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The production, sale, distribution, and commercialization of child pornography in Japan is illegal under the Act on Punishment of Activities Relating to Child Prostitution and Child Pornography, and the Protection of Children (1999),[1] and is punishable by a maximum penalty of five years in prison and/or a fine of ¥5,000,000.[2] Simple possession of child pornography was made illegal by an amendment to the act in 2014.[1] Virtual child pornography, which depicts wholly-fictional characters, is legal to produce and possess.
Manga artists and anime directors have argued that it is dangerous to try to define child pornography when it comes to artwork, drawings, and animation when regarding hentai due to it being highly ambiguous, and have cited freedom of expression to prevent it from being abused. For example, they argued that even in the anime and manga series Doraemon, the scene of the schoolgirl Shizuka Minamoto taking a bath might be mis-construed as "child pornography".[3] Arts depicting underage characters (lolicon and shotacon) and photography of underage models (junior idol) remain controversial in Japan.[4][5]
The Act on Punishment of Activities Relating to Child Prostitution and Child Pornography, and the Protection of Children came into effect on May 26, 1999. Under Article 7, it outlawed the production, transport, import and export of child pornography, as well as possession of child pornography for the aforementioned purposes.[1]
Previously, obscenity was regulated by the 1907 Penal Code of Japan. Article 175 of the code has been applied to underage obscenity, notably in a 1993 case where a burusera shop owner was arrested on suspicion of possession for sale of obscene media, after he had invited a high school student to appear in a pornographic video.[6]
The penalty for possession with any intent of commercialization, sales, or distribution is a maximum imprisonment with labor for three years or a fine of three million yen (approximately $30,000). Production or distribution of child pornography is punishable by imprisonment with labor for up to five years and a fine of up to five million yen (approximately $50,000). Article 34 of the Child Welfare Act, applicable since 1947, states that "No person shall commit an act listed in any of the following items:" with line six specifying "Cause a child to commit an obscene act".[7]
However, there were no laws addressing the simple possession of any kind of pornography in general (which included child pornography, with no intent to sale or distribute). On 4 June 2014, a bill was approved to be passed to ban the possession, closing this loophole in the nation's child pornography prohibition law, although it did not apply to hentai in anime and manga in order to prevent abuse of the law.[8][3][9] The bill passed on 18 June.[10]
In June 2008, a bill proposing a ban on child pornography possession was submitted to the House of Representatives of Japan, where it was brought before the Diet in September, but failed to pass.[11] The Liberal Democratic Party and the New Komeito Party proposed to outlaw any possession of child pornography, but was countered by the Democratic Party of Japan with a different proposal.[12][13] The House of Representatives dissolved on July 21, 2009, and both proposals to revise the law were withdrawn. During the general election of the House of Representatives in August 2009, open letters written by politicians to a civilian organization showed that the politicians were divided on the matter.[14]
In 2008, the Japanese branch of UNICEF called on the government to outlaw simple possession of child pornography, as well as manga and anime pornography depicting minors. It also called for tighter restrictions of Junior idol media under existing laws.[15] The United States ambassador to Japan has stated that Japan's lack of laws restricting possession of child pornography has impeded international investigations into child pornography.[11]
On August 25, 2011, the Liberal Democratic Party submitted a petition requesting stricter laws on child pornography, which included child pornography in anime.[16][17] In late June 2013, the Liberal Democratic Party moved forward with their proposal. A decision has not yet been reached.[18]
A 2007 public opinion poll taken by the Japanese government showed that 86.5% of respondents believed that child pornography regulations should be applied to anime and manga, while 90.9% endorsed regulations of "harmful materials" on the Internet.[19]
While not considered explicitly pornographic, media portraying young idols is a large industry in Japan. Photobooks and videos of underage models in scant, tight fitting and revealing clothing are often taken to be provocative and pornographic in nature. The industry remains lucrative, with The Japan Times reporting an estimated 3 million idol photobooks sold between 2006 and 2007.[19] However, child modeling in Japan is not seen in the same light as in the West, as many models are eventually offered acting, singing, or promotional careers.
