Karma Rx Turning Party Tricks

Karma Rx Turning Party Tricks


Karma Rx Turning Party Tricks
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Blitz Knight Stunt Presents:

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(~Director's Cut Edition~)

The Wyrms will continue their machinations, consolidate their power,
and exact their tribute...

And Humanity? Well... we are no more than treasure to them...

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Platform: PC
Version: 1.10
Last Updated: 01/10/2017

Email: gregorio 31 @ gmail .com (no spaces)
Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/Bkstunt

This document is best viewed using a FIXED-WIDTH font, such as Courier New.
If the ASCII above/below and the charts used throughout the guide look
strange, please change your settings to display text in a FIXED-WIDTH font.
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O==< Table of Contents >==O

Note: Press Ctrl+F and enter in the code to skip to that section.


- Introduction......................................................[SDF-INT]
- Controls..........................................................[SDF-CON]
- Tips and Tricks...................................................[SDF-TIP]
- Shadowrun: Dragonfall Gameplay Mechanics..........................[SDF-GPM]

- Picking a Race & a Job!...............................[SDF-GPM1]
- Charming the Shadows (Etiquette)......................[SDF-GPM2]
- Is it my turn yet? (Turn-based Combat)................[SDF-GPM3]
- Spellcasting and You!.................................[SDF-GPM4]
- Understanding the Matrix..............................[SDF-GPM5]


- Chapter 1: The Harfeld Manor Run.........................[SDF-1]
- Chapter 2: The Kreuzberg.................................[SDF-2]
- Chapter 3: Chasing Winters...............................[SDF-3]
- Chapter 4: False Flag....................................[SDF-4]
- Chapter 5: Cleaning up the Sewers........................[SDF-5]
- Chapter 6: Hard Times....................................[SDF-6]
- Chapter 7: Trial Run.....................................[SDF-7]
- Chapter 8: Lockdown......................................[SDF-8]
- Chapter 9: Loose Ends....................................[SDF-9]
- Chapter 10: Settling Debts..............................[SDF-10]
- Chapter 11: MKVI........................................[SDF-11]
- Chapter 12: The Engineer................................[SDF-12]
- Chapter 13: Feuerstelle.................................[SDF-13]
- Chapter 14: Earwig......................................[SDF-14]
- Chapter 15: Bloodline...................................[SDF-15]
- Chapter 16: Down the Rabbit Hole........................[SDF-16]
- Chapter 17: APEX Rising.................................[SDF-17]
- Chapter 18: Return To Harfeld...........................[SDF-18]
- Chapter 19: One Year Later (Alternate Ending)...........[SDF-19]


- Character Upgrades................................................[SDF-UPG]
- Item Lists........................................................[SDF-LIS]

- Cyberdecks..............................................[LS-CYB]
- Cyberware...............................................[LS-CYW]
- Gear (Drones)...........................................[LS-DRN]
- Gear (Weapons/Magic)....................................[LS-MWP]
- Gear (Weapons/Melee)....................................[LS-MEL]
- Gear (Weapons/Ranged)...................................[LS-WPN]
- Items (Consumables).....................................[LS-ITM]
- Magic (Spells)..........................................[LS-SPL]
- Magic (Conjuring).......................................[LS-CON]
- Outfits.................................................[LS-OUT]
- Programs................................................[LS-PRG]
- Qi Casting..............................................[LS-QIC]

- Achievements (STEAM)..............................................[SDF-ACH]


- Version History...................................................[SDF-HIS]
- Credits...........................................................[SDF-CRE]

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Returning to the shadows...

Hello everyone! Bkstunt is back with a guide for Shadowrun: Dragonfall,
the Director's Cut Edition. I recently (well... last year...) finished a
guide for Shadowrun: Hong Kong and enjoyed it so much I decided to write up
a guide for Dragonfall as well, which is one of my FAVORITE games of 2014.

I remember playing the SNES version of Shadowrun back in the day and I enjoyed
it quite a bit. The dystopian future and back-handed dealings... the Shadowrun
universe as a whole is just so damn interesting.

Unfortunately, Shadowrun hit hard times between then and now, turning out
some awful games in the process... all that changed however when Jordan Weisman
and his studio Harebrained Schemes returned to develop new Shadowrun Games,
bringing us Shadowrun Returns in 2013, followed by THIS game. If you enjoyed
those two games, be SURE to check out Shadowrun: Hong Kong as well.

Wither way, my goal is to be your invisible companion on this journey, to
help you out throughout the game and try to guide you to success. Now...
let's head back into the shadows...

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Here are the controls to Shadowrun: Dragonfall. Being a PC game, they are
all pretty simple, but things like the ALT key and quick-saving / quick-loading
are always good to know:

| Move/Interact | Left Mouse Button |
| Control Camera | Right Mouse Button / WASD |
| Switch Camera Distance | Z / Middle Mouse Wheel (Zoom) |
| Display World Items | ALT (Hold) |
| Zoom In/Out | Scroll wheel |
| Select Weapon (Combat) | 1/2/3/4 |
| Select Item or Skills | E (Items) |
| (in combat) | Q (Spells) |
| (See Above) | T (Gadgets) |
| (See Above) | Y (Skills/Abilities) |
| Reload Weapon (Combat) | R (Press Twice - Cost AP) |
| Switch Party Members | Tab (In Combat Only) |
| Access PDA | ESC / C / G |
| End Turn (Combat) | Shift + Enter |
| Quick Save | F5 |
| Quick Load | F9 |

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Here I've listed some tips and tricks that may help you out as you play the
game... little things that may make your journey through the shadows a bit

