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Kid Porn Hd


An older video is making rounds around Reddit this morning in what has to be one of the most painful moments of a kid's life. A kid is streaming on Twitch when his mother bursts in asking him why he's looking at porn and things go off the rails. Four minutes later the kid is threatening to call child support after getting popped in the back of the head. Honestly, this might be the best form of birth control I've ever heard because I don't even know what I would do if this is my life. Good thing it isn't, and I can laugh about it along with the rest of you because this video is pretty damn hilarious. 
I started out as a loyal reader of Geektyrant before emailing Joey one day about the potential of writing for Geektyrant. Now six years later I'm the managing editor of and still living the dream and giving my opinion to the geek masses! Geektyrant is my life, and I hope that shows in everything I do!
@G33kyMick //

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Kid Porn Hd

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