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JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Zohar Amar , Efraim Lev. This book explores the impact of Greek as well as Indian and Persian medical heritage on the evolution of Arab medicine and pharmacology, investigating it from the perspective of materia medica — a reliable indication of the contribution of this medical legacy. Focusing on the main substances introduced and traded by the Arabs in the medieval Mediterranean — including Ambergris, camphor, musk, myrobalan, nutmeg, sandalwood and turmeric — the authors show how they enriched the existing inventory of drugs influenced by Galenic-Arab pharmacology. Further, they look at how these substances merged with the development and distribution of new technologies and industries that evolved in the Middle Ages such as textiles, paper, dyeing and tanning, and with the new trends, demands and fashions regarding spices, perfumes, ornaments gemstones and foodstuffs some of which can be found in our modern-day food basket. Discussion and ConclusionsBibliographyIndexes. Recommend to your Librarian. The store will not work correctly when cookies are disabled. Literary Studies. Scots Law. Scottish Studies. Browse Books. African Studies. American Studies American Culture. American Film. American History. American Politics. American Culture. Ancient Greece. Ancient Rome. Ancient World. Classical Literature. Classical Reception. Medieval World. Ancient Egypt. Asian Studies Asian History. Asian Politics and International Relations. Religion in Asia. Asian History. Black Studies. Digital Humanities. Environmental Humanities. Environmental Studies. 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Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art. Feminist Philosophy. Philosophy Dictionaries and Encyclopaedias. Philosophy of Mind. Philosophy of Religion. Medieval Philosophy. Renaissance Philosophy. Political Philosophy. Scottish Philosophy. Philosophy of Music. Thinkers Agamben. Asian Politics. European Politics. Middle Eastern Politics. African Politics. Latin American Politics. Russian Politics. US and Canadian Politics. Right-wing Ideologies. Left-wing Ideologies. Environmental Politics. Comparative Politics. Critical Military Studies. Global Politics. Foreign Policy. Political Communications. Gender and Sexuality Politics Feminist Politics. Feminist Politics. History of Political Thought. Intelligence Studies. International Relations. Peacebuilding and Conflict Studies. Political Economy. Politics and the Humanities Politics and Art. Politics and Film. Politics and Literature. Politics and Art. Race Politics. Security Studies. Terrorism and Political Violence. Religious Studies Christianity. Interfaith Relations. Scottish Studies Scottish Archaeology. Scottish Book History. Scottish Education. Scottish History Post Scottish History Pre Scottish Architectural History. Scottish Politics. Scottish Art History. Scottish Cultural History. Scottish Diaspora. Scottish Archaeology. Publishing with Edinburgh University Press 10 reasons you'll love publishing with us. What our authors say. Early career researcher hub. Meet the books editorial team. Preparing your proposal Book proposal guidelines. Series proposal guidelines. Book proposal guidelines. The review process. Writing your book Publication Ethics. Style Sheets. Clearing copyright. Online resources. Publication Ethics. Your cover image. Submitting your manuscript Illustration submission guidelines. Illustration submission guidelines. From manuscript to finished book Copy editing. Preparing your index. Publication day! Copy editing. Author discount. 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Key Features Assesses the assimilation of theoretical and practical Greek, Indian and Persian medicine into Arabic medical culture Reconstructs and presents a list of medicinal substances distributed by the Arabs as a result of their conquests Tells the stories of 33 new Arabic drugs within the context of their natural history Describes the contribution of the Arabs to the daily medieval cultural material medicine, cosmetics, perfumery, dyeing of materials, industrial products and precious stones Includes 35 colour illustrations. Amar and Lev are to be congratulated for tracing the origins of natural medicaments and the routes that they followed from South East Asia and India to the Middle East, and from one end of the Mediterranean to the other. About the Author. He is member of the editorial board of several scientific journals and author of many monographs and books. His fields of research and teaching especially include: history of the nature in ancient and pre-modern times particularly in Jewish sources ; material culture and everyday life in the Middle Ages; the history of medicine and Ethnopharmacology. John's College, Cambridge. His main fields of interest and research are medieval Arabic pharmacology and medicine, and ethno-pharmacology. He won various prizes including the George Urdang Medal for pharmaco-historical writings in Arabic drugs 1 Indian trade 1 medicine 3 medieval 7 Mediterranean 8 trade 3. Skip to the end of the images gallery. Skip to the beginning of the images gallery. Also in this series. Open Access. A History of Herat Shivan Mahendrarajah. You might also like

