Kandric Saga

Kandric Saga


Kandric Saga
This is a story contains descriptions of physical love and
sex between adults and minors. If such things offend you, then do not read it.
If you are younger than the age your area´s government judges to be
acceptable, you probably will read it, but be aware I have told you that it is
a no no…
If the idea of this does not sit well with you but you read
anyway, I do not want to hear complaints, because this means you wanted to
read the my story. Furthermore, it means you really find the idea of an adult,
youth sexual relationship interesting and would follow through with your
hidden desires if it were not earmarked as unacceptable by "Big Brother´s"
standards. If this is the case deal with it!

Chapter 1                 
Chapter 2                     
Chapter 3               
Chapter 4                 
Chapter 5

  Chapter 6                
Chapter 7                  
Chapter 8                    
Chapter 9                  
Chapter 10  

Chapter 11                 
Chapter 12                    
Chapter 13                
Chapter 14              
Chapter 15            

Chapter 16               
Chapter 17               
Chapter 18               
Chapter 19               
Chapter 20

Chapter 21               
Chapter 22               
Chapter 23               
Chapter 24               
Chapter 25

Chapter 26           
Chapter 27           
Chapter 28            
Chapter 29              
Chapter 30

 Chapter 31               
Chapter 32                 
Chapter 33           

Remember me
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7 yr

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Jan 12

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 On 1/2/2022 at 4:40 AM, Zergrinch said:
 On 1/2/2022 at 4:40 AM, Zergrinch said:

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 On 1/2/2022 at 4:40 AM, Zergrinch said:

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 On 1/3/2022 at 6:34 AM, Demented said:

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 On 1/2/2022 at 8:20 AM, Demented said:

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7 yr

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Jan 12


Zach Caldwell , September 16, 2014 in Kyle Aarons

I broke it, oh yeaaaaa I broke it! Yessssss!

Whatever it is I am glad to hear that 32 is on its way and i cant wait to read it.

oooooo, i can't wait if u had a patreon i would add to it. although i'm poor and it'd only be a small amount.... i just love the story

Although I have chapters written ahead, I don't have the entire series 'in the can'. I have to struggle to stay ahead so that there's no interruption in the posting schedule. I do look upon it as epis

Split it into three or so subchapters. Call them 33-A, 33-B, and 33-C.

Or maybe reorganize. One subchapter is all Kandric. Another is all Conner. And the last one is all Saslara/Bloody Rock.

I gotta fess up... It wasn't the chapter. I broke the story. sigh...... double punched the keyboard in a copy&paste.

With his letter, King Wyhrem stole Kandric's role as least likable hero character.
Yes, Kandric failed to initiate "diplomatic" contact, and I really don't understand why neither the Alphar nor the Garm admiced him to do so since it was them who established the war camp for him.
But the other counts are alltogether laughable.
Unless I missed something, most of Kandric's dragon kills were done in the Slome region, thus outside of King Wyhrem's lands. The only dragons killed within were whites, so claiming Kandric placed his lands in potential conflict within multiple dragon homelands is simply wrong.
And as the king, shouldn't he be more worried about what all those white dragons were doing within his lands, rather than that they were killed?
Asking for "profound justification" for the death of a demon actually places him on the side of the Mythlings, thus puts him on the villain side, so maybe Kandric was lucky and actually keeps his position.
Alsohe didn't requite the same "profound justification" from Glaster who also killed a major demon within Rolling Dale.
With how he handled change in Klandon he already wasn't one of my favorites, but with this letter he clearly didn't act as a good king.

For me, it becomes more and more difficult to find a character I can genuinely like. Nearly all characters have so many dark sides that the story barely has any heroes left.
It's a difficult decision, but at the moment I think Aster is my favorite hero.

It's interesting seeing how people view these characters. There seems to be quite the diverse range of opinions on them, which I can appreciate. Maybe I should list out some characters and give my thoughts on them. The Brothers : 

There are many, MANY other characters I could bring up, but these are the ones that come to mind at the moment. If I were to break down every character, I'd likely write a whole chapter just on that. I may do more later when the mood strikes me. 

