Kanojo X Kanojo X Kanojo Mafuyu

Kanojo X Kanojo X Kanojo Mafuyu


Kanojo X Kanojo X Kanojo Mafuyu
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One year has passed since Haruomi has gone to live in the house of the three Orifushi sisters, Natsumi, Akina and Mafuyu. Again one year has passed since he has began to go to Akina's school where he has made the acquaintance of Midori, his class president, and of Suzuran, a girl who very rarely tells something. In this game we see the stories of what has happened after this year. How will the relationship of the protagonist with each heroine be changed?
The protagonist of the Kanojo x Kanojo x Kanojo series. A calm and collected young man, Haruomi doesn't stand out much. When he goes for something, he goes all out. He's the type to be intially overlooked by others. Haruomi's hobby is to speed-solve Rubik's cubes. [Based on official website ]
Classmates with Haruomi , Midori is also its president. She's been best friends with Suzuran for a long time. Calm and collected as well as intelligent and switched on, she's a little domineering. She often quotes famous proverbs, quotes and sayings. For some reason, she treats Haruomi like an enemy. [From official website ]
Airheaded and shy, Suzuran is classmates with Akina , Haruomi and Midori . She fell in love with Haruomi at first sight, and her shyness motivates her to stalk him. She's quite innocent and childlike, but she has a high libido. Suzuran rarely speaks, but when she does, she uses floriography . Since she and Midori has been best friends for a long time, only Midori can understand Suzuran without difficulty. [Based on official website ]
The second oldest of the Orifushi sisters, Akina is the same age and grade as Haruomi . Serious and a perfectionist honor student, Akina excels at housework, studies and sports, and on to top it off, she's cute. She's like an idol at the school Haruomi attends. For some reason, she really wants to take care of Haruomi, which brings out her jealous side. [Based on official website ]
The youngest of the Orifushi sisters, Mafuyu is two grades and years below Haruomi . Quiet and stoic, her emotions are subdued and rarely have obvious changes. She likes to read, and because of her strong sexual curiosity, Mafuyu regularly reads erotic novels. Haruomi has unintentionally seen her masturbating quite a few times. Mafuyu is intelligent, mischievous and hates to lose. [Based on official website ]
The oldest sister of the Orifushi household, she became the manager of Min-Min Ice Creamery after the death of her parents. Beautiful with an impressively large chest, Natsumi has a calm and kind personality. Very weak with alcohol, even just smelling it makes her tipsy. When she does drink, she becomes aggressive and frenzied. Natsumi loves fortune-telling, and frequently checks her own (and others') fortune, often using strange methods. Even more strange is the fact that the results are quite accurate. She speaks gently and politely. [Based on official website ]
Haruomi's classmate, they eventually become good friends. He's not smart, but he's good at sports. Even though he is good-looking, Tsukasa isn't popular with girls because of his cowardly and weak, " hetare " personality. Despite that fact, he loves girls and really wishes to be popular with them. Convinced that Haruomi has grasped his weakness, Tsukasa feels as though he is outclassed by him. Even so, he greatly adores Haruomi. His favourite phrase is "I'm your best friend, riiiight?" When Haruomi is down, Tsukasa shows his kind side when he tries to cheer him up. Very self-conscious about his height, he wears "secret shoes" to give himself a 10cm boost. He's also afraid of becoming bald, since his father is so. His behaviour is puppy-like, so he frequently (and jokingly) gets called "Pochi" and "Shiro" (common Japanese dog names) by his peers. The events of "Doki Doki Full Throttle" suggests that he may be bisexual or homosexual. [Based on the official website's character profile.]
彼女×彼女×彼女 ドキドキ フルスロットル! Kanojo x Kanojo x Kanojo Dokidoki Full Throttle!
Height: 152cm, Weight: 41kg, Bust-Waist-Hips: 83-50-85cm
Height: 160cm, Weight: 47kg, Bust-Waist-Hips: 102-57-89cm
Height: 158cm, Weight: 42kg, Bust-Waist-Hips: 92-53-83cm
Height: 151cm, Weight: 40kg, Bust-Waist-Hips: 78-45-80cm
Height: 165cm, Weight: 48kg, Bust-Waist-Hips: 107-56-90cm


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Kanojo x Kanojo x Kanojo (彼女×彼女×彼女~三姉妹とのドキドキ共同生活~) is a Japanese harem eroge visual novel developed by Triton. It was made into a three-part OVA series by Milky and MS Pictures with the same production staff as the Resort Boin hentai adaptation.

Due to unavoidable circumstances, Haruomi Shiki is freeloading at his relatives', the Orifushi sisters', house. Since that day, his common everyday life has come to a screeching halt.

The eldest sister is the gentle and maternal Natsumi. The second is Akina, a bright and cheerful girl for whom a smile is well-suited. The youngest sister is the bratty Mafuyu.

The curtain rises on Haruomi's new life in the company of these three beautiful sisters.

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