Kali Linux Penetration Testing

Kali Linux Penetration Testing


Kali Linux Penetration Testing
In this chapter, we will learn about website penetration testing offered by Kali Linux.
Vega is a free and open source scanner and testing platform to test the security of web applications. Vega can help you find and validate SQL Injection, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), inadvertently disclosed sensitive information, and other vulnerabilities. It is written in Java, GUI based, and runs on Linux, OS X, and Windows.
Vega includes an automated scanner for quick tests and an intercepting proxy for tactical inspection. Vega can be extended using a powerful API in the language of the web: JavaScript. The official webpage is https://subgraph.com/vega/
Step 1 − To open Vega go to Applications → 03-Web Application Analysis → Vega
Step 2 − If you don’t see an application in the path, type the following command.
Step 3 − To start a scan, click “+” sign.
Step 4 − Enter the webpage URL that will be scanned. In this case, it is metasploitable machine → click “ Next”.
Step 5 − Check all the boxes of the modules you want to be controlled. Then, click “Next”.
Step 6 − Click “Next” again in the following screenshot.
Step 8 − If the following table pops up, click “Yes”.
The scan will continue as shown in the following screenshot.
Step 9 − After the scan is completed, on the left down panel you can see all the findings, that are categorized according to the severity. If you click it, you will see all the details of the vulnerabilities on the right panel such as “Request”, ”Discussion”, ”Impact”, and ”Remediation”.
ZAP-OWASP Zed Attack Proxy is an easy-to-use integrated penetration testing tool for finding vulnerabilities in web applications. It is a Java interface.
Step 1 − To open ZapProxy, go to Applications → 03-Web Application Analysis → owaspzap.
Step 3 − Choose one of the Options from as shown in the following screenshot and click “Start”.
Following web is metasploitable with IP :
Step 4 − Enter URL of the testing web at “URL to attack” → click “Attack”.
After the scan is completed, on the top left panel you will see all the crawled sites.
In the left panel “Alerts”, you will see all the findings along with the description.
Step 5 − Click “Spider” and you will see all the links scanned.
sqlmap is an open source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and taking over of database servers. It comes with a powerful detection engine, many niche features for the ultimate penetration tester and a broad range of switches lasting from database fingerprinting, over data fetching from the database, to accessing the underlying file system and executing commands on the operating system via out-of-band connections.
Step 1 − To open sqlmap, go to Applications → 04-Database Assessment → sqlmap.
The webpage having vulnerable parameters to SQL Injection is metasploitable.
Step 2 − To start the sql injection testing, type “sqlmap – u URL of victim”
Step 3 − From the results, you will see that some variable are vulnerable.
sqlninja is a SQL Injection on Microsoft SQL Server to a full GUI access. sqlninja is a tool targeted to exploit SQL Injection vulnerabilities on a web application that uses Microsoft SQL Server as its back-end. Full information regarding this tool can be found on http://sqlninja.sourceforge.net/
Step 1 − To open sqlninja go to Applications → 04-Database Assesment → sqlninja.
WPScan is a black box WordPress vulnerability scanner that can be used to scan remote WordPress installations to find security issues.
Step 1 − To open WPscan go to Applications → 03-Web Application Analysis → “wpscan”.
Step 2 − To scan a website for vulnerabilities, type “wpscan –u URL of webpage” .
If the scanner is not updated, it will ask you to update. I will recommend to do it.
Once the scan starts, you will see the findings. In the following screenshot, vulnerabilities are indicated by a red arrow.
Joomla is probably the most widely-used CMS out there due to its flexibility. For this CMS, it is a Joomla scanner. It will help web developers and web masters to help identify possible security weaknesses on their deployed Joomla sites.
Step 1 − To open it, just click the left panel at the terminal, then “joomscan – parameter” .
Step 2 − To get help for the usage type “joomscan /?”
Step 3 − To start the scan, type “ joomscan –u URL of the victim”.
Results will be displayed as shown in the following screenshot.