Drug and Alcohol Use in Iraq: Findings of the Inaugural Iraqi Community Epidemiological Workgroup

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Under the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein, Iraq was for the most part a drug-free state. But, since the U. Given the increasingly abysmal economic conditions plaguing the country, Iraqi youth are experiencing a loss of hope for a brighter future, enticing them to escape reality through the use of drugs. Iraq has not only become a target for exporting drugs from some of its neighbors, it is also becoming a springboard for drug smuggling into some Gulf Cooperation Council countries. The government of Iraq, despite meager efforts to curtail the abuse and smuggling of drugs, is too frail to address the new threat to Iraqi society. The chaotic years that followed the U. By , however, Iraq was being used as a steppingstone for drug trafficking. An independent United Nations body, the International Narcotics Control Board, expressed concerns that Iraq, because of its postconflict situation, was becoming a transit country of narcotics coming from Afghanistan. As social conditions in Iraq have deteriorated, drug addiction among Iraqis has increased. The high unemployment rate, especially among youth, has pushed many Iraqis to start using crystal meth , which the U. The coronavirus pandemic exacerbated the problem dealing a heavy blow to the fragile Iraqi economy and reducing job opportunities. Some in Iraq have directly linked the high unemployment rate among youth to increased addiction. The Iraqi government seems unable to address the growing drug problem in the country because of corruption and the weakness of the security system. Attempts at curbing the smuggling and distribution of drugs have been limited at best. The security forces in Maysan province, for example, conduct daily raids, but they have been hampered by tribes that have threatened the families of the officers who try to address the drug issue. Further, the Ministry of Interior only pursues junior drug traffickers and does not have any oversight on major ones. The smugglers also pay hefty bribes to security forces and armed groups that control the border that turn a blind eye to the drug flow. In addition, several unofficial crossings are being used for smuggling that are run by tribes or militias in the south along the border with Iran and in the west on the border with Syria. Many Iraqi judges handling drug-related cases have received death threats, without a proper response from the government. Since , 74 judges have been killed in Iraq, most of whom were handling drug- or corruption-related cases. This has sparked fears for judges taking on such cases. And, even after some drug dealers are caught, politicians intercede. He was sentenced to 15 years in prison but was pardoned by the Iraqi president after the prime minister intervened. The pardon was rescinded only after a public outcry. Most drugs smuggled into Iraq were initially from Iran, but other countries have begun exporting drugs into Iraq and moving them to neighboring countries. In addition, many drug gangs use religious seasons that entail visits to holy shrines in Najaf and Karbala to smuggle different types of drugs. But in recent years, Syria has been a source of drug smuggling into Iraq as well. Drug traffickers have been able to smuggle millions of pills of the highly addictive amphetamine Captagon into Anbar, and from there to other provinces. Kuwait is one of the main countries affected by the drug trade from Iraq. For instance, in , Kuwaiti customs seized drugs that were wrapped around pigeons coming from Iraq and seized nearly bags of Captagon smuggled from its neighbor. Similarly, in Saudi Arabia there have been cases in which Captagon has been smuggled from Iraq via a historic drug trafficking route that starts in Afghanistan and goes through Iran and Iraq, ending in Saudi Arabia. Several hundred Iraqis have been arrested and convicted for drug offenses in Saudi Arabia. Finally, the U. Current trends indicate that the drug quandary will only worsen. There is no end in sight for curbing corruption, the unemployment rate will remain high if not increase, and law enforcement is too weak to tackle the drug smuggling and dealing. As dire economic conditions and lack of rule of law persist in the country, criminals will exploit these weaknesses to reach lucrative markets in the GCC states and beyond. Regardless of who prevails in November's presidential election, the next U. Through its careful examination of the forces shaping the evolution of Gulf societies and the new generation of emerging leaders, AGSIW facilitates a richer understanding of the role the countries in this key geostrategic region can be expected to play in the 21st century. Donate Under the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein, Iraq was for the most part a drug-free state. The Latest Politics and Governance topic in which the post is published. Uncertain: Iran Policies of U. Politics and Governance topic in which the post is published. The Kurdish View on the U. Energy topic in which the post is published.

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Drug and Alcohol Use in Iraq: Findings of the Inaugural Iraqi Community Epidemiological Workgroup

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