Kegal Ball

Kegal Ball


Kegal Ball


Samantha Leal and Emily Belfiore

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By now, you probably know that Kegels involve tightening then releasing the muscles in your pelvic floor (it should feel like you're stopping yourself from peeing). But have you ever used Kegel balls to make these exercises even more challenging?

Kegel balls help strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor . They've been used for centuries, and are sometimes also referred to as Ben Wa balls. These small, circular weights are inserted into your vagina (yep, just like a tampon) and essentially make your muscles say, "Oh, I gotta keep these in," which triggers them to contract.

Think of it as taking your pelvic floor muscles to the gym. You can start by using Kegel balls for a few minutes each day, then increasing for longer intervals as you get stronger. (Don't worry, Kegel balls come out easily; you just need to relax your body. Most also have strings to make them easier to remove.) Below, explore the best Kegel balls and exercisers and learn how to incorporate them into your daily routine.

Many women start doing Kegels as a way to boost their sex life . The reason? Stronger pelvic floor muscles may lead to more intense sex, since part of your pelvic floor, the pubococcygeus (PC) muscles, contract during orgasm.

While better sex is certainly a benefit, doctors emphasize that it's not only about that—Kegel balls can also help with pregnancy recovery (babies put pressure on your pelvic floor, which weakens those muscles) and especially improve bladder control.

"There are different types of urinary incontinence : Urge, stress, and mixed," explains Christine Greves, MD , an OB-GYN at Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women & Babies in Orlando. "[Kegel balls can help with] stress urinary incontinence, which is basically the inability to hold your urine with a lot of abdominal pressure—whether that is from laughter, sneezing, or coughing."

If performing regular Kegel exercises hasn't been working and you're trying to avoid surgery, you may want to give Kegel balls a shot, adds Dr. Greves. "Talk to your doctor about possibly adding these to your regimen to try to help with incontinence," she says.

Not sure what you should look for when shopping for Kegel balls? According to Zaher Merhi, MD, director of research and development in IVF technologies at New Hope Fertility in New York City, there are a slew of different features to consider. Many of them will come down to preference: Kegel balls are usually designed as singles or doubles (doubles will give you a more challenging workout); they can be made of metal or silicone; are available in different sizes and weights, so you can find the right fit; and some even vibrate, which can boost the intensity of your session.

Users also have their choice of electronic Kegel exercisers and pelvic floor trainers, which stimulate the muscles using a sensor for customized exercises. These options are typically Bluetooth operated and have their own mobile apps that feature guided workouts and progress tracking. Electronic Kegel balls and trainers tend to be more expensive than their standard weighted counterparts.

Regardless of your preference, experts agree that the use of a device can help improve incontinence and prevent prolapse. Below, explore the eight Kegel balls and pelvic floor exercisers you should look into.

When shopping for a kegel exerciser, New York-based gynecologist Alyssa Dweck, MD , recommends choosing one that offers "ease of use" and is "made with medical-grade silicone" for safety. The Elvie Trainer strengthens your pelvic floor with its advanced workout regimen, which is accessed through the Elvie App and features unique five-minute exercises. In addition to taking the guesswork out of creating a pelvic floor strengthening routine, the app tracks your movements in real-time and offers feedback and progress tracking. The exerciser's sleek profile and soft body-safe silicone exterior offer optimal comfort, and users have the choice to opt for a customized cover to better improve the fit.
"The gym for your pelvic floor," exclaimed one Amazon shopper . "The exercises are fun and keep me motivated. Elvie is very comfortable too! It also gives me confidence that I'm doing the best I can for my body. I recently visited my gynecologist and she was impressed with my results."

Kegel exerciser novices should choose a model that utilizes "smart technology" and offers clear and easy-to-follow instructions, according to Dr. Dweck. Enter: The KegelSmart Exerciser. This pick trains your pelvic muscles using a vibration-guided program, which works your muscles in accordance with your tolerance and pelvic floor strength. Once you insert it, you'll feel a series of three vibrations to signal the beginning of your workout (you can follow along with Intimina's user instructions here). The more you use KegelSmart, the higher your threshold will be, and the exerciser will move you through the five different levels.
"I bought this product as I had started to suffer from leaks when lifting heavy items or going on long walks," explained one reviewer . "[It] took a few attempts to insert properly but I persevered and I noticed a difference in about three weeks. Today I did a four-mile walk and no leakage. It's been life-changing. No more tying cardigans around my waist to cover up.