TLSSLed is a Linux shell script used to evaluate the security of a target SSL/TLS (HTTPS) web server implementation. It is based on sslscan, a thorough SSL/TLS scanner that is based on the openssl library, and on the “openssl s_client” command line tool.
The current tests include checking if the target supports the SSLv2 protocol, the NULL cipher, weak ciphers based on their key length (40 or 56 bits), the availability of strong ciphers (like AES), if the digital certificate is MD5 signed, and the current SSL/TLS renegotiation capabilities.
To start testing, open a terminal and type “tlssled URL port“ . It will start to test the certificate to find data.
You can see from the finding that the certificate is valid until 2018 as shown in green in the following screenshot.
w3af is a Web Application Attack and Audit Framework which aims to identify and exploit all web application vulnerabilities. This package provides a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the framework. If you want a command-line application only, install w3af-console.
The framework has been called the “metasploit for the web”, but it’s actually much more as it also discovers the web application vulnerabilities using black-box scanning techniques. The w3af core and its plugins are fully written in Python. The project has more than 130 plugins, which identify and exploit SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), remote file inclusion and more.
Step 1 − To open it, go to Applications → 03-Web Application Analysis → Click w3af.
Step 2 − On the “Target” enter the URL of victim which in this case will be metasploitable web address.
Step 3 − Select the profile → Click “Start”.
Step 4 − Go to “Results” and you can see the finding with the details.
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Direct access to hardware Customized Kali kernel No overhead
Snapshots functionary Isolated environment Customized Kali kernel Limited direct access to hardware Higher system requirements
Range of hardware from the leave-behind devices end to high-end modern servers System architecture limits certain packages Not always customized kernel
Kali layered on Android Kali in your pocket, on the go Mobile interface (compact view)
Fast deployment Can leverage provider's resources Provider may become costly Not always customized kernel
Low overhead to access Kali toolset Userland actions only Not Kali customized kernel No direct access to hardware
Un-altered host system Direct access to hardware Customized Kali kernel Performance decrease when heavy I/O
Access to the Kali toolset through the WSL framework Userland actions only Not Kali customized kernel No direct access to hardware
SHA256sum ae977f455924f0268fac437d66e643827089b6f8dc5d76324d6296eb11d997fd
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A dedicated NetHunter App , providing a touch screen optimized GUI for common attack categories, such as: One-click MANA Evil Access Point setups. USB HID Keyboard attacks , much like the Teensy device is able to do. BadUSB MITM attacks . Plug in your Kali NetHunter to a victim PC, and have your traffic relayed though it. Bluetooth attacks. Full Kali Linux toolset , with many tools available via a simple menu system. Command line interface to the Kali Linux container. Kali desktop EXperience (KeX) Custom, device specific kernel with wireless injection support. HDMI output of Kali desktop to external display for supported devices. USB Y-cable with the Kali NetHunter kernel - use your OTG cable while still charging your device! Software Defined Radio support (SDR). Use Kali NetHunter with your HackRF to explore the wireless radio space. NetHunter app store allowing you to grow the potential of Kali NetHunter.
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SHA256sum 3660cbbf3560c231cc19e6b2f9ea7912391923e64754c370783bd2f5cc02ecf1
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SHA256sum ac8abf49fdcdcdcabb6af4d5c88e4aed36e702f2e62e8e6993c270a1434952d4
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SHA256sum ccba1b691479884e5cf43074b48fc42046f5461e879d755219e465b43e5bfcc7
SHA256sum 66790e2eeaeb41b1433537693346f8e1eae1535f41e6ce20923d5a12eb316b76
© OffSec Services Limited 2022. All rights reserved.
Single or multiple boot Kali, giving you complete control over the hardware access (perfect for in-built Wi-Fi and GPU), enabling the best performance.
VMware & VirtualBox pre-built images. Allowing for a Kali install without altering the host OS with additional features such as snapshots. Vagrant images for quick spin-up also available.
Works on relatively inexpensive & low powered Single Board Computers (SBCs) as well as modern ARM based laptops, which combine high speed with long battery life.
