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Home / E-Commerce Tips / 20+ Kick-ass eCommerce Strategies To Implement In 2021
The online platform seems never to make us bored. It started a century ago with so few people caring about and boom, more than 65% of the world’s population can’t live without it. Not going to lie; the more people go online, the more chances the e-Commerce industry has to develop. However, to be genuinely attracted and click the “buy” button, customers now need much more than products’ images with only some simple description. Therefore, well-planned eCommerce strategies play an essential role for any company and sellers.  
Let’s explore some helpful tips and the top 21 eCommerce strategies to get out of your confusion finally, build up your plan, and amazingly stand out from the crowd.
Before jumping into several eCommerce strategies to increase sales, you should know some tips for better eCommerce implementation.
People can not simply do things without careful planning and wishing for desirable results. A similar principle also applies to all types of business, especially e-Commerce ones. Hence, the professional manager must take the very first step before carrying out any eCommerce strategy. Clearly defined goals bring numerous benefits to e-Commerce firms, such as setting priorities, informing actions about employees, tracking progress efficiently, and so much more. 
Moreover, being aware of the importance of setting goals is not enough. You have to know how to set SMART goals for an eCommerce strategy plan. In other words, you should avoid unclear and unreachable objectives by making it:
Last but not least, as a manager, you should establish an effective KPI to measure employees’ results. If you are not sure about your conducted KPI, consider six steps below as advice:
Pay attention to your target customer’s experience is among the top beneficial eCommerce marketing strategy tips. Of course, specialists always say that, but why? 
Basically, in today’s market environment loaded with enormous products and services, customers are those with absolute power, not the sellers. A variety of goods allow customers to have a wide range of choices according to their interest, perceived price, quality, etc. If your company can provide customers with unforgettable experiences and offer reasonable prices, they will, in return, be loyal to your enterprise. As a result, you can save the amount invested in retaining customers and even encourage brand advocacy. 
Take the case of Apple for eCommerce strategy examples. CEOs of this multinational technology company always give priority to customers’ experience. So they equip retail stores with iPhones, Macbook, iPad, AppleWatch, etc., to allow customers to experience Apple’s products themselves. 
So, how can you create a buyer persona? Follow four steps below for detailed instructions:
Use Google Analytics, Facebook, Twitter, etc., to collect demographic information, customer snapshots, interests, and other preferred information.
Listen directly from your target customers with a combination of in-person or phone customer interviews, focus groups, questionnaires, and so much more. Develop a list of questions before interviewing to make sure it is short but informative enough. Lengthy discussions create neglect and annoyance. Besides, to encourage involvement from volunteers, promising gifts in return are required. 
Once the research is completed, narrow down your results and segment your market. Segmentation is important because you know your priorities to invest efforts, resources, and humans adequately.
Precisely organize collected information and distribute the personas to marketing teams or sales teams to gather feedback and give them a reference going forward. 
ECommerce strategy is not a simple one-off project. As a matter of fact, eCommerce business strategy requires regularly checking and updating. Therefore, it is better to revisit the attainments of the previous projects before moving on. Moreover, carefully detecting what your team has and has not achieved is essential. 
Effective and loyal employees are the core value of a successful business. As a considerate employer, you ought to bring blockages to the forefront, discuss weaknesses with subordinates and find solutions to enhance their knowledge and skills. Accomplishments with superior results can encourage employees, while uncompleted work can give lessons. 
However, life is not like a dream; even frank discussion does not work sometimes. In this case, you can recruit a new executive or hire external agents for valuable professional advice for current problems. After figuring out the matters, you must immediately fix or even change them according to the business environment. Be prepared because error problems could be anything, as a timeline, allocated resources, the CEOs, KPIs, and so on. 
To adequately adapt to the continuously changing environment, professional managers must be sensitive to changes. It can be achieved through modifying the objectives and priorities of the eCommerce strategy. It is simply because the enterprise’s resources are so limited that you can not satisfy all desires. Pay attention to your eCommerce content strategy, online marketing strategy, etc., to update goals and priorities successfully. 
Overall, there are five popular growth strategies that e-commerce businesses do, including:
The information below includes the most exclusive eCommerce strategies that businesses can apply to attract more customers and get booming revenue in 2021. 
Have you ever thought about integrating your business with Social Commerce as an eCommerce strategy? If you haven’t, you should think about it now. Currently, Facebook has over 2.8 billion active users, while Instagram has more than 1 billion. The above statistics demonstrate that these platforms are lucrative markets for businesses to reach customers. 
