Kidnapped Porn Stories

Kidnapped Porn Stories


Kidnapped Porn Stories

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It is heart-breaking to know that every day, hundreds of young girls and women in India are kidnapped, trafficked and forced into prostitution. And, there are so many that Police can’t even trace.
But there are some who manage to come out of the claws of their trafficker or are rescued. And, each has a harrowing account to recall, each scarred in ways one can’t possibly imagine. But this story will not only break your heart into pieces but will also make you feel bad after every line you read.
I was kidnapped at age 12 & was a prostitute till age 17.
I was kidnapped from a park near my home after my 12th birthday, the last birthday party I ever had.
I woke up once inside what felt like a truck. My eyes, hands, & feet tied, my mouth gagged. I remember bumping against the cold hard walls of a moving vehicle.
Next time I regained consciousness I was in a dingy room. Some women cleaned & feed me. They covered my face with a pillow everytime I screamed for help. I later realized it was because they didn’t want me to get beaten up by the master for being a nuisance.
I was young, so I was kept in one of the ‘delux’ rooms.
My virginity was sold to a Sheikh in a big bungalow. He raped me for days , or may be weeks. I was eventually raped by all his companions when he was done with me.
I just lay there in my ‘delux’ room for an eternity. Men came & did what they wanted to. Sometimes I couldn’t sleep because of the anguish, sometime because of the physical pain. Sometime I woke up to a man already inside me.
Sometimes a doctor came in to fix my hymen. I remember that because it meant I was again being sent as a ‘virgin’ to a Sheikh’s bungalow.
The humanity in me only survived because of the women who came everyday to feed me & help me bathe. They were sad when they looked at me. They sometimes had tears. That reassured me that whatever was happening was wrong. That I’m not an animal. That my pain is real & at least they can see it.
One day I woke up in a different room. I cried for hours.. or may be days or weeks.. I had become accustomed to the comfort of my room. I was no longer around the only women whose hands’ silent brushes against my face made me feel like a living being.
In this new room & with a new master, I was trained to dress up, put on makeup, & dance. I was trained to provide a number of services that my master made me practice with him, on him. Here, the Sheikhs stopped coming in. They were replaced by men in formal shirts & pants.
I was like a robot. I didn’t feel anything. I didn’t even have the will to stop or rebel. I was just taking orders.
One day, a woman in a khakee saree pulled me into consciousness. She was shaking me vigorously & asking me my name. I couldn’t comprehend what was happening. I didn’t remember what was I called. I started crying & for the first time since my kidnapping, a woman in a cotton suit came towards me & hugged me. She told me that they were there to save me.
I was put in a van with other women & taken to a police station. I realized I was in Mumbai. Later I was told I had been kidnapped for 5 years & had spent the first few years in Hyderabad.
I was placed in a rescue home. I had to talk to a psychiatrist, attend classes, & eventually appear for exams. During this time, I had to learn how to sleep away from my ‘delux’ room. That hellhole had become my life. I felt uncomfortable when I hadn’t been penetrated by a stranger for days. I learnt to live my new, uncomfortable life of dignity & normalcy. I got to know I had been subjected to multiple unsafe abortions, so I’m no longer fit to bear a child. My wrist was once broken & twisted by a client. Since it hadn’t been tended to for years, it will never completely heal.
With the help of doctors, I recalled my childhood address. When the people at my NGO tried to contact my parents, they learnt my mother had died of multiple organ failure because she had stopped eating or drinking after my disappearance. My father committed suicide soon after.
My NGO found a sponsor for me in Delhi. I moved here for a computer & foreign language course & have been living here ever since.
I now work at a computer center as a teacher. I live in a rented flat with 2 girls.
I have a boyfriend who loves & respects me. He knows about my past but gets uncomfortable if I ever say out the details. I still sometimes can’t sleep. I wake up thinking I’m back there. I call him in the middle of the night & he always calms me down. He makes me feel safe. He’s a proper Punjabi so he’s always making me laugh, dance, sings romantic songs, takes me to long drives, & cooks tasty meat for me. He even forces me to go to the gym with him because my years in captivity have left my body very weak. He belongs to a normal middle class family, so he cannot tell his family & friends about my past. I understand, but I hate that I have to lie to them.
Recently on Promise day, he proposed to me. I didn’t say yes. I don’t deserve him. He’s too good looking, uncorrupted, educated, & decent for me. I’m too broken, polluted, & unworthy of being someone’s wife, let alone his. He says there is no pressure & he will wait for me to be ready, that we can adopt children, & that my past doesn’t matter to him. But I’m waiting for him to realize he can find a girl much better than me. I don’t want my baggage to spoil his life & dreams.
This was my deepest, saddest secret. Thank you for taking out the time to read.
I am having goosebumps while even typing this. Firstly, I can’t pretend to understand the pain she’s been through or can remotely relate to her apathy. Secondly, I just want to say this to her (if in any way this can reach her); any of it was not your fault and considering yourself “polluted, unworthy” of a nice guy is no way justifiable. He loves you, knows you, accepts you with your past and you should say yes to him. Please do!

