Kay Escorts

Kay Escorts


Kay Escorts

+49 (0)171 289 6632


Daily from 10am to 6pm

"The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it." (Oscar Wilde)

Age late 30´s

Height 179cm (5´9´´)

Cup Size EU85H / US33.5H

Hair colour blonde

Eye colour blue-green

Piercings yes

Tattoos yes

Smoking tolerant non-smoker

Languages German (mother tongue), English (proper conversation), Turkish (beginners), Spanish (beginners)

Vaccination status fully vaccinated and boostered

Locations Munich, Frankfurt, Salzburg, Innsbruck

1,5 hrs (within the Lady´s home area)
1.050 EUR

2 hrs (within the Lady´s home area)
1.200 EUR

Dinner and Overnight 10-12 hrs from 9 p.m.
3.000 EUR

Dinner and Overnight 13-15 hrs
3.150 EUR

Dinner and Overnight 16-18 hrs
3.300 EUR

2 Overnights (up to 39 hrs)
6.300 EUR

each additional day (up to 24 hrs)
1.800 EUR


Because the ladies have certain additional expenses for the dates in their hometown (parking their car in the hotel you have selected or for taxi fares) and you surely do not want the lady of your choice to have to travel back using public transportation after midnight, we respectfully charge a flat rate of 50€ for travel expenses in the lady’s hometown as well.
For trips by airplane, please expect to pay an additional 80EUR for parking or taxi transportation to the airport.Taxi rides at the destination will be charged separately.
To avoid an unpleasant, namely the business part of “handing the money out” during your meeting, we recommend a 100% prepayment via credit card or bank transfer. I have authority to receive payment on behalf of the escort lady.
However, if you prefer to pay cash, please hand over the fee at the beginning of the meeting in an open envelope. To avoid misunderstandings we recommend that you ask the lady to check the content for it’s correctness.
If you should you be considering to meet a lady for a date during the day, e.g. during your lunch break or in the early afternoon, but don´t have a suitable location, we would be more than happy to arrange a day room for your rendez-vous. The costs for the day room depend on availability, but usually range between 60€–100€. From new clients, we must kindly request a deposit.
If you are a new customer and you are meeting with the lady outside her home city, a down-payment of at least one-third of the sum agreed upon including the travel expenses shall be required.
For bookings with couples there will be an additional charge of one third of the total fee.
If you like to invite a lady just for an evening to a city more than 450 km away from her hometown, but still located in Europe, the minimum booking duration should be 6 hours. Travel expenses will be calculated individually.
We would like to point out that the agency Kay Escorts only provides a mediation service, which includes a money-receiving power. By the way, you conclude a separate agreement with the escort lady.

Duration of the appointment* 1,5 hrs (within the Lady´s home area) 2 hrs (within the Lady´s home area) Cocktails up to 3 hrs Lunch/Dinner up to 4 hrs Lunch/Dinner up to 5 hrs Lunch/Dinner up to 6 hrs Lunch/Dinner up to 8 hrs Dinner and Overnight 10-12 hrs from 9 p.m. Dinner and Overnight 13-15 hrs Dinner and Overnight 16-18 hrs 19-24 hrs 2 Overnights (up to 39 hrs) 48 hrs

Method of payment* Cash Wire transfer Western Union Creditcard


Phone: +49 (0)171 289 6632

E-mail: info@kay-escorts.com


Data Protection
Terms & Conditions
© 2022 Kay Escorts®


Den Haag

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Because I am bi-sexual, I am bookable for both women and couples. Furthermore I am also lured by the erotic desert in the company of a more or less large number of men.

I am a very positive and multi-faceted lady who you can´t put so easily into a pigeonhole but rather avails herself from all ´pigeonholes´, life has to offer. Accordingly that is why hedonism and a sense of responsibility, self-confidence and submissiveness in particular situations, style and being an extrovert, a sense of reality and exuberant fantasies pose no contradictions for me, but rather complement each other and make me that which I am: a multi-faceted lady who unites extremes. Gentleness with a spirit of animalistic physicality, piercings with elegance and connection to nature combined with the passion for high-torque engines... briefly put: a lady who in spite of a confident sense of style and immaculate manners isn´t shallow but runs deep. Moreover I am in all respects out-going and curious, a lady who rather first makes the experience instead of chewing the chord on something forever to finally abandon the thought at last.

A lot of sport, travelling, reading, Opera, stock exchange & economics, sex

Weight training & fitness, running, swimming, tennis and martial arts

I like open, passionate and honest people, who know where they stand in life and even better who know where they are heading. People who stand on principles but nevertheless are not narrow-minded and are open to new things. I also like courageous people, who don´t waste their life by hesitating, people who are humorous and self-confident enough not to consider self-irony as a weakness.

Liars, unreliability, greed, pessimism, arrogance, malevolence or people, who don´t know what they want repel me.

I am a self-confident, honest but above all a hot-blooded lady who loves charming and being charmed.