Social Commerce can be recognized as a process of advertising, selling, and facilitating transactions on social media platforms. Generally, it represents all eCommerce functions and allows customers to complete their shopping journey without being redirected to other websites. Below are some of its significant benefits: 
Moreover, there are some social commerce trends that you need to know:
Customer loyalty is what makes business exist. Simply speaking, customer loyalty is the willingness to repurchase products, services of a specific firm. In fact, enterprises usually invest considerable resources, efforts in establishing and retaining customer loyalty. It is because customer loyalty creates enormous advantages to the firm that gaining the customers’ trust and loyalty become a must-have mission:
Although being important, loyalty programs are not difficult to conduct. First, think about three simple questions before actually starting it: What will you reward customers for? What will your rewards be? and How are rewards redeemed? After that, take your business into account and think about appealing offers:
A subscription-based pricing model is a type of payment structure that companies usually apply for their eCommerce strategy that permits their customers to pay for a specific period of time using services. The example of brands successfully gaining revenue through subscription-based pricing models would be iTunes, Spotify, Netflix, etc. For a physical product company, customers will receive a box of products monthly or weekly, depending on their choices. 
Overall, there are four types of subscription pricing suitable for various circumstances, including:
Firms do not choose a subscription-based pricing model as their eCommerce strategy randomly. Instead, they choose it due to considerable benefits it can bring to the business:
In the case you are planning to build your pricing strategies, here are some tips you can consider to make it profitable:
User-generated content (UGC), also known as user-created content (UCC), is defined as any content form like pictures, text, audio, etc., that is created and posted by users on the Internet and social media. In the technology era, UGC has become the most favorite eCommerce business strategy for firms. Common reasons why firms prefer UGC may come from its remarkable influences:
Knowing the importance of UGC and choosing it as your eCommerce strategy plan, you also wonder how to develop UGC strategy effectively. Below illustrated some tips you can use:
According to the data, the current number of smartphone users in the world is 3.8 billion, which equals 48.33% of the world’s population. Therefore, optimizing eCommerce sites for mobile means online shopping will be convenient and accessible. Here are some things that you need to consider to make an efficient mobile online store: 
Upselling and cross-selling are two great sales techniques that assist businesses in boosting profits by raising the amount of money a customer spends. Cross-selling is the practice of offering a client additional products or services that are connected to their first purchase. Meanwhile, upselling is when consumers are offered a more costly or upgraded version of the product they desired initially.
Upselling and cross-selling are essential for online marketing strategy, but how exactly? Here are some benefits of upselling and cross-selling.
Here are some tips for learning how to upsell and cross-sell that you can integrate into your eCommerce strategy:
Influencer marketing is an eCommerce strategy that leverages individuals’ voices to raise the firm’s overall profile and reputation. This approach is among the most effective ways to expand a company’s exposure. We may divide influencers into six groups in influence marketing: Mega, Macro, Micro, Advocates, Referrers, and Loyalists.
For many eCommerce business strategies, collaborating with influencers is the most effective marketing technique. The following are some of the reasons why influencer marketing is effective:
Do you want to learn more about influencer marketing or include it in your digital marketing plan? Then, continue reading for our standard tips on how to design and execute effective influencer marketing initiatives.
Cart abandonment is a significant issue in the eCommerce world. When a potential customer starts the online checkout procedure order but does not complete the transaction, this is known as shopping cart abandonment. 
Shopping cart recovery is an effective eCommerce strategy plan for dealing with cart desertion. Aside from that, the shopping cart experience may be enhanced and optimized.
Let’s have a look at some tips you can recover abandoned carts that will be useful for your eCommerce content strategy:
Customer experience is defined as the interaction between a company and its customers. It covers every encounter, no matter how brief, regardless of whether it leads to a purchase. A positive customer experience is critical for your company’s success because of the following reasons: 
Every business must take precautions to provide an excellent customer service experience. Here is a list of eCommerce strategies that firms may use to achieve the best outcomes.
Affiliate marketing has been widely applied recently as a time-saving, effective way for businesses. When using this method, firms will cooperate with the third-party to boost revenue and profit. This third party, often called affiliate marketers, uses their available network and online marketing strategy for advertising and selling the hiring firm’s products. The more transactions occur, the more commission as a percentage of sales affiliates receive. 
The eCommerce strategy of hiring affiliates with market-specific knowledge has shown various advantages for the firms:
Although you have hired experts to advertise your products, there are remarkable concerns you must know to utilize your investment in affiliate best. Here are some tips for you when conducting this eCommerce strategy:
With the development of online selling platforms and eCommerce strategies, chatbots have become widespread. It is a kind of program developed to automatically and immediately interact with customers. Based on keywords from received messages, this intelligent program can raise the most suitable within a few seconds. According to Outgrow, a believable website, 80% of enterprises have integrated some form of chatbot before 2021.
