Keanu Reeves Married A Guy

Keanu Reeves Married A Guy

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Welcome to my gossip page about who is famous and gay. Hollywood actors musicians and celebrities are checked out for signs of closet dwelling. Most of the info here is collected from around the web, so don't blame me... YAY.
What a beautiful man. Too exquisite to be straight.
So we always kind of knew. So poor Tom Cruise. Come out for the sake of the children (and I don't mean your own).
Homosexuality is wrong, God makes it clear. It is destructive, and unnatural.

Romans 1:26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

Romans 1:32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

Luke 13:3 KJV
I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
Just shut up, dude. They become gay not because of their choice, it's nature. GOD himself gave them the nature to be a gay when they're born. Try to be one of us, dammit!
Ok everyone on here who's saying that homosexuality is wrong are a bunch of fn hypocrites. Divorce is also a form of adultery! How many heteros get divorced and how many heterosexual men cheat on their wifes! The bible especially old testament says a bunch of things are wrong ridiculous things some of which are punishable by death. Tell me what stance do you idiots think you really have on saying gays can't get married when divorce rate is astronomical. Had straight people not fd if up in the first place gays probably wouldn't have much of an argument would they! Our country is supposed to separate church and state but this issue proves that our country is nothing but bull. I hope that when you die you are sorely disappointed when you find the truth. If god makes no mistakes then gays are supposed to be here.
Seriously you think you have any right to judge. Where all sinners and love between humans is no sin. Keep your mouth shut because no one wants to here your rude opinion.
Commendable that you stood up for your beliefs as a Christian, for I too am a devote Christian. Please do not take this the wrong way, but your approach on the subject of being gay is a sin needs a lot of work.

1) Being born with a natural feeling of wanting to be with the same sex is no different tHan being born with the desire lie, cheat, steal, kill, a sex with the opposite sex before marriage, etc... etc... These sins and many many more are naturally born in us thanks to the fall of Adam, so to attack a person for having the desire to be with the same sex is wrong.

2) I am a happily married man, and I love my wife. What of I told you I have sex with a different women every week. Isn't that just as bad as if I was gay and having sex with other men? The answer is a resounding yes. They are both sins.
Now on the flip side of that just because I feel that I was doing this because God made me that way doesn't give me the right to do it either. Sin is still sin period, as I will explain in my next point.

3) Sin is not the person, but it is the action of doing something that is against God's laws. The action of sin can as simple as just thinking about doing something wrong to actually doing it. We are all born with the desire to sin, but we also each are born with different sinful desires as well as some sinfull natures that are the same in everyone. One such sinfull nature we are all born with is the ability to lie. Think about it for just a minute does anyone's parents ever have to teach a child how to lie? No it just comes naturally. So from now on do not attack the person for being born with the desire to be with the same sex, but instead attack the sin. Pray for them to ask God to guard and protect them from committing the sin. As Christians we to are sinners, and only through God's protection can we resist sinning. Please keep this in mind we personally can not resist any sin. It's only through God,Jesus, and His spirit that the sin is able to be resisted. We can never say I resisted anything. If we could then there would have been know need for God to send His only son Jesus to die for our sins, because we could have done it ourselves.

4)So in closing stop telling people who are gay they are going to hell. All your doing is ticking them off and not helping them at all. Instead approach them with kindness, and love (like Jesus did). Let them know that you too have your own struggles with sin, and share the Gospel with them. Explain how God helps you with your struggles, and that He can help them too. Just because they are gay does not condemn them to hell. It's the not excepting Christ in their hearts, and not asking for forgiveness for their sins that will condemn them. Just as it would have us for condemned us for our sinfull lives too if we hadn't excepted Christ into our lives. Our sins are no different than thiers.

So approach them with love and kindness, spread the Gospel, and pray for them. DO NOT ATTACK THEM, that in itself is a sin, but attacking sin itself is what we are to do. Not the sinner but the sin regardless of what sin it is!!!

May God be with you all, and in Jesus' name I pray this message will plant a seed that God Himself will water and nourish to fulfillment for His glory not mine. Amen
Yes. Great explanation of sin and loving approach to confronting it. God bless you.
You KNOW homosexuality is WRING, or you would have allowed my comment! LMBO......Gays are wrong. Hell is where you will end up....unless you REPENT, and receive God into your life. turn from your vile sins and live!
before you pass judgment at least learn how to spell you so called Christian.... always the ignorant one 's spoutting hate. my guess is you're alone, bitter, and full of hate.looking to spread your diseased mind to others. I guess misery really does love company..... we'll good luck with the hate and judgment CHRISTIAN!!!! the NERVE!
And the Easter Bunny will get you too...God is a figment of your imagination..
You do realize that this is a hoax that started as an april's fools joke, right?
i love keanu reeves..he is a beautiful and wonderful man, inside and out ive seen him sad and i want more than anything to see him happy, even if he is gay..if i couls i wish i could meet him and i would make all of his sadness go away..
I bet anonamous lives in a trailer......... wears a wife beater, drinks bush beer, and is missing teeth Lmao.
Another one bites the dust. What a waste
this story is a HOAX .. keanu is not gay and even cummings reports "I never even met him" You people amaze me at your lies.

He married his fiance Autumn Macintosh. get YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT BEFORE YOU PUBLISH "stories"!
I hope Keanu sues the crap out of you lying malicious idiots. this story is soooo not true. slander IS a crime..
I normally don't follow this kind of thing--much less post comments. But all I can say is this--I believe I passed Keanu Reeves on the street in San Francisco.

This was in 2011 on Van Ness Avenue and Eddy Streets. I was heading south when I was passed by an apparently gay couple walking very fast heading northbound on Van Ness Avenue, hand-in-hand, as they crossed Eddy Streets at the Walgreens.