The K-Fit Kegel Toner uses electronic muscle stimulation (EMS), a method Dr. Dweck describes as "contracting the muscles in an effort to strengthen them." This battery-operated model comes equipped with 10 pre-programmed exercisers, along with three empty slots for you to enter your own workout based on your preferences. The toning unit is sleek and built with a clip that easily fits on belts, so you can discreetly use it while you're on the go.
"No kidding, this little Kegel toner started helping right away," an Amazon customer shared in their review . "The first two weeks I used it daily, but now I use it three to four days a week and things are back to normal. No more worries about leakage when I sneeze, have sex, or get to the bathroom to pee—and it takes me more than two seconds to hit the seat."

Priced at $50, this affordable pelvic floor trainer from Joy On has four adjustable modes for customized exercises. It was designed by physical therapists Elizabeth Bell and Lola Rosenbaum and electronically enhances your muscles using advanced pressure sensors. Your exercises and progress are tracked through a Bluetooth app and you can use the exerciser as a post-workout massager to relax the muscles. According to the brand, two weeks of consistent 15-minute sessions will help you see results.
"I can sneeze again—without changing clothes," said one reviewer . "[It] helps build muscle strength after childbirth and I no longer fear sneezing or laughing too hard. This product quickly made all my skepticism vanish. I'm tempted [to] exercise with it at work."

If the thought of doing Kegel exercises feels like a chore, then you'll want to give the kGoal Trainer a try. Through its mobile app, this pick tones your pelvic floor muscles with a series of fun exercises and games, making you forget that you're doing Kegels. One user described it as "literally like playing a video game with your vagina. Kegels cannot possibly get more fun." These guided workouts adapt to your strength level and adjust as your muscles get stronger for more challenging exercises. The app also tracks your progress and allows you to create customized exercises. As for the trainer's shape, it's designed with a comfort vent so it can adapt its inflation to best suit your body.
"My GYN suggested doing Kegels but I could not determine if I was doing them right," explained one Amazon shopper . "[The kGoal Trainer] makes so much difference to have the feedback that tells you how strong you are squeezing and if you are accurate on the approach. The games are really great and make the Kegel session fun. It also tracks progress over time so you know you are improving which keeps you motivated. I have been using it for a couple [of] months and can tell I'm much stronger."

The Perifit Kegel Exerciser uses a 5-D analysis diagram to assess the strength, endurance, contraction quality, relaxation, and agility of your pelvic floor in order to provide effective training exercises and address the proper areas that need toning. The device's ergonomic shape is designed for easy and comfortable insertion, and features two pelvic floor sensors for accurate results. With the Perifit app, you have access to the brand's six training programs, one of which is specially targeted towards incontinence. The programs consist of traditional exercises and fun games and offer feedback and progress tracking.
"This product is amazing for help with incontinence," raved one reviewer . "I have already seen a difference after a couple of weeks' use. The app games really help you learn to target the pelvic muscles much more accurately."

Created with pleasure and pelvic floor wellness in mind, the We-Vibe Bloom Vibrating Balls are weighted to help you strengthen your pelvic muscles and can also be used to create a sensual massage. The set features three varying weights, ranging from 10 grams, 30 grams, and 45 grams. Each Kegel ball offers 10 vibration patterns and is controlled through the We-Vibe app, which gives you the option to create your own custom vibration pattern.
"These things help me get stronger and better, sounds like a dumbbell right?" one Ella Paradis customer began their review . "Well it kinda is, but for your pelvic floor. True story: I was laughing so hard almost to my house that I came to the point of almost peeing myself (a little bit admit-tingly leaked out) and these things have helped prevent that from happening to me again."

This Amazon best-selling set features six weighted Kegel exercisers, each designed for quality comfort and performance by physical therapist Amanda Olson. Available in 10-gram, 40-gram, 60-gram, 85-gram, 105-gram, and 125-gram color-coded weights, each exerciser provides resistance to strengthen and tone the pelvic floor muscles and is ergonomically shaped for easy insertion. Users are given access to a variety of guided workouts and instructional videos to prevent unwanted leaks, aid in post-pregnancy recovery, and enhance sexual pleasure. While these vaginal weights are beginner-friendly, Dr. Dweck notes that weighted Kegel balls and exercisers are typically best suited for experienced users.
"I have had four children (naturally), so let's just say I wasn't surprised when I tried the lightest weight and ugh struggled to keep it in," shared an Amazon shopper . "It's only been a week but I have noticed a wee bit of a difference; I sneezed and didn't dribble!" Another reviewer added , "I have an issue where it's always been hard to orgasm and would take forever. Using these weights has helped me experience pleasure quicker during intimacy."

