Кашира купить VHQ GanBang Cocaine 98% Peru

Кашира купить VHQ GanBang Cocaine 98% Peru

Кашира купить VHQ GanBang Cocaine 98% Peru

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ВНИМАНИЕ!!! В Телеграмм переходить только по ссылке, в поиске много Фейков!

Where to buy marijuana: Most certainly NOT on the street. If you do, expect to be nabbed just as you enter your guest house. Late night in the bars and clubs, no problem. This is a producing country, so its easier and cheaper to buy coke. But if you look and are patient, there is some very high quality weed here. If your back is facing the church you will be facing a club on the second story. If you are directly in front of the club facing it to your left there is an ally. In front of the ally or in it making a transaction is a group of black people. Now I hear that the cops are very corrupt there and what not but I got the tip from a taxi driver and it worked every night for about a month. I am going to be honest, in there ally there is some kind of room. After I felt comfortable I went to score alone, they tried to get me to go in the room, I refused. There drugs are extremely legit but they are extremely sketchy. Taxi drivers are a good source. My first day in Cuzco we went bungie jumping. I was chewing the hell out of coca leaves legal, sold in stores on the way there. The taxi driver asked me if I liked coca. I told him I loved it but I wanted to get high I dont speak spanish but he knew what I ment by putting my thumb and my index finger up to my mouth. He took me to his friends house to score some schwag. Both dealers are right next to each other, everyone in their group is selling something. If you start interaction with one of them it seems like it would be tough to get out of it if you want to eventually buy something. Dont go alone, only let them see the money you are looking to spend. I smoked on the streets every night, never a problem. That was probably a dumb idea but I thought it was better than to blaze in my room. Head up the Inca trail to Machu Pichu with your bag of bud. Great country but remember, expect a search or two.

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