Interesting views. I'm not about to write my own treatise on character analysis, but allow me to respond to some of your points.

You painted Glaster as a lawful evil man, a point of view I initially disagreed with, but one that I'm starting to agree with. I don't, however, see him as more evil than Vondum.

Why? Because for all of his penchant with raping helpless boys, he has bettered their lots. Kandric's training is an indicator, of course, but we have seen his former playthings grow up, seemingly well-adjusted (Gablon), and still grateful for him.

Vondum, on the other hand, revels in cruelty. He hasn't taught his victims anything, and after their stint with him, are hardly better off. I would argue most of them are worse off, if his intentions to sell Jamon to a brothel after breaking him is an indication. He even spun that off as a test of character when he was getting Jamon his pet, but we readers are not fooled by Vondum's face saving attempt to put himself in a better light.

Vondum may preach tough love and self-reliance, but in the end he is a selfish bully who disregards the well-being of his charges.

Vondum and Monarch are definitely lawful evil, while I would place Glaster in the periphery of lawful evil and neutral evil.

Is past trauma a valid excuse for acting the way you act? That's eye for an eye thinking. Glaster also has his own trauma (losing an arm to the warlords of Moldor). Heck, Pontarius had it worse than Vondum. Someone who is heroic can rise above their trauma and do some good, even in a relentlessly crapsack world like the Kandric universe. 

Was Kandric corrupted by Glaster? I don't think so. Read the first few chapters, the ones before he gained too much power too quickly. He was pretty likable to me. Yes, he didn't lift a finger to help Jamon's family, but he probably wouldn't be able to do much. Monarch and Vondum will make mincemeat out of him.

After the dragon gifting, I agree his personality changed and he became a dick with a short fuse and a cruel streak. However, I see it more as him being unable to handle power, than Glaster rubbing off on him. He's been absorbing power from demons and evil dragons -- who's to say he hasn't been absorbing their evilness along with it?

I am undecided about Conner. I know he's got a lot of screen time, but he feels like a deus ex machina to me, in the same vein as Kandric. Need some exposition in dark magic and how the spells work? Conner knows all about it. Want to talk about primordial gods? Conner has a pact with one of them all along. Jealous of tattoos with hammerspace? Guess who has them.

Finally, there's Aster, the weakest among the big three even if he's the oldest by birth date. I agree with your assessment on him. He hasn't done anything remotely objectionable, which is why I keep harping on him sitting around in that castle doing nothing. It's been ages since he's had that dream about Xavier and his crew in Sands of Time -- I want to see the most virtuous of Kandric's brothers do something meaningful, damnit. Yes, he got to help gunch a dragon, but by now that's basically Tuesday for Kandric's family 😅

Interesting views. I'm not about to write my own treatise on character analysis, but allow me to respond to some of your points.

You painted Glaster as a lawful evil man, a point of view I initially disagreed with, but one that I'm starting to agree with. I don't, however, see him as more evil than Vondum.

Why? Because for all of his penchant with raping helpless boys, he has bettered their lots. Kandric's training is an indicator, of course, but we have seen his former playthings grow up, seemingly well-adjusted (Gablon), and still grateful for him.

Vondum, on the other hand, revels in cruelty. He hasn't taught his victims anything, and after their stint with him, are hardly better off. I would argue most of them are worse off, if his intentions to sell Jamon to a brothel after breaking him is an indication. He even spun that off as a test of character when he was getting Jamon his pet, but we readers are not fooled by Vondum's face saving attempt to put himself in a better light.

Vondum may preach tough love and self-reliance, but in the end he is a selfish bully who disregards the well-being of his charges.

Vondum and Monarch are definitely lawful evil, while I would place Glaster in the periphery of lawful evil and neutral evil.

Is past trauma a valid excuse for acting the way you act? That's eye for an eye thinking. Glaster also has his own trauma (losing an arm to the warlords of Moldor). Heck, Pontarius had it worse than Vondum. Someone who is heroic can rise above their trauma and do some good, even in a relentlessly crapsack world like the Kandric universe. 