Collected opinions from chatbot vendors, specialized agencies, etc. show that chatbots have unlimited benefits:
Chatbots is an intuitive and easy-to-use tool for businesses due to additional advancements created by engineers. However, knowing some hacks when applying chatbots eCommerce strategy would be necessary:
Issuing vouchers and coupons is consistently among the top eCommerce strategies that businesses can conduct. A remarkable brand that successfully applied this strategy is Domino’s Pizza. Domino’s Pizza is a multi-billion dollar company specializing in making a variety of pizzas. By providing several vouchers offerings to customers, Domino efficiently enhanced the likelihood of customers’ return and gained enormous value. Therefore, make customers satisfied and you can receive considerable pros:
The most competent stores always know how to use eCommerce strategy plans and distribute their coupons efficiently. Therefore, you can become one of them with careful attention:
The sentence “two heads is better than one” is applicable for many aspects of life, and so does in business. The academic term for this would be brand collaboration. Simply speaking, it is the act of combining your and other brands’ strengths to better compete in the marketplace. 
Co-branding, obviously, provides remarkable advantages for joined parties, including:
Take the case of Uber and Spotify as an example. The campaign allows passengers to freely connect Spotify’s app to the car’s radio and play their favorite songs during the journey. As a result, customers feel comfortable and appreciated. 
Another remarkable corporation would be McDonald’s and Hasbro. The annual “McDonald’s Monopoly” event attracts a vast number of participants. While having meals, customers will collect tokens and match up colors to win promising prizes. These events have acquired a reputation and increased profits for both brands.
In the eCommerce world, customer data is one of the most critical factors for becoming prosperous. However, how businesses reap the advantages of this thing? 
Data feed management platform can be considered as a tool that has the following attributes: 
Thanks to this tool, businesses can publish and have better control over their product listings online, which visualizes profitability and enhance return on investment. 
People are moving towards a more integrated and interdependent world with more and more activities performed online. Email, accompanied by this trend, becomes increasingly popular as businesses utilize it to send information to customers. The academic world for this eCommerce strategy would be email marketing. Simply speaking, it involves using email to send advertisements, requests business, or solicit sales and donations. Conducting this eCommerce strategy can bring enormous pros to your firm:
Besides, there are some hacks you can use to utilize email marketing best:
Google shopping ads, also known as Product Listing Ads (PLAs), is among the most popular eCommerce strategies among many online retailers. The principle of its work is simple, Google Shopping places items at the top of Google search results to ensure they are the first things customers come across. Then, when customers click on these items, Google will immediately move them to a firm website to encourage spending. Thanks to Google Shopping, retailers can:
To conduct Shopping ads effectively, you should:
SEO tactics are processes used to create more organic traffic, involve planning, outlining, and implementing steps. Among SEO tactics, Blog SEO is one of the most important things. Hence, getting an overall understanding of Blog SEO is essential. Blog SEO can be considered as a technique to optimize a blog’s content, site architecture, and HTML code for search engines. It is done through four common tasks, including on-page optimization, plugins installation, page loading speed improvement, and internal linking.
Optimize the website with SEO tactics has various benefits:
To best benefit from your website with SEO tactics, you should:
Thanks to the development of the internet and social websites, marketers have invented another powerful eCommerce strategy – social media marketing. Generally, social media marketing functions based on creating unique content on social networks promote business in general and specifically its products and services. Common social media platforms would be Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and so on that are famous to various generations. 
The businesses’ use of social media marketing has shown considerable advantages:
General audiences require careful strategies. Follow these when doing social media marketing would bring you promising results:
Technology engineers are working harder than ever in order to invent comfortable and easy-to-use techniques and devices. Among these inventions, voice search became widely accepted due to its outstanding and marvelous features. Moreover, this hands-free technology eliminates the difficulties of inputting your search questions by hand, which is exceptionally suitable for busy people and the elderly. Therefore, applying it to doing business would help you gain promising results:
Understanding the importance of voice search is not enough; pay attention to these tips before actually apply them to your business:
Effective websites are not enough for further development in the future. Customers need more than just graphic pictures, attractive discounts, and free delivery. Even when you have posted genuine products’ pictures and precise information, customers are still suspicious about products’ quality. 
Accordingly, periodically organizing offline events with brick-and-mortgage places to demonstrate your products is necessary. Why? Because through physical locations, your enterprises allow customers actually to touch, experience, and comment on your products. That creates meaningful interactions, gains trust, and builds strong customer relationships. As a result, the traffic to your website and revenues will increase.
However, organizing these events is costly. Therefore, pay attention to these things to make sure they go well:
“Only 100 products left”, “Available until midnight,” etc., are common sentences you once saw on a selling website. You may wonder why retailers prefer to use them and how they work. Let’s discover it from a psychological perspective. 
Overall, these sentences are made based on urgency and scarcity feelings. As you may know, urgency feeling is a psychological trigger relating to FOMO
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