I've also collected the "Loading Screen" tips that I wrote down while I've
loaded and reloaded the game (which was quite a damn bit). Maybe these tips
will end up helping someone. Who knows!? Enjoy!

o When you build a character, pick a race and archetype (job) that fit well
together. Play to each race's strengths.

o You have enough karma throughout the game to become proficient in 2-3
things. Focus on no more than THREE skills, otherwise you will stretch
yourself too thin and become a "jack of all trades, master of none".

o Karma (Experience Points) is rewarded for doing the mission - NOT BY
FIGHTING. If you can skip a fight, you are just doing yourself a favor
and not missing out on any experience. Focus on doing the job first! That
said, there are times when doing a side objective (or un-named objective)
CAN reward Karma, so be sure to follow the guide to max out your karma

o It may be wise to wait before buying something: weapons are expensive and
can sometimes be outclassed soon by a better model. Consider looking ahead
in the guide to see when the shops get updated before you make that purchase
decision... it may save you some money.

o The game tips tell you this, but it is worth repeating: you AUTOMATICALLY
recover wounds when a battle ends. Don't fret about healing if you are
about to end a battle: better to just end the fight and recover automatically
if you can!

o Learning the "Overwatch" skill helps a ton when your ranged characters have
nothing better to do with an AP at the end of their turn. This lets you
automatically shoot an enemy moving in your field of vision, which is very
handy if you can't shoot them normally.

o Why kill the slave when you kill the master? Instead of focusing on
taking out a summoned spirit or a drone, try and kill the Shaman or the
Rigger (respectively). Doing so will cause anything they have summoned or
are controlling to stop working. Very handy.

o This next tip is a reader-submitted tip. Way too useful not to include.
Thanks to Jack for this one! I'm posting it below:

There's one other important thing, worth mentioning, which I accidentally
discovered myself, but later also found it mentioned in GoG.com forum


There's a bug that allows you to carry four weapons (or a more useful config:
a deck, two droids plus a weapon). This definitely still works in current
version (I'm using GoG v2.0.9) of Dragonfall.

It helps quite a lot if you're a decker/rigger, since it's pretty lame that
deck counts as a weapon, right? It's a piece of equipment just for decking -
you can't bash anyone's head with it or whatever, can you? I'd understand if
it took one of the grenade/medkit slots, not the weapon slot though!

Anyways, this works if you already carry three weapons (actually, I only
tried with a deck + two weapons) and you pick a new gun during a mission.
Of course, you also need at least Ranged Combat 4 to unlock the "ghost slot",
otherwise the picked weapon (which is usually Level 4) will fail Ranged
Combat check and will go into the stash instead of creating a new weapon

Changing weapons afterwards is rather awkward however, because the fourth
slot is there, but you can't actually see it while managing your inventory.
You have to go to the stash closet and randomly change weapons in some
(visible) slots, then step away and check if the weapon you wanted to swap
moved into one of the first three slots. So you definitely need ONE MORE
surplus weapon (droids and decks count for this as well) for this shuffle
to work properly. And sometimes it takes quite a few tries to hit just the
config you wanted. It's still very worth the hassle though!

(-NOTE-) These tips below are from the Loading Screen... They are all in
alphabetical order. This "Loading Screen" tips section probably
isn't exhaustive either, but here's what I've collected:

o Hold down the ALT key to show all interactable objects within sight.

o Magical healing can only heal the most recent wound a character has

o Press F5 to Quicksave your game. Press F9 to Quickload.

o Press Shift + Enter to immediately end your turn.

o Press R to reload your current weapon.

o Spend your karma wisely. A jack of all trades is master of none.

o When combat ends, each character's most recent wounds are healed.

o You can pan the camera by holding the right mouse button, or using the WASD

o You can select dialogue options during conversation using the 1-9 keys.

o You can use medkits outside of combat via the PDA's equipment screen.

o You cannot save your game during conversation or mid-action.

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Here you can find a collection of Gameplay Mechanic explanations. Reading
through all of these will help you understand some of the not so well
explained things about Shadowrun: Dragonfall. It may also help you pick out
a race or job, or give you tips about how to fight. Pursue it at your leisure
or skip is all entirely and head to the walkthrough down below.

NOTE: This section is taken from my Shadowrun: Hong Kong guide, but the
games play in both is very similar, so it is worth going over here
once again. Or.. you may see it again there? Who knows.


After starting a new game you'll have to create a character. There are no
pre-sets, so we're free to make who we want here which you'll do by combining
a race with an archetype (job).

Creating a character is of course a very personal thing, so we're just going
to go over the basics here and what races mean what. Races should be paired up
with whatever archetype you are going for as well, so mix and match wisely!


o HUMAN: Humans were the only race on earth until the Awakening in 2012.
Now they find themselves the definition of average or even normal.
They are still the most populous race in the world and thus
control many of the most pwerful, monied, and important positions
in society.

~ BONUSES: All Humans have a +3 Karma to start the game.

~ MAXIMUM STATS: Body: 9, Quickness: 9, Strength: 9, Charisma: 9
Intelligence: 9, Willpower: 9

o ELF: Many people consider Elves to be the most fortunate metahumans -
they are more attractive and socially accepted than the other
metahuman races. Elves are taller than humans, but have a more
slender build. Their hair is usually thicker, longer, and more
luxurious than average, and their ears come to a point.

~ BONUSES: All Elves have a +1 to charisma.

~ MAXIMUM STATS: Body: 9, Quickness: 11, Strength: 9, Charisma: 12
Intelligence: 9, Willpower: 9

o DWARF: Dwarves are the shortest of the metahuman races, although their
torsos and shoulders are wider than their size
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