Каталог книг на англійській

Каталог книг на англійській


"Physical Chemistry" Peter Atkins Julio De Paula 2014 10th Edition

Колоїдна хімія

"Basic principles of colloid science" Everett

"Principles of colloid and surface chemistry" Hiemenz, Rajagopalan


"Physical chemistry of macromolecules" Tanford 1961

"Polymer chemistry" Hiemenz, Lodge


"Heterocyclic chemistry at a glance" Joule

"Advanced organic chemistry. Part B: reactions and synthesis" Carey, Sundberg

"The Art of Writing Reasonable Organic Reaction Mechanisms Second Edition" Grossman


"Molecular symmetry and group theory" Carter

Фізичні методи аналізу

"Mass spectrometry" Jurgen H.Gross 2017

"Transmission electron microscopy. Basics" Williams

"Transmission electron microscopy" Carter, Williams

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