This is Lawful Evil in the way I see it. Lawful means that you are a person who puts much stock into the letter of the law. If it is written as a rule, you will follow it. Not only that, you have strong opinions about other people breaking said laws. Evil in my eyes is the disregard of another person life, autonomy, and/or well being for your own personal ends, whatever those may be. It doesn't necessarily mean you're a cartoonish villain, but it does mean you have a callous disregard for other people and will do things to them that people will find heinous. 
Now lets combine those two terms together while looking at Glaster: 
Glaster unquestionably follows the letter of the law. He is quite versed in the rules of Eagleonia as well as other nations. He also refuses to go beyond his rank to do something he normally would love to do. One example off the top of my head was his handling of the royal boys in the early chapters. He outright refuses to do anything with them, even tough he deeply desires it, purely because it would betray the trust of those above his station and would be seen as a crime. That is actually why he felt he needed to come clean to the Garm and Alphar over his handling of Kandric. He found himself well outside of his station bedding a prince of a very powerful nation, and it was only the training he provided Kandric and the Stockholm syndrome that saved his ass. 
Glaster, at the very start of the story, gave Kandric an ultimatum. One that Kandric actually references in the latest chapter. He said that he could agree to the terms and get trained by Glaster, or he could refuse them and get bought from his mother as a slave and receive no training. We also see in Glaster's internal dialogue in that very same chapter that while he hated the idea of turning Kandric into a slave, he would have done it if he had refused. He completely disregarded Kandric's choice, well being, and future when he gave that ultimatum, hoping that the direness of the second option would compel Kandric to agree. This is called Quid Pro Quo in modern law and is very illegal, however in this setting there is no such law barring actions like this. 
So even Kandric, Glaster's crowning achievement in education, would have been trampled underfoot by Glasters desires had he not capitulated to his terms. Yes, he and others have received educations and positions of power and influence, much like I'm sure similar deals have been made in Hollywood with actors and actresses. That does not change the underlying truth that their wellbeing and their personal choice were a distant second to Glaster's own desires.
Vondum is someone I would describe as Neutral Evil, though that alignment has been getting shaken as the story progressed. Neutral describes someone who only looks out for themselves and marches to their own beat. If they work for someone, it is because that person aligns with what they want. 
Vondom learned how to be neutral evil through his time in those Forge. He learned to watch out only for himself and to stand on his own to feet, even if it meant leaving his brother behind and disregarding his fate. Those lessons have seeped into how he treats his slave boys. Those who don't have a backbone and won't stand up for themselves will find themselves earning his endless ire and cruelty. Those that do however show themselves to have the same backbone he did in the Black Dragon's Forge. 
You are absolutely right if Kandric had not have intervened, Jamon would have likely been broken and sold to a brothel. However, the strength that Jamon showed later, even at the cost of whipping his own brother, earned Vondums respect as well as brought him back to that time in his life. Vondum, unlike Glaster, has this moment of honesty and clarity with Jamon where he speaks with him and tells him to not let go of his humanity. He tells Jamon to remind himself of what he's doing to people, to even hurt himself if he needs to, so that he does not grow addicted to the power. 
It is that moment of clarity and the internal struggle he has with how he is that sets him apart from Glaster. Glaster justifies his actions with bribes and ultimatums, but Vondum understands that he is absolutely fucked up. 
While this distinction would not mean much in a court of law, I say it does say that Vondum has more of a chance to change his ways and become less evil than he was. In fact, that's exactly what we've been seeing over the course of the story. Vondum having flashes of humanity and an internal struggle with how he acts towards people that is fundamentally missing within Glaster. 

Does that justify any of Vondums heinous acts? No, nor would I ever claim they would. Instead, what I'm saying is he has a chance of being rehabilitated, and that I'd say would put him in a slightly better light than our One Armed Epstein. 

Was Kandric corrupted by Glaster? I don't think so. Read the first few chapters, the ones before he gained too much power too quickly. He was pretty likable to me. Yes, he didn't lift a finger to help Jamon's family, but he probably wouldn't be able to do much. Monarch and Vond
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