilst it’s illegal for anyone to exchange nude or semi-nude imagery of a child, the legislation is there to protect children from abuse. If an incident involving a young person sharing a nude is reported to the police, it is very unlikely it will result in the child being prosecuted.
It's important to talk to your child about the risks of sharing nudes and let them know they can come to you, or an adult they trust, if someone's pressuring them to share an image or video of themselves.
Some of the risks of sending and sharing nudes for children and young people are:
They could lose control of the images, videos or messages and how they're shared. Once something is shared online it can be saved or copied by others. If the image has been shared widely, they might also experience anxiety over the image being re-shared in the future.
Young people can have their photos, messages or videos shared without their consent and be bullied about them. This can lead to difficult emotions like distress, embarrassment or shame.
Sometimes a child or young person might be sent a nude image or video of someone else and decide to share it with other people. There are many different reasons why a young person might decide to do this but some of them are:
Young people might not always recognise this as inappropriate behaviour so it’s important to talk to them about consent and sharing images or videos of others online. Check out our advice on Healthy Relationships for tips on how to speak to them about this topic.
Online sexual harassment is a form of bullying and is when someone receives unwanted sexual contact on a digital platform. When someone has a nude image or video shared of them online it is classed as online sexual harassment.
Some of the behaviours could include:
If you discover your child is being harassed online, you might experience a range of emotions. Check out our bullying and cyberbullying advice for more tips and information on how you can support your child. You might also want to explore the safety settings on your child’s device and block the sender to try to stop them being sent any further messages.
It’s important to have open conversations with your child about what they’re doing online from a young age, especially about the types of content they’re sharing. 
Start by talking to them about image sharing in general and ask your child what sort of photos they’d feel comfortable posting online. This will give you a chance to see how much they already know about what is and isn’t appropriate to share. Remind them to never post or send anything that contains personal information and encourage them to come to you if they’re ever asked to share something that makes them feel uncomfortable.
If your child is older you might want to talk to them more directly about sharing nudes online. We know that this can be an awkward topic to bring up so we would recommend reading Childline’s advice on sharing nudes and sexting to give you some tips around how to approach it and what language to use.
Look out for opportunities in everyday life to start a discussion informally, such as a storyline on TV. This way you can have a conversation about sexting and sharing nudes without it being the main focus. Consider how you talk about this more widely, e.g. when discussing TV shows or news stories, and ensure that you aren’t using victim blaming language. 
This type of language could make your child not want to talk to you about what they are experiencing.
If you’re stuck, not sure what to do, or if you’re worried about your child, you can also contact our trained helpline counsellors on 0808 800 5000.
Childline also has lots of information about online and mobile safety that will help you and your child.
If your child's been sending, sharing or receiving sexual messages, photos or videos, you may feel upset, angry or confused. Your children may also feel anxious talking about what's happened, but there are ways you can reassure them.
Learn about the risks and how to support a child if they're feeling pressured to share or sell nude or explicit images online.
If a child or young person has a nude image or video shared of them online it can have a huge emotional impact on those involved.
There are steps you can take to get the image removed.
Young people under 18 who are worried that a sexual image or video of them may have been shared online can use Childline and IWF’s Report Remove tool . 
If you're a parent or carer, we have lots more information about Report Remove.
This allows them to report an image or video shared online, to see if it is possible to get it removed. Once the report has been made, it keeps the young person informed at each stage and provides support and feedback where necessary. Young people just need to follow these steps: ​
We also have further information about online reporting .
Whether it's volunteering for us, challenging yourself with an event or campaigning, there are lots of ways you can help us keep more children safe.
NSPCC Learning has information and resources to help you respond appropriately to incidents of nude image sharing.
Advice to help you understand the risks and help keep your child safe.
Get advice on how to support your child if they've seen something online that's confused or upset them. 
Advice if you're worried about your child watching online porn and how to talk to them about it.
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Crimean summer: would you send your kids to the legendary Artek camp?
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the famous Artek summer camp disappeared from public view, and up until now many people, even in Russia itself, weren't aware whether it still existed. In August, we traveled to see the camp ourselves, and here's what we found out.
