Kelly85 Stories

Kelly85 Stories


Kelly85 Stories
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Dating a guy exclusively can be more complicated than people might think - there's his family to deal with as well. I suppose it goes both ways but in my opinion Steve's family posed a much greater challenges for me than my parents did for him. It didn't help that his younger sister was jealous I was having sex with her brother!

Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Coming of Age
Tags: mt/ft, ft/ft, Consensual, Exhibitionism, Masturbation
Downloads: 5862 | Votes: 105 | Score: 7.32 Size: 110KB | 22,936 words |
Posted: 10.01.2021, 18:00:01
Even though I'd given my virginity to Steve almost five months earlier, he was still the only boy I'd ever had sex with or even touched for that matter. I NEVER would have guessed that number two would be his dorky younger brother!

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Coming of Age
Tags: mt/ft, Teenagers, Consensual, Masturbation
Downloads: 7607 | Votes: 158 | Score: 7.29 Size: 49KB | 10,246 words |
Posted: 10.01.2021, 23:58:07
I was fourteen when I gave my first blow job. From there it wasn't all that big of a leap to losing my virginity after which I had sex with my boyfriend as often as possible. When I found out he would be moving away I wanted to give him something to remember. I bet he still has some fond memories whenever he looks at the results of this day!

Sex Contents: Minimal Sex | Genre: Coming of Age
Tags: mt/ft, ft/ft, Consensual, Exhibitionism, Masturbation
Downloads: 4741 | Votes: 106 | Score: 7.02 Size: 25KB | 5,118 words |
Posted: 14.01.2021, 5:33:03
In a shocking turn of events, Steve's Mom took a job out of town and now they were moving! At our final night together I said goodbye to the first boy I had sex with.

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Coming of Age
Tags: mt/ft, Teenagers, Consensual, Heterosexual
Downloads: 2458 | Votes: 77 | Score: 7.31 Size: 31KB | 6,450 words |
Posted: 16.01.2021, 19:19:56
Steve had taken my virginity and until he moved away he'd been the only one I ever had sex with. Now that he was gone, what would it be like to go out with someone new? How far would I let him go? What would it feel to have sex with someone other than Steve?

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Coming of Age
Tags: mt/ft, Consensual, Masturbation
Downloads: 1772 | Votes: 47 | Score: 7.21 Size: 54KB | 11,389 words |
Posted: 06.06.2021, 18:43:18
Anyone can be popular if you're the head cheerleader and have a killer body. What about the rest of us? If there's anything that causes a teenage girl angst it's not being "popular". That was me until my first boyfriend took my virginity. Then he suddenly moved away so I started having fun with other boys - lots of boys. Suddenly after a lifetime of being just "one of those girls" all the guys wanted to date me!

Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Coming of Age
Tags: mt/ft, Teenagers, Consensual, Exhibitionism
Downloads: 3235 | Votes: 89 | Score: 6.35 Size: 29KB | 6,024 words |
Posted: 17.01.2021, 17:22:15
Too bad there are hardly any of these left around. There's just something about sucking your boyfriend's cock in the middle of a dark parking lot surrounded by cars!

Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Coming of Age
Tags: mt/ft, Teenagers, Consensual, Heterosexual, Oral Sex
Downloads: 3102 | Votes: 77 | Score: 6.81 Size: 50KB | 10,623 words |
Posted: 17.01.2021, 22:09:32
Every year our church held a service in the woods. Usually it's a boring affair but this year my new boyfriend John made it one to remember!

Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Coming of Age
Tags: mt/ft, Teenagers, Consensual, Heterosexual, Masturbation, Oral Sex
Downloads: 3561 | Votes: 73 | Score: 7.08 Size: 43KB | 8,797 words |
Posted: 17.01.2021, 22:09:41
I was only fifteen and while I'd been having sex for about a year, so far had only been with boys around my age. This was the first time I gave myself to an older man and little did I know at the time what an appetite I would grow to have for older married men!

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Coming of Age
Tags: Ma/ft, Consensual, Cheating, Exhibitionism, Masturbation, Oral Sex
Downloads: 7479 | Votes: 144 | Score: 7.16 Size: 37KB | 7,621 words |
Posted: 18.01.2021, 16:36:01
Most people look back at church camp with a mix of nostalgia and SAY, "thank God I don't have to go back". For me, it was a lot of fun and I will always have such good times to remember. Let's just say that there's a lot more to do at church camp than craft projects and hiking!

Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Coming of Age
Tags: mt/ft, Teenagers, Consensual, Masturbation, Oral Sex
Downloads: 3206 | Votes: 67 | Score: 7.37 Size: 63KB | 12,990 words |
Posted: 19.01.2021, 0:05:49
* Voting is on, but not enough votes to show score yet
Latest Blogs:
04.07.2022 : Family Tree 04.07.2022 : A Daughter's Awakening - Concluded 16.06.2022 : A Daughter's Awakening Read

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Everyone has something to be thankful on Thanksgiving. This year I found myself to be especially thankful for my Uncle Jim. Of course, his son was there to help out his dad!

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Incest
Tags: Ma/Fa, Ma/ft, mt/Fa, Fa/ft, Consensual, Incest, Mother, Son, Sister, Father, Daughter, Cousins, Uncle, Niece, Aunt
Downloads: 3664 | Votes: 33 | Score: 7.82 Size: 66KB | 13,677 words |
Posted: 23.05.2021, 16:04:04
It was time for my Dad's annual office party. He'd bought me a sexy "elf" outfit and after thanking him in my special way it was time to party. In short, by the time it was over I added another married guy to my sexual resume. I also met two sisters who I hope will be good friends in the future after having a great time with them and five guys in their hotel room playing a game of strip poker!

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Incest, Mother, Father, Daughter, Exhibitionism, Masturbation, Oral Sex
Downloads: 2533 | Votes: 35 | Score: 8.10 Size: 60KB | 12,521 words |
Posted: 06.06.2021, 20:25:15
No matter how old you get, Christmas morning is a special time. Here I was, twenty years old yet still giggling like a little schoolgirl as I waited at the top of the stairs. What special present did my dad have for me this year?

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Incest
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Consensual, Incest, Mother, Father, Daughter, Masturbation, Oral Sex
Downloads: 1764 | Votes: 39 | Score: 7.42 Size: 26KB | 5,599 words |
Posted: 08.06.2021, 3:25:41
It started with me just looking to have some fun with my cousin Rick but when his youngest sister Tammy saw us she wanted some of him for herself!

Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Incest
Tags: mt/ft, mt/Fa, Consensual, Incest, Brother, Sister, Cousins, Masturbation, Oral Sex
Downloads: 3068 | Votes: 54 | Score: 7.24 Size: 30KB | 6,313 words |
Posted: 08.06.2021, 3:25:51
Ed was the father of two sons who used to be in the church youth group I help to lead. While they are older now, Ed still keeps a close eye on me. When his kids invited their friends over for a football party, Ed asked if I wanted to join. It didn't take long to find out why!

Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Cheating, Oral Sex
Downloads: 1473 | Votes: 27 | Score: 7.04 Size: 57KB | 11,721 words |
Posted: 07.06.2021, 4:30:53
Last year my dad asked my cousin Kristen and me to pretend to be whores and entertain a few of his clients. Apparently it turned him on as much as me so when he asked me to do the same for one of his out-of-town business associates I didn't hesitate! Note: This falls sort of in between another diary entry of mine, Super Super Bowl Sunday. It's just that it was so different from everything else that happened that weekend I decided to write it up on its own.

Sex Contents: Stroke Story | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Heterosexual, Incest, Father, Daughter, Black Male, White Male, White Female, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Prostitution
Downloads: 1977 | Votes: 25 | Score: 7.35 Size: 60KB | 12,378 words |
Posted: 07.06.2021, 16:06:26
My dad was thrilled when his beloved Steelers finally won "one for the thumb". It just so happened I was having my own "Super Sunday" with his brother and son!

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Incest
Tags: Ma/Fa, mt/Fa, Consensual, Incest, Mother, Father, Cousins, Uncle, Niece, Aunt, Masturbation
Downloads: 1998 | Votes: 23 | Score: 7.91 Size: 91KB | 18,909 words |
Posted: 12.06.2021, 17:30:07
After three weeks of nothing but my finger, I was horny as hell. Sometimes it doesn't matter who he so much as what he has between his legs. It's amazing how easy it is to find someone willing to help a girl out!

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Cheating, Exhibitionism, Masturbation
Downloads: 1497 | Votes: 25 | Score: 7.77 Size: 69KB | 14,382 words |
Posted: 12.06.2021, 17:31:10
You know how sometimes it seems that something you dream of but deep down you know will never happen - happens? Well, that was the case in this situation. We met at church where he was a Deacon. I was young and single while he was married with children. I was offered a day of shopping and dinner in exchange for fulfillment of a fantasy. Sounded like a pretty good deal to me!