Emily Belfiore is an experienced lifestyle writer and editor with a passion for shopping. As a buying guides writer for Health, she covers topics spanning across the fashion, beauty, and health and wellness verticals and is always in pursuit of the best reviewer-vouched products. Emily started her career as an Associate Editor for SheFinds, where she created shopping-oriented content, and has since grown her freelance portfolio by providing lifestyle coverage for Allure,, Byrdie, InStyle, Real Simple, The Quality Edit, WWD, and more. She earned a Bachelor's degree in Communications and Journalism from Marist College in 2016. In her free time, you can find her testing products for articles, watching beauty tutorials, or catching up on the latest binge-worthy show.

Having a tight vagina is something most of us rarely think about – until something happens that makes us think about it! Perhaps we start to experience urinary incontinence after childbirth, or sex starts to feel different and less enjoyable. Our partners might even bring it up. Often, we may feel frustrated, embarrassed, or limited by these issues, and may be at a loss for how to deal with them. This is where kegel and Ben-Wa balls come into play, two of the most popular workout equipment for women.
When we talk about vaginal tightening, what we’re really talking about is the strength and fitness of the the puboococcygeus (PC) muscle. Physical trauma, like childbirth or vaginal surgery can affect the tone of the PC muscle, as can hormonal fluctuations, such as those brought on by the natural aging process. The good news is that these muscles are under voluntary control, and much like your arms or abs, can be strengthened by good old fashioned exercise.
You may have already heard of kegels. This is the voluntary contraction and release of the PC muscle. Kegels alone can help to strengthen the PC muscle. However, if you want faster and better results, or need more of a PC workout, this is where kegel balls come in!
Kegel balls go by many names, are used all over the world, and have been around for centuries. They come in various sizes, weights, and materials. Most often they are made of surgical-grade metal, glass, or silicone, and are marble-sized or a little bigger. Some of the more common names for it are; kegel weights, Ben Wa, vaginal beads, etc. You get the point, they are all kind of the same. 
Kegel exercise balls are inserted into the vagina, and held in place by the contracting the PC muscle. Using these tools strengthens the muscles of the vagina and pelvic floor. These products can even have the added benefit of increasing sexual stimulation or making orgasms stronger and more intense. Thank your newly strengthened PC muscles!
While kiegel balls and ben-wa beads are very similar, they are not the same. They both just look like eggs.
Ben-Wa balls are hollow and may have a smaller one inside. With movement, the innermost beads rolls around. This motion, while subtle, stimulates the wearer, and causes her to contract her PC muscles even more. This may offer the added benefit of increased sexual stimulation while using the Ben-Wa balls, and stronger orgasms over time.
Some Ben-Wa balls come on a string. This may provide another avenue for strengthening if you pull the string gently and use your PC muscles to keep the weight inside: a new version of tug-of-war.
If all of this sounds exciting, overwhelming, or just plain weird, don’t worry! We have step-by-step instructions below on how to use a kegel ball.
Now that we all know how effective these products can be, let’s get into topic of “how to use kegel balls “. In this section, we will discuss how to use these Ben Wa weights to increase the tone of your vaginal muscles because if done properly, you can get your tightness back in no time. Let’s get into the “how-to’s” of using this:
*Please consult your doctor if you have recently given birth or had vaginal surgery before beginning the use of kegel balls.
Much like adding weights to your reps at the gym, adding a kegel ball into your routine will help strengthen and tone the vagina and pelvic floor even more than kegals alone. When the PC muscle is “in shape” issues like urinary incontinence or decreased sexual satisfaction may disappear, and the vagina will feel rejuvenated and tighter. These kegel ball exercises are made to help women of any age, strengthen their core and PC muscles that contribute in the firmness of their vagina. 
Of course, there are many natural remedies you can use to speed up the process, and make the results last longer over time. You can learn more about at-home DIY remedies for tightening your vagina by visiting our homepage.
To find out more about kegel balls and other natural ways to get a tighter vagina, you can simply go to our other page about exercises.
I would definitely recommend using these tools to get your body’s tightness back. They have been tested throughout time and they really do work in bringing back your lost youth. This is especially true when you combine these kegel exercise balls with the very popular topical gels which help to tighten your vagin a, which we have also reviewed on this website. And, if you are interested in learning more about it, you can go to the sidebar and it will take you to that page. This concludes our discussion about kegel (Ben Wa) balls. Ciao for now!
We offer a helping hand when it comes to tightening your vagina. focuses on bringing you the most up-to-date information on vaginal health and how to improve and tightening.
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