A mobile penetration testing platform for Android devices, based on Kali Linux. Kali NetHunter consists of an NetHunter App, App Store, Kali Container, and KeX.
Hosting providers which have Kali Linux pre-installed, ready to go, without worrying about infrastructure maintenance.
Using Docker or LXD, allows for extremely quick and easy access to Kali's tool set without the overhead of an isolated virtual machine.
Quick and easy access to a full Kali install. Your Kali, always with you, without altering the host OS, plus allows you to benefit from hardware access.
Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is included out of the box with modern Windows. Use Kali (and Win-KeX) without installing additional software.
Kali is a rolling Linux distribution, meaning as soon as we have an update, we ship it. Would-be users have a variety of images to choose from. For more information, please see Which Image Should I Download? and Kali Branches . For most users, we recommend the latest “point release” image below , except in cases when a user requires a specific bug patch, in which case the weekly build may be best.
We generate fresh Kali Linux image files every quarter . These become the official "point" releases. These images are tested and subsequently announced with a blog post.
Complete offline installation with customization
Untested images with the latest updates
All packages are downloaded during installation
Untested images with the latest updates
Complete offline installation with customization
All packages are downloaded during installation
Untested images with the latest updates
Complete offline installation with customization
All packages are downloaded during installation
Feeling a little more adventurous? Want to build the latest version of Kali? Want to customize your ISO by adding more tools or change the default settings? Looking for something other than Xfce, GNOME or KDE like Enlightenment, i3mw, LXDE or MATE? Then this is the option for you.
Kali Linux VMware & VirtualBox images are available for users who prefer, or whose specific needs require a virtual machine installation.
These images have the default credentials "kali/kali" .
Vagrant is a tool for building and managing virtual machine environments. With a single configuration file, you can download a base “box” and apply additional configurations like adding an additional network interface, setting the number of CPU cores and memory, or running a script on first boot.
Feeling a little more adventurous? Want to build the latest version of Kali? Want to customize your VM by selecting a different desktop environment, add more tools, change the default settings? Then this is the option for you.
Are you looking for Kali Linux ARM images? We have generated flavours of Kali using the same build infrastructure as the official Kali releases for ARM architecture .
These images have a default credentials of "kali/kali" .
The Kali NetHunter project is the first Open-source Android penetration testing platform for Android devices, allowing for access to the Kali toolset from various supported Android devices. There are multiple unique features not possible on other hardware platforms.
The Kali NetHunter interface allows you to easily work with complex configuration files through a local web interface. This feature, together with a custom kernel that supports 802.11 wireless injection and preconfigured connect back VPN services, make the Kali NetHunter a formidable network security tool or discrete drop box - with Kali Linux at the tip of your fingers wherever you are!
Want to see Kali NetHunter progress? Look at the stats page , to see if your device is supported yet.
Kali Cloud images can quickly be deployed in multiple different cloud provider’s infrastructures. This allows easy access to a Kali install in a modern environment with strong hardware resources. These are often used for short term Kali installs that are quick to deploy and quick to tear down.
Using Container technology such as Docker and LXC / LXD , our Kali containers allow you access to the Kali toolset on your host operating system without the overhead of running an additional full operating system. This does come with limitations, as you won’t have direct hardware access and dealing with inbound connections to tools running in the Kali container can be complicated.
A Kali Linux Live image on a CD/DVD/USB/PXE can allow you to have access to a full bare metal Kali install without needing to alter an already-installed operating system. This allows for quick easy access to the Kali toolset with all the advantages of a bare metal install. There are some drawbacks, as disk operations may slow due to the utilized storage media.
For most users, we recommend the latest “point release” image below , except in cases when a user requires a specific bug patch, in which case the weekly build may be best.
Untested images with the latest updates
Untested images with the latest updates
Untested images with the latest updates
Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is a software package on modern Windows installs that allow you to run Linux alongside your Windows system in an optimized container. The Kali WSL package allows easy access to the Kali too
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