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Cheating, Masturbation, Oral Sex
Downloads: 1315 | Votes: 29 | Score: 8.11 Size: 80KB | 16,505 words |
Posted: 13.06.2021, 16:34:35
It was the last day of a great Spring Break. Although it was hard to leave home, I got a great sendoff - definitely a day for the diary! It started with a great wakeup call and then off to church where I was reunited with an old friend - in more ways than one!

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Incest
Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Incest, Father, Daughter, Masturbation, Oral Sex
Downloads: 1414 | Votes: 30 | Score: 7.95 Size: 40KB | 8,541 words |
Posted: 13.06.2021, 18:39:27
* Voting is on, but not enough votes to show score yet
Latest Blogs:
04.07.2022 : Family Tree 04.07.2022 : A Daughter's Awakening - Concluded 16.06.2022 : A Daughter's Awakening Read

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They were pillars of the community, icons at the church. Who would have guess how badly her husband wanted me? Who would have guessed what lengths she was willing to go to please her husband?

Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Exhibitionism, Masturbation, Oral Sex
Downloads: 1869 | Votes: 44 | Score: 6.79 Size: 44KB | 9,121 words |
Posted: 13.05.2021, 4:26:42
It's one thing to be fucked by your younger cousin but when you get to watch him do your mom for the first time, now THAT'S exciting! It's been over twenty years since my mom had a new cock so you can imagine what a thrill it was for her as well!

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Incest
Tags: mt/Fa, Fa/Fa, Consensual, Incest, Mother, Daughter, Aunt, Nephew, Exhibitionism, Masturbation, Oral Sex
Downloads: 4914 | Votes: 42 | Score: 8.04 Size: 41KB | 8,668 words |
Posted: 13.05.2021, 15:17:52
I figured what the heck, why not go to one more? This time, in addition to the eight guys that fucked me, I had my first lesbian party sex featuring my best friend Beth and two other girls.

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Fa/Fa, Consensual, Lesbian, Oral Sex
Downloads: 1631 | Votes: 29 | Score: 7.12 Size: 37KB | 7,644 words |
Posted: 14.05.2021, 3:48:34
Not every sexual experience I have has been positive although I tend to only write about the ones I enjoyed. Yet the "negative" events in our lives are often the ones that truly shape us and make us who we are. This was one of those events for me.

Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Coming of Age
Tags: Ma/Fa, Coercion, NonConsensual, Reluctant, Cheating, Oral Sex
Downloads: 2401 | Votes: 29 | Score: 6.93 Size: 38KB | 7,731 words |
Posted: 13.05.2021, 4:27:00
End of summer and one last chance to be with my family. I was expecting my parents to give me a special goodbye but having my uncle show up threw in something extra!

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Incest
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Consensual, Incest, Mother, Father, Daughter, Uncle, Niece, Group Sex, Exhibitionism, Masturbation, Oral Sex
Downloads: 1529 | Votes: 26 | Score: 7.96 Size: 49KB | 10,087 words |
Posted: 16.05.2021, 21:17:25
My dad had fucked my best friend a couple times but she still didn't know that he did me too. Was it time for her to find out?

Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Incest, Mother, Father, Daughter, Masturbation, Oral Sex
Downloads: 2295 | Votes: 40 | Score: 7.56 Size: 16KB | 3,330 words |
Posted: 16.05.2021, 21:17:33
I'd known Jeremy for years but at just sixteen he was off-limits - or was he?

Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Coming of Age
Tags: mt/Fa, Consensual, Oral Sex
Downloads: 1965 | Votes: 47 | Score: 7.37 Size: 31KB | 6,520 words |
Posted: 16.05.2021, 21:18:11
Everyone is always asking me if I have a boyfriend. Well, seems I've always had LOTS of boyfriends but when it comes to boyfriends... well that's a different story. Finding one at school is especially difficult under the circumstances so when an opportunity arose, I went for it (or should I say, him).

Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Heterosexual, Black Male, White Female, Masturbation, Oral Sex
Downloads: 1063 | Votes: 23 | Score: 8.23 Size: 39KB | 7,972 words |
Posted: 23.05.2021, 16:01:38
A little over a week ago I met Larry and we hit it off. I thought he was just a regular handsome black guy but it turns out he had a kinky side as well, especially when it came to being loyal to his friends.

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Heterosexual, Group Sex, Black Male, White Male, White Female, Cream Pie, Masturbation, Oral Sex
Downloads: 1857 | Votes: 27 | Score: 7.87 Size: 52KB | 10,842 words |
Posted: 23.05.2021, 16:02:43
Jen was my Junior year roomie and cute as a button. She had a boyfriend with whom she is definitely no prude but had never been with a girl. From the day we met I dreamed we could be closer but never actually dared to hope that our relationship would get as close as it did!

Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Fa/Fa, Consensual, Lesbian, Masturbation
Downloads: 1319 | Votes: 41 | Score: 7.81 Size: 27KB | 5,558 words |
Posted: 06.06.2021, 16:50:53
* Voting is on, but not enough votes to show score yet
Latest Blogs:
04.07.2022 : Family Tree 04.07.2022 : A Daughter's Awakening - Concluded 16.06.2022 : A Daughter's Awakening Read

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It's always hot to fool around in one of my boyfriend's homes but it's even better when someone is home - especially if that someone is his parents! What they would have said if they had any idea of what their "innocent" son was doing to me right under their noses?

Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Coming of Age
Tags: mt/ft, Consensual, Oral Sex
Downloads: 2318 | Votes: 44 | Score: 7.29 Size: 26KB | 5,360 words |
Posted: 20.02.2021, 5:58:50
We thought we had the whole house to ourselves so what better place than on his parent's bed? At least it seemed like a good idea... until his older sister showed up.

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Coming of Age
Tags: mt/ft, Fa/ft, Consensual, Mother, Daughter, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex
Downloads: 5377 | Votes: 111 | Score: 7.19 Size: 37KB | 7,793 words |
Posted: 20.02.2021, 18:37:38
I was eighteen and finally graduating from high school! Most girls get a nice gift for their high school graduation and so I was hoping for a car. Oh well, I didn't get the car but I got something else even better from my dad!

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Incest
Tags: Ma/ft, Consensual, Heterosexual, Incest, Father, Daughter
Downloads: 4244 | Votes: 78 | Score: 7.17 Size: 20KB | 4,335 words |
Posted: 27.02.2021, 17:18:16
One of the best things about being a teenage girl is that it seems almost everyone wants to look at you. So far as I'm concerned, the more the better. If you're willing - and daring, the opportunities to tease and play are endless. One of the best places is also one of the easiest to get to on the spur of the moment. This one is for those of you who have ever wondered what it's like to be one of those naughty, cock-teasing teenagers who love to drive you crazy at the mall.

Sex Contents: Minimal Sex | Genre: Coming of Age
Tags: ft/ft, Cousins, Exhibitionism, Masturbation
Downloads: 2802 | Votes: 41 | Score: 6.76 Size: 59KB | 12,013 words |
Posted: 27.02.2021, 18:01:08
High school was over and I was about to leave for college so my wonderful boyfriend Chuck and I went off to "make a memory" for both of us. It was indeed a day to remember but things got even better once I got home and told my dad about it!

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Coming of Age
Tags: mt/ft, Ma/ft, Consensual, Incest, Father, Daughter, Exhibitionism, Masturbation, Oral Sex
Downloads: 3307 | Votes: 51 | Score: 7.05 Size: 37KB | 7,747 words |
Posted: 28.02.2021, 18:30:09
Growing up my cousin Kristin and I did everything together - including a few boys. We even masturbated together although we never touched in a sexual way. Funny thing ism we each thought the other wasn't into girls even though neither of us knew the other was having sex with her mom! When I was away for college I knew my dad missed fucking me but it wasn't until summer break before they told me how Kristen had started substituting for me practically the day I left!

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Incest
Tags: Ma/ft, Consensual, Incest, Uncle, Niece, Anal Sex, Exhibitionism, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Voyeurism
Downloads: 4425 | Votes: 71 | Score: 7.28 Size: 37KB | 7,519 words |
Posted: 01.03.2021, 18:19:07
Technically this wasn't my first lesbian experience as I'd been with my mom, her sister, and her best friend before I was with Brenda. However it WAS the first time I was with a girl sexually was not a relative of mine or close friend of the family. So as far as I am concerned this was my "first" time with a girl.

Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: ft/ft, Teenagers, Consensual, Lesbian, Masturbation, Oral Sex
Downloads: 2179 | Votes: 56 | Score: 7.59 Size: 59KB | 11,977 words |
Posted: 05.03.2021, 6:04:47
My first lesbian experience, at least besides my mom and her sister, was with Brenda, my college freshman roomie. As things turned out, she also had an older brother. David was married but like so many husbands, he was ready for something new - or should I say "someone". The best part was that it wasn't just me that he was interested in cheating with. Adultery AND incest - what a combination!

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/ft, ft/ft, Consensual, Cheating, Incest, Brother, Sister, Masturbation, Oral Sex
Downloads: 3698 | Votes: 106 | Score: 7.92 Size: 42KB | 8,746 words |
Posted: 07.03.2021, 5:47:44
My cousin was getting married and you kn
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