Studios producing junior idol media are not exempt from current laws. After 2007, staff and heads of various video production firms were arrested on allegations that their productions overstepped legal boundaries.[20][21]
Main articles: Lolicon and Shotacon
In Japan, lolicon is an attraction to visually underage girls by men or women of any age. It can also involve attraction to older characters with youthful neotenic features that make them appear to be younger than they really are. Lolicon is a hentai subgenre in dojinshi, manga, anime, and video games in which childlike characters are usually depicted in an ero kawaii (erotic cute) manner, which can range from explicitly pornographic to mildly suggestive, romantic, or entirely non-sexual.[22] The young boys equivalent is called shotacon. Outside Japan, lolicon only refers to the hentai subgenre, usually involving simulated pornography.
Figures regarding the prevalence of lolicon and shotacon are hard to come by, but it is estimated that 30-40% of manga contain sexual references involving underage characters.[19] The age of consent is 13 under Japanese national law, but is generally higher under prefectural laws.[23] No regulations are in place to control images portraying sexual content of hentai in manga or anime.[24]
Supporters of regulating simulated pornography claim to advocate human rights and children's rights such as the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Opponents such as the Japan Federation of Bar Associations (ja:日本弁護士連合会) also claim to advocate for the rights of children, pointing out the decreasing numbers in sexually motivated crimes are due to simulated materials providing an outlet to those who would otherwise seek material depicting actual children.[25]
The constitutionality of proposed laws have been discussed, since Article 21 of the Constitution of Japan guarantees freedom of speech, press and all other forms of expression. The definitions of obscenity, specifically written in law as "arouses or stimulates the viewer's sexual desire", have been argued as ambiguous.[26][27]
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A self-proclaimed ex-hacker with the charismatic pseudonyms "Christian Valor" and "Se7en" has been making headlines around the world for his alleged vigilante campaign against online pedophiles. There's only one problem: He's a fraud. In the past two years, profiles in Forbes, the London Independent, the Los Angeles Times, Newsday, Wired News, and many other publications […]
A self-proclaimed ex-hacker with the charismatic pseudonyms "Christian Valor" and "Se7en" has been making headlines around the world for his alleged vigilante campaign against online pedophiles. There's only one problem: He's a fraud.
In the past two years, profiles in Forbes, the London Independent, the Los Angeles Times, Newsday, Wired News, and many other publications have portrayed Valor as an old-school renegade with a cause: exposing the identities -- and trashing the hard drives -- of those who traffic in sexual imagery of children.
The illegal techniques he used were those honed during 17 years in the hacker underground, the publications reported.
In fact, the primary target of Valor's hacking has turned out to be the news media.
Several of Valor's former colleagues have come forward to brand him a technologically inept poseur with a genius for self-promotion, who was unable to safeguard his own Net account against hacker exploits, much less mount a sophisticated campaign of attacks against anyone else's.
"He never deleted a single kiddie porn server himself. He's a compulsive liar, always looking for some new thing to impress people with," said Brian Martin, an independent consultant known among hackers as jericho, who lived and worked with Valor.
Information-systems specialist and online diarist Lisa Rabey, a former intimate of Valor's, also discounted his claims: "I was there. We were reading the same newsgroups. It never happened. He doesn't have the skill to do it."
Pete Shipley, senior security architect for one of the Big Six accounting firms, administers the domain where Valor had an email account and a Web page.
"I've never seen him demonstrate any expertise in accessing any system," he said. Shipley added that he had to restrict the user privileges for Valor's account because it was hacked so many times.
These days, Valor downplays his role as an anti-porn vigilante. He earns his living teaching courses on Internet security to industry, law enforcement, and military officials with a Southern California-based firm called New Dimensions International.