A group of kids approach as we arrive on the main square of the legendary Soviet summer camp, Artek. Dressed in the same colorful uniform, they greet us with a chant, "Artekovtsi! Our beloved Artek! Never will we forget!" and leave us to enjoy the hot and sunny afternoon in the picturesque southern coast of the Crimean peninsula. Over the next day and a half our group of journalists will see what became of the former Soviet pioneer camp that once had ten smaller camps (each with its own name: Khrustalny, Rechnoy, Lesnoy, Morskoy, etc.) and which attracted thousands of children from all over the world. Today, it looks like a five-star hotel, but let me start from the beginning.
In 2014-2017, the Russian government invested 10 billion rubles ($171 million) to revive the legendary camp. Today, its size is larger than Monaco (218 hectares in total, with 102 hectares of parks) and has two swimming pools, six dining halls, 15 sports grounds, three tennis courts, plus a climbing wall and a rope park, among other things. Out of ten camping complexes that comprised the original Artek complex, nine have been renovated and are operational. A state-funded institution, Artek recently received the special status of an innovation educational platform to test and implement new forms of teaching. There's even a year-round school on the premises that allows children to visit Artek during the academic year without missing classes. Around 2,000-3,500 children attend the school every three weeks, and 300 kids from the neighboring towns of Gurzuf and Yalta attend it on a regular basis. Just three years ago, however, the camp looked very different. In 2014, when Crimea was reunited with Russia, Artek was in a very poor state. "Everything was worn out and in desperate need of not just repair work, but overall reconstruction (…) Such a large camp is really expensive to maintain and Ukraine couldn't finance it, let alone develop it further," recalls Alexei Kasprzhak, the current director of Artek. Restoring this camp to its former glory became the main goal for the new Russian administration in Crimea.
Founded in 1925 as a health camp for children who suffered during the years of civil war, Artek gradually transformed into a year-round educational complex that never stopped working, even during World War II. In 1941-1945, the camp was evacuated to the Altai Region in Siberia where 200 children and staff helped local hospitals, and gathered metal for tanks and aircraft production. After the war, the damaged premises of Artek were rebuilt and the camp continued its work, welcoming not only Soviet children but also those from other countries, including Belgium, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Bulgaria, China, Korea, and Vietnam. The camp saw a number of high-level visitors: Clementine Churchill, the wife of Sir Winston Churchill, India's Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi (not yet prime minister at that time), as well as Vietnamese Prime Minister Ho Chi Minh and first man in space Yuri Gagarin. In 1983, American schoolgirl and peace activist, Samantha Reed Smith, visited the camp at the invitation of Soviet leader Yuri Andropov.
Artek became a truly international place hosting festivals and welcoming representatives of fellow communist regimes. It grew to have its own traditions and values, and became a cult destination for many generations to come. Only the most talented children, who stood out in public life, sports, arts or at school, received the rare and highly-coveted vouchers that the authorities gave out free of charge.
"It was almost impossible to get into, and everyone dreamed about it," Irina, one of the lucky few to holiday in Artek in 1980, told RBTH. "My school got three vouchers and I received one of them for being such an excellent student. I was 12 and this was the first time I ever saw the sea and Crimea." Together with 33 others in her group, she hiked in nearby Ayu-Dag Mountain (also called Bear Mountain), went swimming and did many other activities, including classes in radio electronics. "I was too young back then and didn't keep in touch with those in my group," she recalls. "But Artek gave me a sense that I was part of something bigger and increased my self-esteem." After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 the camp came under Ukrainian control and slowly started to lose its grandeur. Campus buildings began to decay, local businessmen started to sell alcohol on Artek's premises, and carwashes appeared on the camp's territory. In 2009, for the first time in history Artek ceased work due to financial problems. Fortunately for the camp, in 2014 it got a new life.
