Kegel Balls Sex

Kegel Balls Sex


Kegel Balls Sex
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Korin Miller
Korin Miller is a freelance writer specializing in general wellness, sexual health and relationships, and lifestyle trends, with work appearing in Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Self, Glamour, and more.

Aryelle Siclait
Aryelle Siclait is the editor at Women's Health where she writes and edits articles about relationships, sexual health, pop culture, and fashion for verticals across and the print magazine.

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Jacqueline Tempera is an award-winning writer and reporter living in Boston with her cat Roxanne.

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There's a notion out there that says a tight vagina is a good vagina. It's usually meant as a demeaning compliment extended to women who are celebrated for refraining from having "too much sex." That's not the type of tight vagina up for discussion here—please, have as much sex as you'd like. Let's focus, instead, on how improving the elasticity of your vagina by strengthening it with kegel balls can help with a number of physical issues (orgasms included). Everybody on board?
The muscles in the vagina can weaken naturally over time, or after events including childbirth, which can lead to urinary incontinence (a.k.a. peeing yourself). That's why pelvic-floor strengthening exercises, a.k.a. kegel exercises, which involve clenching and releasing your pelvic-floor muscles (the ones you squeeze to hold your pee) are so crucial, says Dr. Christine Greves, MD, a board-certified ob-gyn at the Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women and Babies. (Did I mention that kegels may make your orgasms even stronger ?)
One tool that can take your exercises to the next level are kegel balls—a.k.a. Ben Wa balls. They're like little weights for your vagina, explains Greves. They usually consist of one or several balls lined up in a row with a cord at the end. You insert them into your vagina (with the cord hanging out), then contract and release your pelvic floor muscles around them, Greves says. Doing so helps you isolate those muscles and feel the contractions a little better.
Kegel balls come in tons of different sizes and weights—anywhere from 10 grams to 100 grams. Your best bet is use them daily (or as often as you remember to), and increase the weight gradually as you feel like your muscles are getting stronger. Obviously, the heavier the ball, the more strength you need to hold it inside—so start small.
Meet the expert: Dr. Christine Greves, MD is a board-certified ob-gyn at the Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women and Babies.
When you're not turning to Ben Wa balls for incontinence, you can use them for pleasure and arousal too, says Jess O’Reilly, PhD, host of the @SexWithDrJess Podcast . To use your kegel balls as sex toys, she suggests opting for those held together with a silicone cord. "You might insert the balls and rotate or gently tug on the strings to create a range of sensations," she explains. "Some people enjoy pulling them out very slowly to heighten awareness and bring attention to the more subtle sensations." To take these sensations up a notch, try running your Ben Wa balls under cool or warm water before inserting them. "Changes in temperature can heighten arousal and change the way we interpret pleasure by activating the body’s sensitive thermoreceptors," O'Reilly adds.
A quick housekeeping note: While kegel balls are generally considered safe, Greves says, you shouldn’t use them right after you have a baby (you can have vaginal tearing that needs to heal), and you shouldn't leave them in more than six hours. When you're ready to go, opt for Ben Wa balls made with non-porous silicone, which won’t irritate your vagina the way porous vaginal tools can since they tend to trap bacteria. No matter what they're made of, clean them after every use with mild soap and water.
Cool, now that you're ready to, er, play are the best kegel balls to check out:
If you’re going to invest in Kegel toning balls, they may as well be Barbie pink, right? These come with something called a “retrieval chord” which is definitely...useful for getting them back out.
Tracey Cox, who designed these, says they help strengthen vaginal muscle tone and users can achieve better-than-ever orgasms. What could be better than that?
This set is shaped like mangos (!!) and is great for the person looking to up their kegel game. It comes in three cute colors yellow is 1.5 oz, red is 2 oz, and orange is 2.75 oz so you can increase your weight over time.
The creators of this recommend users insert, and squeeze for 10 seconds. They recommend doing no more than 10 reps at a time, so keep that in mind before you go H.A.M. with your new mango balls.
These are adorable, discreet, and help strengthen your pelvic floor. The holy trinity of Ben Wa balls. Each ball contains a flower, and with two in a set, it’s great for people easing into kegel exercises.
Try one 1.3 oz or work up to 2.6 oz. They are made of borosilicate glass, which makes the balls perfect for temperature play, too, so you can feel free to heat it up or cool it down when using these.
If you’re feeling extra spicy, these pleasure balls are officially approved by the author of Fifty Shades of Grey so it’s definitely a step in the right direction.
These are for advanced kegel toners ready to heat up their workout challenge. The smooth, solid metal balls are a collective 7.8 oz so it’s no joke.
When sex and science intersect things, can get pretty fun—which is exactly what is happening here. A team of researchers and scientists set out to help people with vaginas strengthen their pelvic floor officially and voilà—G Balls 2. These bad boys are 1.22 inches wide and 3.23 inches long and connect to a smartphone app that hooks you up with six training courses.
For the less tech-savvy, the balls work just fine without the smartphone connection.
Lelo’s products put an emphasis on pleasure, and indulgence while making sure to be discreet. These can be used for solo play or with a partner. And they vibrate! How could you go wrong?
These are, as the name suggests, controlled by a wrist remote so you can have good control of the product while it is in your body. A group of women developed the design, which has 12 intense vibrating patterns.
If you’re using these for some foreplay...the balls operate within 32.5 feet of the wristband so keep that in mind for your next naughty night out. And, it has a memory chip that remembers your patterns from previous sessions. Wild.
For all the crystal lovers out there, these are made with obsidian, known for protection. And what could be more important to protect than your vagina? These balls, like the others, can be used for both practice and pleasure.
Slip this in and hand your partner the remote. Let them surprise you with a combination of this kegel ball's 12 vibration patterns. It will help strengthen your pelvic floor, while its curved body "caresses your G-spot" at the same time.
This set of kegel balls also doubles as a sex toy that you can use with a partner (oh, hiiii ). It includes three different weight options, all of which vibrate—intended to make your kegel training a little more pleasurable.
The Ami set comes with not just three different weighted balls, but also three different shaped balls, to change up the challenge on your pelvic floor. Even the heaviest piece is perfectly balanced to ensure proper muscle activation and no slipping.
If you're someone who likes following strict training plans for your runs or workouts, you're going to love this six-piece set. Each weight is slightly heavier than the next, so you can gradually work your way up in vaginal strength. Plus, they look like strawberries—how adorbs .
Use these weights for just 15 minutes a day and you'll wind up with tighter, stronger pelvic floor muscles, this company claims.
These gently vibrate in response to your body’s movements, so you can use them as a sex toy, too. And in pink and blue, they’re cute too!
If you really want to go all out, there’s the Elvie Trainer. This kegel ball is connected to an app that guides you through five-minute exercises three times a week and actually gives you feedback, so you can track your progress.

