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By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. It presents an overview of the contemporary medical knowledge, which had been largely influenced by Galen. The Canon of Medicine remained a medical authority for centuries. It is still used in Unani medicine, a form of traditional medicine practiced in India. Avicenna begins part one by dividing theoretical medicine and medical practice. He describes what he says are the 'four causes' of illness, based on Aristotelian philosophy: The material cause, the efficient cause, the formal cause, and the final cause. Material Cause Avicenna says that this cause is the human subject itself, the 'members or the breath' or 'the humours' indirectly. Efficient Cause The efficient cause is broken up into two categories: The first is 'Extrinsic', or the sources external to the human body such as air or the region we live in. The second efficient cause is the 'Intrinsic', or the internal sources such as our sleep and 'its opposite-the waking state', the 'different periods of life', habits, and race. Formal Cause The formal cause is what Avicenna called 'the constitutions ; the compositions'. Final Cause The final cause is given as 'the actions or functions'. Book 5 the Formulary lists compound drugs, attributing them to various Arabic, Indian and Greek sources. Avicenna added his own comments, highlighting differences between recipes from different sources, and sometimes giving his own recipe. He also gave his opinion of the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of some remedies, and gave details of where particular ingredients came from and how they were prepared. He favoured proven remedies which had been tested through experience, cautioning that compounds could have unexpected or much stronger effects than might be expected from the effects of the individual components. Eugene Afonasin. Афонасин, А. Очерки истории ан-тичной медицины. Firstly, we analyze relevant narrative sources, above all the Hippo-cratic Corpus and such an encyclopedic author as Galen, in order to produce a detailed exposition of the procedures and methods of diagnostics and treating of deceases typical for ancient medical praxis in the period of its flourishing. Then we study a number of lesser authorities, the physicians and other scientists, who con-tributed to the development of ancient medicine. Secondly, we briefly access the history of ancient technological advances that allowed the physicians to improve their treatment of human body. Numerous pictures of the Asclepions, medical instruments, glass, votive offerings, etc. An essay dedicated to the evolution of ancient concept of health and the caus-es of disease opens the first part of the book. Health is invariably defined as a condition, which is in accord with nature, while disease is that which is contrary to nature. Then we turn to the practical aspects of the Hippocratic tekhne as reflected in anatomy, physiology, dietetics, and therapeutic methods, as well as the theoretical speculations associated with it. Of the corpus of fragmented sources in the history of medicine dated to Hellenistic and Roman period we translate and comment upon the principal ancient evidences about Praxagoras of Cos ci. The first detailed study of the pulse sphygmology is associated in antiquity with an Alexandrian physician Herophilus, renowned for his anatomical discoveries. We see that ancient theory of proportion and musical harmony allowed Herophilus building a classifi-cation of the pulses, but the medical experience did not fit well in the Procrustean bed of this rather simple theory. In a separate essay, we first outline the history of development of various types of water clocks in antiquity. Special attention is paid to the usage of clepsy-dra in public life and in medical practice. Then, considering the massive water clock from the sanctuary of the healer-god Amphiaraus in Oropos we show that in the 4th cent. BCE the water clocks became an essential part of social life, and demonstrate the ways they builders calibrated the device according to a hours scale. We suggest that the massive water clock, designed for continuous measur-ing of time, subdivided at equal hours, was built at the sanctuary of Amphiaraus for medical purposes. We also find it interesting to have a look at the earliest physiological specu-lations. Thus, in Fr. B DK Empedocles famously compares the principle of breathing with the operation of clepsydra. This simile provoked a scholarly con-troversy. The main question is what kind of breathing Empedocles describes — the breathing through the skin or the breathing through the mouth and nostrils? We consider various solutions of the problem, suggested by different scholars, and incline to accept the idea that Empedocles describes a form of breathing through the skin with a qualification that the skin in question is the outer membrane of the respiratory apparatus rather than the outer covering of the living body, as it was previously thought. In another study, we discuss certain peculiarities of the medical profession in antiquity. In his Philosophical History fr. He always tested the opinions of others and gained a reputation of an extremely successful physician, although the methods of treatment, scribed to him by Damascius, are highly rem-iniscent of those presented as the Pythagorean by Iamblichus On the Pythagorean way of life In an essay, dedicated to the cult of Asclepius in Late Antiquity, we look at var-ious kinds of evidences taken from the Neoplatonic philosophers. The philosopher speaks about a vision of Asclepius in his Commentary to Alcibiades Besides, he was probably