The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. Oskar Wilde

Red wine (not fruity), Nero d’Avola, Amarone, Gin Tonic. Champagne (preferably rosé, but I like both) plain water
Once known as the flower of the goddess Hera or its association with purity and beauty that filled Aphrodite with jealous and envy has me in her spell too- the Madonna lilies. But also in the gentle colours pink and yellow, they always make me flash a smile.
The soul of all beings is its fragrance... "Classique" by Jean Paul Gaultier, Aqua Allegoria "Mandarine Basilic" by Guerlain
Voucher for massages- and beauty treatments. My favorite Spa locations are Aiyasha and So Spa in Munich, cosmetics by Klotz Labs. Gold jewellery by Swarovski , Sony loudspeaker SRS – XB10 in black
Appointments that take place outside of Munich should be arranged at least 12 hours in advance.
Booking duration and travel expenses are calculated individually depending on location.
Hallo liebe Kay,
ich finde jetzt endlich die Ruhe, mal kurz Feedback zu meinem Treffen mit Grace zu geben.
Es war ein unglaublich harmonisches, anregendes, erregendes, sinnliches und gleichzeitig völlig entspannendes Date – kurzum einfach wundervoll und perfekt.
Bitte richte Grace meine allerliebsten Wünsche aus – außerdem danke ich Dir für die wie immer perfekte Organisation und Unterstützung.
die Zeit mit Grace war in jeglicher Hinsicht großartig und jenseits meiner bisherigen Erfahrungen. Ich habe jede Sekunde dieser außergwöhnlichen Zeit genossen und freue mich schon auf ein Wiedersehen, wenn ich wieder in München bin.
Und ganz vielen Dank auch noch einmal für die perfekte Organisation. Besser geht es nicht.
Herzlichen Dank an Kay für die Organisation und Grace für die gemeinsamen Stunden. Sie hat einen unglaublich durchtrainierten und attraktiven Körper. Außerdem ist Grace sehr belesen und kommunikativ. Ihr Service ist … unbeschreiblich! Dabei weiß Grace auch, was sie selbst will und braucht – sie artikuliert es und fordert es charmant ein. Welcher Mann könnte einer solchen Dame einen Wunsch zur Befriedigung ihrer Gelüste verweigern Grace ist einfach unersättlich
Ich freue mich schon sehr auf ein Wiedersehen
Hallo Kay, ich weiß nicht was Dir Grace erzählt hat?! Für mich war es ein perfektes Date! Grace hat alles gehalten was ich mir von ihr versprochen habe. Sogar noch mehr – die Kommunikation mit ihr war überraschend vielfältig und einfach sehr, sehr angenehm. Wir konnten uns von Anfang bis Ende sehr gut „riechen“! Die Messlatte für künftige Dates liegt dank Grace sehr hoch .
Es war perfekt mit Grace. Sie ist eine liebe und äußerst begabte Gespielin !!!! Besten Dank von meiner Frau und mir,Grace ist für uns exzellent.
Liebe Kay,
vielen Dank für die lieben Glückwünsche.
Ich wollte mich noch ganz herzlich bei Euch bedanken – bei Grace für den sehr, sehr schönen Abend, ich hoffe, Sie hat ihn genauso genossen, wie ich es getan habe – und bei Dir für die wie immer perfekte Vor- und Nachbereitung unseres Treffens.
Viele liebe Grüße an Euch beide, alles Gute für das nächste Jahr
Liebe Kay. Es war wunderschön und ein tolles Erlebnis, das ich nicht so schnell vergessen werde. Ich werde Ihre Agentur in bester Erinnerung behalten und hoffe, dass ich bald wieder ein Treffen arrangieren kann. Macht bitte weiter so.
Hi hi I want to start to thank you for a great service and Grace is amazing girl… ufffff
I told her she was lucky to have you as an agent, I really like you and now I can tell you that you are lucky to have her, she is amazing.
Please thank Grace for coming over to see me
I do hope she gets back safely
She was lovely – thanks
Thanks so much Kay for organizing my wonderful meeting with Goddess Grace. A short meeting but an incredible time for me. Grace is the sexiest and sweetest lady I’ve met for a long time. Sex and Men have no secret for her. I hope to be able to meet her again. I will remember our time for ever.
Vielen Dank für die Organisation eines unvergesslichen Treffens mit Grace.
Sie ist eine Göttin – offensichtlich
Aber vor allem strahlt sie vor lauter sonnig warmer Fröhlichkeit, die sehr gut tut.
Sehr gerne wieder!
Hallo Kay,
das Treffen mit Grace war wunderschön. :)) Ich bin noch immer ganz verzaubert.
Grace = Amazing
Many thanks for making the introduction. I do hope very much that I can see Grace again in the future. Wonderful afternoon.
Wow, what a wonderful date, the reviews give a slightly misleading impression: she is such a sweetheart (but has a wild side – I bet I haven´t even seen most of it – at the right time). Also thank you for the excellent communication while organizing.
Dear Kay,
Just wanted to drop you a line and thank you for arranging the meeting with Grace. It was a lovely meeting and Grace is a wonderful lady and great fun.
Thank you again.
Hallo Kay,
vielen Dank für die Nachfrage. Ich hatte in der Tat einen sehr schönen Abend. Vielen Dank für die reibungslose Organisation und großes Kompliment für die Auswahl Ihres “Personals”. Grace ist wirklich einsame klasse!
Herzlichen Dank auch für den VIP Zugang. Ich buche gerne wieder
Beste Grüße & ein schönes Wochenende!
Liebe Kay,
“schön” ist untertrieben, es fällt mir schwer Worte für diesen tollen Abend und diese wunderbare Frau zu finden…
Ich danke von Herzen und kann es kaum erwarten, sie wiederzusehen.
Die Zeit mit Grace hat alle Erwartungen locker übertroffen.
Danke für die reibungslose Organisation.
— Getting to know people, particularly men, in a very special situation and getting closer to them, very close.