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You've probably heard of Kegel exercises (e.g., pelvic floor muscles). Women and men can both do them to help enhance their pelvic floor tone, which may result in stronger and/or more pleasurable orgasms. For men, doing Kegel exercises may also help you to become more aware of your bodily sensations and better control the timing when you ejaculate so you can learn to last longer, if you want to.
Kegels are often described as fun things that you can do while watching television, sitting at a stop light or riding the train to work. Even sitting in a boring work meeting. But you and your partner can also try Kegels during sex. Next time you're having sex, ask her to squeeze your penis with her pelvic floor muscles. It mimics the contractions you might feel as she's on her way to orgasm and can be quite pleasurable. You can also try them - maybe even make your penis "dance" - which can feel good along her front vaginal wall (where the G Spot is). You heard it here first: Kegel exercises are free, easy to do, and can be a fun part of sex.
Debby Herbenick, PhD is a sex researcher and educator, a widely read sex columnist and author of Because It Feels Good: A Woman’s Guide to Sexual Pleasure and Satisfaction . Follow her on Twitter @mysexprofessor

Now Reading Why Kegel Balls Can Lead To More Intense Orgasms
Kegel balls , also called Ben Wa balls , saw a spike in sales thanks to Fifty Shades of Gray . But Christian Grey didn’t exactly provide an instruction manual beyond placing then in Ana’s vagina . So how do you actually use these little weighted balls — and why should you? We talked to Madeleine M. Castellanos , MD, sex therapist and author of Wanting to Want: What Kills Your Sex Life and How to Keep It Alive , to find out more.
Before we begin, Dr. Castellanos notes that if you are experiencing a symptom that you think using kegel balls could help — like painful sex, urinary or fecal incontinence , or pain when you squeeze your pelvic floor muscles — you should get a doctor’s okay before you try them..
Kegel balls are small, weighted balls that you wear inside the vagina in order to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles . “It’s kind of like doing weights for your pelvic floor,” Dr. Castellanos says. Kegel balls have many practical benefits — strengthening the vagina after childbirth , controlling urinary incontinence , and increasing the intensity of orgasms . Some people also find wearing kegel balls to be a turn-on, either by itself or as a form of foreplay (cue that Fifty Shades scene).
Lighter and bigger kegel balls are easier to begin with, and you’ll want to choose balls made out of stainless steel, glass, or medical-grade silicone . (If you choose kegel balls that are too small or too heavy, “they could fall out and hit you on the toe,” Dr. Castellanos says.)
There are two types of kegel balls you can use. The first type consists of, simply, two weighted balls . These should be used in the same way you do weights at the gym, Dr. Castellanos explains. She suggests three sets of ten reps. Or, you can place the balls inside your vagina and hold them for as long as you can. “I give people combinations of these exercises, because they exercise the muscle in different ways," she says. Once you have done these exercises, you simply take the balls out — you don't have to keep wearing them all day.
The second type of kegel balls are meant to be worn for a few hours and often consists of one ball placed within another ball, which causes a little vibration when you move around. Instead of doing reps , these kegel balls should be worn as you go about your everyday business (and you do want to be moving — not sitting or lying down). “It’s like doing exercise without thinking about it,” Dr. Castellanos explains.
Some kegel balls come with a string attached , while others come as stand-alone balls. Either way, when inserting them, you want to wash your hands first and get into a position that feels comfortable — for first-timers, lying on your back may be the easiest. If the balls have a string, you can simply pull them out, like a tampon. If there isn’t a string, then you’ll want to remove the kegel balls by squatting and bearing down a little bit. Then, “insert your finger past the pelvic floor and do a little sweeping motion,” Dr. Castellanos says. “As you’re pushing gently, grab onto the ball and pull it out.”
Like all sex toys, make sure that you’re cleaning your kegel balls after each use. Have fun!
How To Use Kegel Balls To Orgasm & Boost Your Sex Life
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