Today, a 21-day stay in Artek is a reward for gifted children, just like in Soviet times. Children eight to 17 years old from any part of Russia can apply through an online system that started operating in 2017. The most outstanding candidates are chosen based on merit and achievements – whether in class, arts, sports or public life - and 95 percent of places are awarded free of charge, while the remaining five percent of places can be purchased (80,000 rubles, or $1,369). Everyone, however, must cover their travel expenses from home to Crimea's capital, Simferopol, where a bus takes the kids to Artek free of charge. Children from abroad can also come – they can apply online and pay for the trip themselves (the same 80,000 rubles, plus travel expenses to and from Simferopol); or get a free voucher by winning one of the international competitions organized by Artek's partners, such as: ● "LIVE CLASSICS" International Competition for Young Readers (organized by the Live Classics Fund) ● The Sputnik Russian National Contest of Young Engineers and Researchers (organized by the Russian State Space Corporation Roscosmos) ● Earth is Our Home Competition (organized by the International Camping Fellowship (ICF) ● Russian language international competition (organized by the Pushkin State Russian Language Institute) ● The Commonwealth Artek International Festival of Children and Youth Creative Work (organized by Artek Fund)
adults work in Artek year-round, but in summer this number becomes larger.
rubles will be invested in Artek till 2020.
Children come from all over: the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), Austria, Argentina, Bulgaria, UK, Germany, Denmark, Israel, Spain, Italy, Canada, Qatar, Latvia, Lithuania, Mexico, Mongolia, the Netherlands, United Arab Emirates, Poland, Serbia, Slovenia, Slovakia, the U.S., Turkey, Finland, France, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, South Korea, Syria and even children from Ukraine and Georgia! By the way, Georgian government authorities recently reacted very negatively when they found out that a group of their schoolchildren had gone to Artek. The children and their teachers were invited to Artek after participating in a Russian language competition in Tbilisi, and still decided to go despite the current difficulties in Russian-Georgian relations. It's good to see such examples where children themselves rise above geopolitics in order to attend Artek.
While there are many obligatory activities, such as hiking on nearby Ayu-Dag Mountain, there are also optional activities that a child can choose. He or she might pursue something they are already good at, or try something new, for instance, eco-tourism, archeology, horse riding, sailing, nano technology or space engineering.
The opportunities are numerous and are often taught by professionals from the many well-known institutions and corporations that Artek cooperates with, including: ● Bauman Moscow State Technical University ● Russian State Space Corporation, Roscosmos ● Moscow Aviation Institute ● Russian National Sailing Federation ● Lomonosov Moscow State University's Faculty of Biology ● Russian Geographical Society ● Rossiya Segodnya media agency ● Agency for Strategic Initiatives ● Museum of Cosmonautics ● Russia's Emergency Ministry, and etc.
The majority of foreign children coming to Artek have at least some Russian language proficiency. They either learned Russian at home or have Russian relatives. So coming to Crimea is an opportunity to practice their Russian and explore the historical heritage of the peninsula, as well as make Russian friends. In some cases, when kids with no Russian language skills come to Artek, the staff does its best to provide a translator. But this is a temporary solution – Russian is the most used language at the camp so those who don't know it well enough will miss out on some part of the conversation. "We had five Chinese children in our camp, but they didn't try much to communicate with us," said Ivan, 15, from Moscow. "We were eager to make friends with them, but they preferred to focus on their smartphones and didn't mingle much."
8.00-8.30 wake up, morning bath, gymnastics 8.30-9.15 medical check-up 8.45 - 9.45 breakfast 9.45-12.00 swimming 12.00-12.45 free time, various activities 12.45-13.45 dinner 13.00-14.00 medical check-up 14.00-15.30 daytime break 15.45-16.30 lunch 16.30-18.00 swimming, sea walks, exhibitions, excursions 18.00-19.00 free time, various activities 19.00-20.00 dinner 19.30-20.00 medical check-up 20.00-22.10 all-camp activities, social events, concerts 22.10-22.30 getting ready to sleep and lights out
Supervised by the Russian Ministry of Education, Artek aims to cultivate a generation of new leaders. Bringing together the most talented children from all over the country, this modern version of the Soviet Pioneer camp strives to give them a sense of what they're capable of and what they can achieve. There is no ideology, unlike Soviet times, but rather an attempt to teach kids how to decide for themselves and learn to live in a multicultural world. "Artek always was and will remain a reflection of a child's dream, and the main ta
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