involved in the process of establishing an Asclepian cult in his home country, Lydia Vita Procli It is against this background that one may look at the Neoplatonic attitude to medicine. Having discussed first the principal philosophical interpretations of Asclepius found in Apuleus, Aelianus, Macrobius, Julian, Porphyry, Iamblichus, Proclus, Damascius, etc. The section of translations includes three ancient treaties. A short polemical treatise of Galen —c. Galen outlines the position of two opposing camps in the Hellenistic medicine, the Rationalists and the Empiricists. The dispute culminates with the appearance of the third camp, the so-called Methodists, who claim to have found a position immune to criticism from the both sides. The majority of counterarguments of Galen are directed against this school. Are the embryos already in possession of the self-moving descended souls and thus already living beings? In order to answer the question Porphyry first tries to show that embryos are not actually animals and thus can more properly be compared with plants. The sec-ond set of arguments is aimed to show that they are not animals even potentially. Porphyry argues that, regardless the time of its entry, the self-moving soul comes from outside, not from the parents. The final chapter of the treatise is unfortu-nately not preserved, but the answer given by the philosopher is clear: a particular soul enters an appropriate body immediately after its birth and harmonically at-tuned to it for the rest of the bodily life. An extensive commentary that accompa-nies the translations helps to situate the treatises in the context of ancient medical and philosophical literature. The work will be useful for students of Ancient science as well as for a wider readership, including those scholars and students who are interested in Ancient philosophy and culture. The texts are illustrated and supplemented with a select bibliography. The article provides a description of an arabographic manuscript of the 17th century from the collection of the Eastern Department of the M. Gorky library of St. Petersburg State University. Yahyi al-Masihi. Abu Sahl al-Masihi was the teacher of the famous Arab physician and philosopher Ibn Sina, however, the treatise of Abu Sahl himself was never translated into Russian and was not studied by domestic historians. The article is the first to give a codicological characteristic of the Tractatus list. Based on the analysis of handwriting and style, a conclusion is given on the number of scribes and their level of proficiency in the Arabic language. The fact that the abjadiya numbering system is used in this manuscript suggests that it is a list of the earliest version of the treatise among other manuscripts known to us today. Брошюра посвящена Абу Муслиме Хорасани Он был вождем аббасидского движения в Хорасане. Антиомейядское восстание гг. Shamsiddin Kamoliddin. This paper discusses some stories given in medieval Arabic sources on the early attacks of the Arabs to Farghana in the first half of 7th century AD. Liljana Makarijoska. Методика на научните изследвания : Ч. Кълбото на Ариадна. Alexandra Kumanova. Куманова, Александра Венкова, Методика на научните изследвания : Ч. Куманова — Н. Леонид Джахая … \\\\\\\\\\\\\[и др. Красимира Александрова … \\\\\\\\\\\\\[и др. Венцислав Велев … \\\\\\\\\\\\\[и др. Соня Спасова ; рец. Kumanova — N. Leonid Djakhaia … \\\\\\\\\\\\\[и др. Krasimira Aleksandrova … \\\\\\\\\\\\\[и др. Ventsislav Velev … \\\\\\\\\\\\\[и др. Раковски — нац. Тодор Боров — библиограф, литературовед и културолог, първопроходец в именуването и прилагането на метода на информационните решетки в навечерието на планетарния информационен бум; 80 г. Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantin Cyril the Philosopher — The creator of the Glagolitic script and of the Bulgarian literary language and Slavonic literature; anniversary of Georgi S. Rakovski — national revolutionary, participant, strategist and leader of the revolutionary struggles during Bulgarian National Revival, voevode, ideologist, military leader, democrat, publisher, writer, publicist, ethnographer, geographer, historian, historiographer, etymologist; anniversary of the last Bulgarian encyclopedist Prof. Todor Borov — bibliographer, literary critic and culturologist, pioneer in the elaboration and implementation of the method of information screens in the eve of the universal information explosion; 80 anniversary of Bulgarian Bibliographic Institute Elin Pelin Николай Василев ; ред. Румелина Василева ; рец. Стоян Денчев, Никола Казански. Въпроси за проверка. In: Valeristica Polyhistorica Supplementa, vol. Valery Stojanow. This work is an attempt to summarize the history of the study of Codex Сumanicus, its nature and structure, as well as the importance of this unique monument for the medieval practical Orientalism, and in the formation of the Cumanology as a complex scientific discipline. Alexander Dzhanov Джанов. This paper is an archaeographic publication of an updated and expanded transcription of the accounting book of the Treasury of the Genoese Caffa for — The document also contains numerous data on various aspects of the economic life of the most important Genoese trade factory in the Black Sea — Caffa. This document significantly expands the source base to the history of late medieval Ukraine. Stanoje Bojanin. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Related Papers. Eugene Afonasin, Anna Afonasina. Essays on Ancient Medicine in Russian. Iahya al-Masihi «Hundred books on skills of medicine»: a codicological description of the manuscript list. Абу Муслими Хуросони.

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