— That’s actually for others to judge, but I think that it’s because as an escort I’m just the woman I truly am. No pretence, no play-acting, simply me. And apparently I have somewhat broader sexual horizons than others.

— A charming, intelligent and wild gentleman with a good sense of humour and no inhibitions.

— I’m really insatiable in that regard.

— The same as what makes the perfect date.

— The outfit that my companion likes on me the most. From my point of view, it can be something very sexy.

— The hotels in which I spend an intoxicating night with a great guy

— The restaurants where I have good conversations with a charming gentleman, I laugh a lot and the sparks start to fly between us.

— Lost Highway by David Lynch; its visual language, psychological intricacy – so David Lynch!

— As I’ve never worked for another agency, I don’t have any point of comparison to answer this question.

(For clients who use our services for the first time, we don´t offer this service)

Requests that you might have for Lady:
Information that you might have for Lady:

I agree that the information I have submitted will be stored so that my request can be answered.

+49 (0)171 289 6632


Daily from 10am to 6pm

"Smile and the world changes" (Buddha)

Age mid 20´s

Height 160cm (5´3´´)

Cup Size EU75C / US34C natural

Hair colour blonde

Eye colour blue

Piercings none

Tattoos none

Smoking No, but I am a tolerant non-smoker.

Languages German (Mother-tongue), English (fluent), French (conversational)

Vaccination status fully vaccinated

Locations Berlin, Dresden, Leipzig, Nuremberg, Munich, Frankfurt

1,5 hrs (within the Lady´s home area)
750 EUR

2 hrs (within the Lady´s home area)
900 EUR

Dinner and Overnight 10-12 hrs from 9 p.m.
2.100 EUR

Dinner and Overnight 13-15 hrs
2.250 EUR

Dinner and Overnight 16-18 hrs
2.400 EUR

2 Overnights (up to 39 hrs)
4.500 EUR

each additional day (up to 24 hrs)
1.350 EUR


Because the ladies have certain additional expenses for the dates in their hometown (parking their car in the hotel you have selected or for taxi fares) and you surely do not want the lady of your choice to have to travel back using public transportation after midnight, we respectfully charge a flat rate of 50€ for travel expenses in the lady’s hometown as well.
For trips by airplane, please expect to pay an additional 80EUR for parking or taxi transportation to the airport.Taxi rides at the destination will be charged separately.
To avoid an unpleasant, namely the business part of “handing the money out” during your meeting, we recommend a 100% prepayment via credit card or bank transfer. I have authority to receive payment on behalf of the escort lady.
However, if you prefer to pay cash, please hand over the fee at the beginning of the meeting in an open envelope. To avoid misunderstandings we recommend that you ask the lady to check the content for it’s correctness.
If you should you be considering to meet a lady for a date during the day, e.g. during your lunch break or in the early afternoon, but don´t have a suitable location, we would be more than happy to arrange a day room for your rendez-vous. The costs for the day room depend on availability, but usually range between 60€–100€. From new clients, we must kindly request a deposit.
If you are a new customer and you are meeting with the lady outside her home city, a down-payment of at least one-third of the sum agreed upon including the travel expenses shall be required.
For bookings with couples there will be an additional charge of one third of the total fee.
If you like to invite a lady just for an evening to a city more than 450 km away from her hometown, but still located in Europe, the minimum booking duration should be 6 hours. Travel expenses will be calculated individually.
We would like to point out that the agency Kay Escorts only provides a mediation service, which includes a money-receiving power. By the way, you conclude a separate agreement with the escort lady.

Duration of the appointment* 1,5 hrs (within the Lady´s home area) 2 hrs (within the Lady´s home area) Cocktails up to 3 hrs Lunch/Dinner up to 4 hrs Lunch/Dinner up to 5 hrs Lunch/Dinner up to 6 hrs Lunch/Dinner up to 8 hrs Dinner and Overnight 10-12 hrs from 9 p.m. Dinner and Overnight 13-15 hrs Dinner and Overnight 16-18 hrs 19-24 hrs 2 Overnights (up to 39 hrs) 48 hrs

Method of payment* Cash Wire transfer Western Union Creditcard


Phone: +49 (0)171 289 6632

E-mail: info@kay-escorts.com


Data Protection
Terms & Conditions
© 2022 Kay Escorts®


Den Haag

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