Both men were about the same age: the shorter of the two was quite short and had model looks. He was also an obviously successful bodybuilder--he was absolutely striking in his looks and build.

The other man looked just like Keanu Reeves. He did not remind me of Keanu Reeves. If asked in a Court of Law, I would say it was Keanu Reeves--although I have to admit I have never seen Mr.Reeves in person, just in his movies and still photos.

I have heard that Actors do occasionally walk on City streets. I have heard however, than when they do, they generally walk covered up or in a disguise. This was not the case in this instance.
All these jerks who quote the bible to their own end. The bible will soon be banned as hate literature and anyone who believes there is a god is a bloody fool. There has never been a miracle and there has never been proof of gods existance. People who quote the bible to denounce homosexuality are merely stupid viscious bigots. Bunch of assholes.
Wow anonymous writing of hate . That's right , god is a hater I guess. Never learned that in my church. God still loves hate mail too
2 yummy men married to eachother. Don't see anything wrong with it Accept Dang one of'em aint me ^^
Gay is as un natural as straight(=natural). We're born who we are. No one has a right to judge!
all u haters of gays are the ones who will burn in hell. go back to reading your king james fairy tale story of bullshit. a book re-wrote a thousand times over a thousand years that you take literally. i've never herd such stupid people in my life so spit off your fake ass
bible passages to your children and doom them for life with yours lies. and i'm not even gay. most of you are probably secretly gay yourselves thats why you feel the need to showcase such hate.
as much as anonamous has commented on this piece I would say he's the one in love with Mr. Reeves. get a life and stop dictating others CHRISTIAN!!!!! HYPOCRITE JUST LIKE THE REST. You pass judgment then go break a few sins yourself...... just like a Christian.... probably a closet republican as well
We'll all stand alone and naked before God and answer to him ALONE ! And we shall pay for our sins. And for some vile disgusting and perverse is what you will have to answer for fortunately !
His sexuality really isnt the BIG question. The BIG question is: HOW THE HELL DOES HE KEEP GETTING JOBS AS AN "ACTOR"!?? As for the knucklehead who "hopes Keanu sues the crapout of you lying malicious idiots" for slander; know the public should file a lawsuit as well - against "Keanu" for fraud: impersonating an actor.
Just because he's elegant doesn't make him gay. Homosexuals that think only homosexuals are elegant, intellectual and lovely are silly and don't deserve the fair treatment they seek. Keanu may well be bisexual. He was with a woman and had a still born child.

The fact is, I personally do not think someone as lovely as Keanu is a flamer, just because most I meet are such bitches and hateful, bitter people. Sorry but true. By the way, I am bisexual and have many wonderful gay and strait friends.
Wow. Someone sure got creative with this post.
You homophobes! Keanu is awesome, regardless of his sexual preference! Get with the times. Love is Love. Love is good! ..And don't forget, hypocrites, that we are all sinners.
To the person that posted that homosexuality is wrong according to the bible I want to inform that also the bible approved of slavery and states that women in their menstrual period are to be dispised. The bible is said to have been written by men inspired by God but who can guarantee me that thee men were not at some time subjective when writing these verses.
So many are just AGAINST things that are different from themselves. It takes little to no deep thought to just come up with "It's wrong". What if, nature is evolving toward gayness to offset the huge multitudes of population, thus saving humanity and the world from the ruin that would cause (disease, starvation, chaos, lawlessness, etc.). It ends up being humanities' salvation, with God's blessing, and the idiots from America in the 2000's were just sure its wrong. I don't want to be one of the idiots, do you?
j'ai rien compris, apparemment je suis tombΓ© sur un blog de philosophie ???
I would like to go to celebrity club fight.
It would be a great pleasure for me to beat the s*** out of that f***** Keanu Reeves.
We all know the story is true what a f**
You can tell this is an American forum because it's so bitter and fucked up about gay people! Thank God I live in Europe!! America huge issuers with two men loving each other while it's many fellow Americans can walk into a school or cinema with a gun and shoot random people and kid's!!! Such a sick country you people live in!!!
Hey, stupid.....just because you'd like him to be, and he's beautiful, doesn't mean he is gay! He is engaged to marry a woman, last I heard!
I believe it is wrong but its a persons choice
I believe it I wrong but its a persons choice
I have always been interested in the psychology of people who make such a big deal about a persons sexual orientation. The actual truth of the matter is that people who obsess over these things really are subconsciously just covering for their own fears of being found out. Homosexuality is a genetically attributed characteristic that can be controlled just as much as hair color and eye color can be. By all this via vehement flaming you are just shining a big spotlight on yourself.
So what if he wants live his life out of the closet? It is his own business dammit!!!
This comment has been removed by the author.
OLD news. He's been with actor and bandmate, RM FOREVER. They have known each other for years. I met RM in DC at Poseurs. His parents lived in Georgetown. I swam in their pool. He told Keanu on the phone that he had me over to play "token girlfriend" so his mom wouldn't find out he was gay.

what a brave man to finally put himself out for criticism and the potential loss of a most excellent life and career. Lol... best to you Keanu and your life partner.

Keanu Reeves used to be crazy in love with a guy named James Hillis Ford. James was an actor and a male model in the 90s. His real name is Max. He is tall, blond and fucking hot as fuck. I read on a blog about a guy that he worked with had a crush on him and stalked him in the showers at the gym. Dude said he was hung as fuck and had a perfect ass and the sexiest voice. Oh, they said James looked like River Phoenix back in the day so I googled them and Man, they sure did.
Very disappointed in him and, feel sorry for him at same time. He is a wonderful actor but, he needs to turn his life around. Gay is a choice , a very bad one according to the Bible.

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Gay information Source: Keanu Reeves and his gay marriage.
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Keanu Reeves Married A Guy

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