GhPage Lifestyle Kidnappers raped me, forced me on my younger brother – Lady shares...

Kidnappers raped and forced to have sex with my younger brother - Lady shares story
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Chioma Dioke a beautiful 20-year-old lady has told her tragic story of how she was raped and at the same time forced to have sex with her younger brother in their presence.
Chioma (the rape and Kidnap victim) said the kidnappers held them inside a bush called Sambisa forest located in Ezzagu in Ishielu Local Government Area of Ebonyi State.
Chioma, her brother and another victim had gone to Onunwafor, Ezzagu, for business purposes before they were kidnapped and held hostage for five days.
The business involved a modality in which the people of the community were investing money and were receiving high amounts as their returns.
But, the owner of the investment business reportedly ran away from the community with the payments made by their customers without the knowledge of Dioke and her brother.
In anger, the youth kidnapped Chioma Dioke, her brother, and the other person involved in the business and held them hostage in the bush. They were starved, threatened, and sexually assaulted.
Further in her sad narration, Dioke told journalists at the state police command in Abakaliki after her rescue from the kidnappers’ hideout.
Miss Dioke said she was repeatedly raped by boys from the community while others inserted hands, rods and sticks into her private part.
She said they also forced her brother to have sex with her though he told them it was incest and forbidden.
“After they finished molesting me, they said my elder brother must have sex with me. They carried my brother, beat him up thoroughly and ordered him to start having sex with me”.
“My brother told them that it was against our culture. They insisted that he must do it and pointed a gun at his head. My brother had no option than to have sex with me, ” she added.
“After blood gushed out of my private parts, they ordered my brother to clean the blood. When he refused, they beat him up again. They came to me again and had sex with me in the pool of my blood.
“After having sex with me again, some of them came to me and inserted sticks in my private parts. Later, they took us to another forest where we stayed for four days. If they hear anything like a gunshot, they will take us to another forest.”
Police eventually got wind of the incident and stormed the forest, killing two persons and rescued the victims. is the Leading Entertainment, news, sports, lifestyle, Buzz website today. delivers captivating and engaging entertainment, videos, and news that drives social conversations. It’s a place to stay up to date with trending content across a growing array of topics with most original content focused on African pop-culture. Stay tuned to discover the quirkiest of events, the meatiest gossip all under one dot com. Happy surfing!
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Afarin Majidi

January 13, 2016, 10:55 am

WARNING: Some of the images in this article are graphic. Viewer discretion is advised.
Imagine being on a tropical paradise vacation and being confronted by a tribe of cannibals who want to torture you. Well, that’s exactly what happened to a couple recently.
Matthew Iovane and his girlfriend Michelle Clemens were captured by painted and feathered tribesmen in Papua, New Guinea and forced to strip under threat of death. And that’s not the worst of it.
“We’d joked about the famous cannibals of Papua New Guinea’s jungle,” Iovane said, “but it was no laughing matter when these men came out of the bush.They looked very scary in native costumes and what looked like warpaint and came closer before circling around us. They tore up my T-shirt to blindfold me and the awful thought crossed my mind that we could be on the menu.”
Iovane, a 31-year-old British star of the show “Shipwrecked,” said that he and his girlfriend were even beaten with machetes when they tried to get out of the jungle where they were being held. The tribesmen were also very curious to see how his iPhone worked.
It was during a trek through that jungle that Iovane and Clemens were confronted by two men from a tribe known for committing cannabalism. Their native guide, who Iovane believes betrayed them, had skipped out on this final adventure.
After the kidnapping, the couple was stripped naked, bound with vines, blindfolded and tortured.
“The men both had machetes with huge blades and one had a long wooden spear with a crude arrowhead and they were grunting,” Iovane told the Sun . “I thought we were being robbed so we put down our bags and tried to calm them, saying they could take everything when they started pushing and threatening us.”
Clemens, also 31, suffered injuries trying to fight off the tribesman. It’s been reported that she cut her finger to the bone during the scuffle. She said they barely spoke any English but managed to threaten her by saying, “We will kill you.”
The couple eventually managed to get away while they were being walked by their captors. They left their belongings behind as they fled.
“They took our belongings,” Clemens explained . “I was naked in the most remote jungle on Earth with no shoes and Michelle was bleeding buckets beside me in her underwear. But nothing mattered except getting away, so we ran.”
Eventually, the couple saw a man, who took them to safety.
A Foreign Office Spokesman issued this statement after the incident: “We are providing support to a British national and [his American] partner who both suffered injuries and were taken to hospital following an incident in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, on 11 January.”
Both Clemens and Iovane are now safe and in good health.


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