NASA, Air Force, Navy, Army, and FBI personnel take his US$1,395 three-and-a half-day courses on "Maximum Internet Security" and "Internet Predators" on government time. NDI instructors are employed to develop secure systems for mission-critical clients like the Department of Defense.
Hackers dissing hackers is not news. An investigation of the sources for the stories about Valor that proliferated in the press, however, provides a cautionary tale about the dilemmas facing reporters in the age of Internet-accelerated media.
When a news hook involves a hot-button issue like online pedophilia, even seasoned reporters may be tempted to go forward with a headline-grabbing story that relies on secondary sources. And stories about hackers may be the toughest to report accurately.
In declaring himself to be the fearsome nemesis of online pedophiles, Valor created the perfect Trojan horse.
In an article published in Forbes Digital Tool in April, reporter Adam Penenberg spotlighted Valor's "Dirty Harry-like" assaults on porn traders who were using Internet Relay Chat channels like teensex to barter forbidden images.
Valor had successfully hacked 99 pedophile targets, Penenberg reported, while law-enforcement officials "turned a blind eye" to Se7en's illegal intrusions.
"I can find a pedophile and trash his machine all within 60 minutes," Valor was quoted as saying. "I could snag more of them in one night than a D.A. could prosecute in his whole career."
Newsday ran a story, reprinted in the Salt Lake Tribune and elsewhere, under the headline "Se7en's Sins Are Deadly For Child-Porn Dealers." It painted Valor as a cyber-warrior able to reduce a pedophile's hard drive to "a big hunk of Swiss," while displaying Se7en's alleged electronic calling card -- a python -- on the screen.
Another one of Se7en's "hacker weapons," Newsday's Matthew McAllester wrote, was a program that would search for and destroy all the JPEG files on a pedophile's machine.
I filed one of the first stories about Se7en's alleged crusade, "Hacker Vows 'Terror' for Child Pornographers," published in Wired News in 1997.
I quoted Valor as saying he had been initially skeptical about all the media hype about porn on the Net, but was convinced to jump into the breach after seeing images of "4-year-olds being raped, 6-year-olds forced to have oral sex with cum running down themselves."
Toward the end of our interview, Valor told me he had been abused as a child himself.
Valor subsequently appeared on MSNBC, brandishing photographs that he said were images of children downloaded from the Net.
Even a news site for Star Wars gaming fans got into the act, hailing Se7en as "a modern-day Superman."
Discovery Channel Canada Online interviewed him in RealAudio and paid tribute to the way Valor "dish(es) out justice." The accompanying article cited Valor's assertion that Usenet newsgroups dedicated to child porn garner over 7,000 new images daily, a figure repeated in article after article.
A program on the Microsoft Research site that monitors newsgroup posting patterns called Netscan indicates that number was inflated ten or twentyfold.
Super-villainy calls for superheroes, and one of the superpowers that Se7en allegedly used against pedophiles was his immunity from laws against computer intrusions.
On a Microsoft-sponsored CyberStation Internet radio program, Valor held forth for an hour claiming that police, judges, and federal officials wouldn't touch him, because they loathed his victims more than they cared about his destruction of personal property.
"You find me a jury anywhere in the world that is going to convict me for invading a child pornographer's computer and destroying it," he bragged to Newsday's McAllester. "Or in the unlikely event they find me guilty... you just made a national martyr. The whole country is going to go nuts."
Forbes' Penenberg is widely respected as an astute reporter with particular expertise in covering the hacker beat. In May, it was Penenberg who first sniffed out inconsistencies in a New Republic feature about hackers by Stephen Glass, who was subsequently found to have fabricated sources for stories in other national magazines.
Penenberg didn't rely only on Valor's own statements to write his profile. He interviewed a number of sources in law enforcement and the hacker underground -- both on and off the record. Among them was the head of the US Customs Cybersmuggling division, Gene Weinschenk, and a group that calls itself the Ethical Hackers Against Pedophilia (EHAP), dedicated to using legal means to snare child pornographers online.
