Калужская область купить MDMA Pills - ORANGE
Калужская область купить MDMA Pills - ORANGEМы профессиональная команда, которая на рынке работает уже более 2 лет и специализируемся исключительно на лучших продуктах.
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Information Comments Copyright Mind Media. Setting was at a small outdoor party near the forest among good friends , but for a inside party this might have been unconfortable, esspecially the telephatic and ego dissolving parts. I did the MDMA on the way to the party. The wheater was a really nice clear summernight and I arrived at the party where I met and talked to many old and new friends,socialized a bit , When I was feeling the first euphoric rushes and gentle heart opening of the E I get the botlle with the magic juice and drink it, sharing it with friends. I smoked a bowl of Mary Jane , and Then I go dancing and get really fast into. This happens often to me but ussualy I need at least hours of continous dancing for such a deep trance. And it was only the beginning. The music sudely stops for a bit and I decide to open my eyes. Everything looks so different like I was beamed on another planet. The incredibly high sky has much more and brighter stars than before, and the whole landscape is suddenly very large and surreal. I lye down in the grass and the more I look at the sky so stranger it gets, the sky dome moving and morphing above me. I close my eyes only to see impossible detailed and complex colorful visions, somehow very organic which morphed in a living image of a green-glowing naked woman. This image sticked in my mind. A image which invoked deep respect and felt at the same time erotic and alien. My visions are interupted by a friend talking to me but I find talking now distracting and get up and wander around. This was way beyond the usual MDMA emphaty and was nearly telephatic. I did this intentionaly a few times to test it and it always seemt to have the same effect. This was very interesting but felt also distracting after a while so I went away into the dark forest and sat down. By this time the I slowly ceased to have a meaning and the ego knew it would be soon disolved, and it was time to say goodbye to prejudices, habits and most things one associates with himself. I opened my eyes and began exploring my surroundings , like a newborn baby , everything seemd so new and everything was very much alive. Every detail I looked seemed to suck me ito a trancestate and evolve and morph in complex universe , and only the great surrealist painter Max Ernst properly expressed yet this open eye visuals I had looking at the trees and plants. I was aware that I was not alone and that life is everywhere. I got attracted to some particular bushes and sat down, silent. These bushes morphed into a group of well, small glowing people which somehow communicated to me, and after a bit I communicated with them or at least I tried as usual speech was not really usefull, so I just tried noises hummings,and words, there definetly was a connection. Slowly I recognized more and more parts of my ego coming back, but was still trippin hard and to do anything like for exampple lets look for my friends, was a tough mission , as I kept being distracted?! Very beautiful music was played and I was sitting at the fire with all, enjoying and surfing the sounds and seeing in their faces that they have a good time also, and knowing it was one of this moments when everything is perfect. I smoked some more bowls,which intensified and grounded the trip in the way only mary jane can and cuddled my girlfriend. I got a lot of insights and a particular vision how everything experienced can be represented in a moving mandala image. Looking into my friend eyes felt like being into her head, looking at myself , her being in my head looking at her and so on. I was experiencing directly a similar deeper aspect of reality surrealist artist like Max Ernst, Tanqui, and Dali painted so well. The sun got up and it was beautiful. As now the forest has been my true home for a intense bit The city now seemed somehow alien but everithyng was still glorious. The positive feeling that everything , the whole universe is running eactly how it should and everything is perfectly allright,in its owb way was stronly reinforced. At home we chilled a bit, listened to music and I still had impresive complex closed eye visuals now and then. Making love to my girlfriend was very beautiful and definetly enhanced and after I fell easy into a deep sleep. The whole thing lasted maybie About 7 hours but I will always remember it. And I am thankfull for it.
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