Keep your bike's graphics longer

Keep your bike's graphics longer

High quality graphics can be expensive so it is important to find ways to ensure they last longer. There are many factors that influence how long graphics last on dirt bikes.


Many bikers swear to MX stickers, for an ability to endure almost everything thrown at them. High-quality stickers can cost more than normal stickers, but they will last for longer.

Storage Conditions

It could make a significant distinction in the place you store your bicycle. Bikes must be protected from the elements when not being used. Your stickers and plastics are likely to be damaged if keep your bike out in the sunshine for too long. Whenever you have an interest to find out detailed information about dirt bike, you must sneak a peek at site.


It is essential to place stickers in a proper manner on the bike's surface. Be sure that there aren't any bubbles when applying your designs to your bike. Bubbles can cause a weakness and cause your stickers to fall off easily. When properly applied, stickers will line up perfectly with the body of your bike making sure that edges aren't exposedand are therefore easily removed.

Riding Terrain

Riding your bike through rough terrain like trees, shrubs and thorny vegetation exposes your bike's graphics scratches and abrasions. Even the highest quality stickers will be worn away rapidly by the constant friction.

Steps to add Durability to Your Graphics

No matter how many steps you takeon your bike, its graphics will eventually lose their appeal. However, you can take the provisions below to ensure that they last for a longer period.

Clean your bike's surface regularly.

Although not easily visible Although it's not obvious, the surfaces of your bike attracts dirt and leaving it there for long periods of time is a disaster for your graphics. This dirt accelerates the fade process and generally smells disgusting, so don’t leave it. To prevent scratching your stickers make use of a mild detergent and an easy sponge.

Dry the exterior well after cleaning

After cleaning your bike, make sure it is completely dry. Make use of a dry, clean, absorbent piece of cloth to dry off any remaining water drops and clear water streaks. The first indications of tears are caused due to moisture on the graphic's surface.

Be prepared for extreme weather

Your bike needs safe storage space that is free of elements. The heat can be harmful to the dirt-bike surface, and that includes the graphics. The high temperatures can cause the surface to expand. This can cause weak spots, which then fades quickly. To safeguard your graphics and your bike, keep it from being exposed to extreme cold, harsh elements such as snow, rain, winds, and other elements that are harsh.

Use grip tape to seal corners and edges

Grip tape can be affixed to corners and edges where peeling may occur. You can also replace it on a regular basis. This tape won't only keep your graphics safe, but also add a shiny appeal to them.

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