"If Christian Valor fooled law enforcement and fooled EHAP, then it's possible that he fooled me," Penenberg said when contacted for this article.
Weinschenk now points out that he never actually saw Valor hack sites, that he had only heard about his campaign.
A spokesman for EHAP, who uses the pseudonym "Neville Farmer," acknowledged, "as far as seeing physical evidence, or knowing someone who'd seen something, we didn't. Normally in the underground, [first-hand reports] would have trickled down. They didn't."
The story in Newsday quoted only Valor himself, but reporter McAllester said he remembered talking with someone in the New York State attorney general's office about it. Senior members of the attorney general's Internet crime team in Buffalo say they've never heard of Valor.
Info-war specialist Winn Schwartau, who hosted the Internet radio show featuring Valor, also said he can't personally confirm any of his hacks.
Part of the problem in accurately researching stories about hackers, Penenberg suggested, is that it's hard to know whom to trust.
"Every time I write about hackers, whether it's Yobie Benjamin, Christian Valor, milw0rm, or Kevin Mitnick," he said, "I get email from anonymous hackers in cyberspace saying that these guys don't know anything. Who do you believe?"
Journalist Richard Thieme, who published two interviews with Valor on his Web site and wrote about his alleged immunity in Salon, also never witnessed Se7en in action.
He stays away from Valor these days, calling him "a social engineer, mostly mouth."
Thieme made the observation that, by making those who trade in illegal pornography his targets and his cause célèbre, Valor's credibility had built-in insurance. Valor claimed that no one would report his attacks to the authorities, because to do so would be to implicate oneself as a pedophile.
An added benefit to Valor was that his modus operandi made it very difficult to confirm or deny his activities.
"If Se7en claimed he was hacking the Mafia," Thieme speculated, "he might get shot."
Valor showcased his vigilantism as a more benevolent alternative to government censorship. But when one man's exaggerations are widely reported in the press -- like Joseph McCarthy's list of Communist spies -- they can influence legislation, believes Paul McMasters, First Amendment ombudsman for the Freedom Forum.
"It has an inevitable impact on public policy and public perception. The Rimm study [a discredited exposé of pornography online printed in Time magazine in 1995] ends up being waved on the floor of the Senate."
The eagerness of reporters to embrace Se7en's crusade points to a crucial lack of professional skepticism around the subject of child pornography, McMasters charged: "It's all about a cyberpanic -- the mainstream media's inability to resist the temptation to find another monster in the belly of the beast."
In a news industry refashioned in the image of the Net, where deadlines are perpetual and anxiety about getting scooped is soaring, reporters "aren't allowed to do a good job," he observed.
With hackers making front-page headlines, many reporters and editors are scrambling to ramp up their technical knowledge. A juicy high-tech item may not get the same edit-desk scrutiny as a story on another subject.
Ultimately, it was Valor's former comrades who brought down the legend of Se7en.
The reason that Pete Shipley stopped teaching alongside him at New Dimensions International, he said, is that students would address him as Se7en's assistant.
"They'd ask me, 'What's it like to study under Se7en?'" he recalled. "I'm not going to be belittled by someone who doesn't know what they're talking about."
Brian Martin said that he truly liked Valor, but he got tired of being lied to. Valor would brag about six-figure incomes and owning an NSX racing car. Anytime anyone was in the position to see it, however, the car would be conveniently out of action.
Martin finally added his old friend to his list of "charlatans" on a Web page tracking frauds on both sides of the hacker/media fence.
Then Rabey contacted the reporters who had done the initial profiles of Se7en.
"I'm ready to sing," she wrote in email.
When I asked Valor to provide the name of one person who had observed his attacks, he said he "often lives alone." Then he named Rabey as a witness. He also claimed that he hacked pedophiles' sites on camera for MSNBC.
Rabey says, however, that the TV hack was faked, and that t
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