Kaya Scodelario Leaked

Kaya Scodelario Leaked


Kaya Scodelario Leaked

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Published on January 23, 2018 03:16 PM

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Kaya Scodelario is opening up about the alleged sexual assault she suffered at the young age of 12.

Scodelario, 25, partook in the #MeToo movement in October when she joined the outpouring of women who bravely came forward with their own personal stories about sexual assault and harassment. (The phrase began trending after Alyssa Milano tweeted it.)

At the time, the Skins actress — she played Effy Stonem on the seven-season drama (2007-13) — revealed that it took her 13 years to share her story, and that she did so for her son.

“It’s taken me 13 years to say #MeToo . He is still protected by ‘family members’ in Brazil. They’ve told lies to papers to try to silence me,”she tweeted. “To finally speak out and not be afraid. To everyone still suffering silently, you never asked for it. NOBODY DOES. I do this for my son. So that he will see one day that we all have a voice. And that this behavior can not be tolerated any longer.”

While Scodelario — who shares a 13-month-old son with husband Benjamin Walker — said in a recent interview with Metro.Co.UK that the “response was wonderful,” she is hopeful her story doesn’t “define” her in the future.

“I am now dealing with a new side of it, which is this,” she said. “I will be asked about it forever now. I hope it doesn’t define me but it will always be under my name and I accept that – but I am proud I was brave enough to do it and I am grateful for the support I had from friends.”

The Maze Runner star said that her 12-year-old self came to mind when she chose to share her experience.

“I remember thinking that if I was 12-years-old and I had this horrific thing happen to me but I saw a woman I admired speaking up about it, it would have made me feel less guilty, and it would have inspired me to think ‘this won’t hold me back, this is something that has happened but I am not a victim,’ ” she said.

“So I thought if I can do that for one person then I owe it to my 12-year-old self,” she added.

Earlier this month, actress Michelle Williams brought #MeToo founder Tarana Burke to the Golden Globes and opened up about navigating the uncertain times to help create a better world for the next generation, including her own 12-year-old daughter, Matilda Rose Ledger.

“I thought I would have to raise my daughter to learn how to protect herself in a dangerous world, but I think the work that Tarana has done and the work that I’m learning how to do — we actually have the opportunity to hand our children a different world,” Williams, 37, said on the E! red carpet pre-show . “I am honored beyond measure to be standing next to this woman. I have tears in my eyes and smile on my face.”

To donate to the Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund, which will provide subsidized legal support to women and men in all industries who have experienced sexual harassment, assault, or abuse in the workplace, visit its GoFundMe page . Learn more about Time’s Up, an organization of women in entertainment combating sexual harassment and inequality, on its website .

Burke echoed Williams’s sentiment and talked about the beginnings of the #MeToo movement, which spread all over social media as women spoke out against the sexual harassment they face in everyday life.

“This is something I started out of necessary and something my community needed, and it’s grown this year and I couldn’t have imagined it growing like this,” Burke said. “But this moment is so powerful because there is collaboration between these two worlds that people don’t put together. It’s really powerful to be on the red carpet tonight and people like Michelle to give up her time to talk about our causes.”

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