Kalel Boob Job

Kalel Boob Job


Kalel Boob Job

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Frenzen wrote: Long time lurker here.
I agree with a poster above, Sam Pepper twits probably do not equal to her lying about being coerced to sex.

Girl is a biggest men apologist ever.
To her Milo Yiannopoulos just has "fascinating different opinion"; Sam Pepper's problem is not wrongly touching people, but touching wrong people, who would then lie and embellish the story; Musk should be left alone, because he is busy saving the world. Speaking of whom, girl is busy sending love tweets to Musk while her supposed role model, Jane Goodall, only gets a couple mentions here and there.

Female half of the world might as well not exist, and Kalel wouldn't notice.
If a broke middle aged man pinched her ass I highly doubt she would think its funny.

But a young and rich ''conventionally'' attractive youtuber? She'd just laugh guys!!!
My old signature was a scene from the 1980 horror movie ''Maniac''...I understand some people are sensitive to horror stuff. So I have removed it x
i'd like to offer my own perspective on the sam pepper tweets as a survivor myself.

there are moments in the process of accepting what happened to you where you either a) try and convince yourself people have had much worse versions of what happened to you happened to them, so as to diminish the gravity of what happened to you and your own hurt to yourself or b) you try and diminish things that have happened to other people so you can justify in your head that what happened to you was again, not that bad, and it makes it easier for you to deal with.

i would never, ever devalue the experiences of other women, but i know in my head after my assault i was thinking a lot of things about myself and my assault that i would never think about other women if they came forward with those same experiences. sometimes that projects outward instead of inward. it's weird how your brain responds to trauma.

i'm not saying that that makes those tweets okay, or it excuses her tweeting them and not apologizing for them. i think they're awful and are equally as hurtful as they were before she tweeted them. i'm just offering an idea of what she may have been thinking - consciously or subconsciously - when she tweeted those things.
Kinda off topic: didn't she have a tweet saying she is about to take an exam but she doesn't fell 100%? Where did that tweet go?
Did she ace the test ?
This is also off-topic, but I've wondered - isn't it weird how Shane doesn't EVER try to be friendly with Anthony, just Kalel? He never hangs out with him, which made me think he's jealous of him in some way. He prefers someone like Kalel who's known to kiss up to different men who have some sort of power. She's probably good for his ego, which is threatened by Anthony.
wafflesandhoney wrote: This is also off-topic, but I've wondered - isn't it weird how Shane doesn't EVER try to be friendly with Anthony, just Kalel? He never hangs out with him, which made me think he's jealous of him in some way. He prefers someone like Kalel who's known to kiss up to different men who have some sort of power. She's probably good for his ego, which is threatened by Anthony.
^ Lol, I mean, seems legit too. Still they possibly help him feel better about himself as well, I cannot imagine Shane hanging around attractive straight men with an impressive career
Woah Milo wearing that dead fox made my stomach turn...that's awful. I hope Kalel sees it and calls him out like how she calls out women who wear fur

When I was googling, I found this Tumblr about Kalel

I don't think she's lying and I don't think those Sam Pepper tweets prove anything. She probably just repressed those memories and/or saw them in a different way back then. She does say she reflected on them a couple years ago and I think she might have realized truly what had happened to her then.
That and I think the way she speaks of her experiences rings very true. She's not a great actress but the way she was speaking felt very genuine and she did look affected by it. I also feel bad for her because she did end the video with "I hope you guys can make better choices" and it shows she's still blaming herself for it happening to her even though she tells her viewers it's not their fault if it happens to them.
wafflesandhoney wrote: This is also off-topic, but I've wondered - isn't it weird how Shane doesn't EVER try to be friendly with Anthony, just Kalel? He never hangs out with him, which made me think he's jealous of him in some way. He prefers someone like Kalel who's known to kiss up to different men who have some sort of power. She's probably good for his ego, which is threatened by Anthony.
There are so many people on YT who have such sad stories and would need a lot of serious help. IMO Kalel doesn't even fit into that category. If he's truly about helping and saving, he would choose someone else. I know so many people say Shane's such an angel, but he doesn't necessarily choose to help those who need help the most, he chooses whoever's good for his views.
shane is a covert narcissist himself. youtube is a playground for the unhinged.
Shane sure has blown up this year, no doubt Kalel would love to get him in a video with her. She is clearly out of ideas for content (not that she had many to begin with) as evidenced by the fact that she is resorting to doing shit like mukbangs and q&a's about her ex. I think that she thought that when she outed herself for the candy bar thing she would get an overwhelming outpouring of support and other vegans celebrating her for being honest and real. I don't think that she expected to get as much criticism as she got. So now she is kind of in an unfortunate place where she knows she can't be the "vegan queen of youtube" any longer, things didn't really work out for her to re-brand as the relatable "I sometimes give into my cravings" vegan, and she doesn't currently have a relationship to exploit for content. Getting Shane's attention is looking like a great option right now. She is probably brushing up on her manipulative psychology reading as we speak, but at least she is too irrelevant for Shane to ever consider making a series on.
At one point Kelelq made a comment about how she wishes you could walk out of the house in just a body suit without the fear of being raped. To me that's a strange comment from some one who's been assaulted. I'm not saying that it means she's lying, but I do think it's weird.
Silver Rose 39 wrote: At one point Kelelq made a comment about how she wishes you could walk out of the house in just a body suit without the fear of being raped. To me that's a strange comment from some one who's been assaulted. I'm not saying that it means she's lying, but I do think it's weird.
What did the boob job have to do with saving the apes? Sorry I’m behind, still watching the “juicy mukbang” video in which she goes on and on about her dreams of apes being her BFFs but like she could have spent money on a trip to Indonesia to film some humanitarian ape visitation content instead of 2 nose jobs boob job ugly chin implant but omg she gets hit on at Target every time but she haaaaaates it so totally worth it right???? God she’s stupid.
look she just needs to get her looks right first, until then the apes can just chill. I guess you don't remember reading about Jane Goodall's plastic surgery bender right before embarking on her travels to study primates.
Alina88 wrote: ^
look she just needs to get her looks right first, until then the apes can just chill. I guess you don't remember reading about Jane Goodall's plastic surgery bender right before embarking on her travels to study primates.
I don’t post often, but just wanted to point out...
In her video where she talks about eating meat again. She talks about eating shellfish as if they are worth less to her. Anyone else remember her twitter rant from a couple of years ago where she said she would rather eat her own cat than a cow because you can’t ethically determine what animal is worth more? Lol
Ramarose wrote: I don’t post often, but just wanted to point out...
In her video where she talks about eating meat again. She talks about eating shellfish as if they are worth less to her. Anyone else remember her twitter rant from a couple of years ago where she said she would rather eat her own cat than a cow because you can’t ethically determine what animal is worth more? Lol

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DemiA wrote:
She’s always been anti mood altering drugs
CrystallineKitty wrote: I am not sure about alcoholism. She might be just really sad after her break-up with Cyrus which is totally normal. Not that emotional drinking is healthy or anything like that but you know what I mean.

I don't necessarily agree that Kalel is always unhappy or miserable. She seems to do well sometimes and other times not so. I think she is just one of those people who have structured their happiness around being with other people. I've known some people like that and they get really bummed out when they are not in a relationship just like Kalel does. And I am not sure if there anything that can be done about it at this point. I mean they could do it with therapy and a lot of self-reflection but not a lot of people are capable of that or even want to do that work.

It just sucks for that she is so dependant on people for her happiness and she struggles to maintain relationships. I personally think she will end up with another boyfriend soon enough.

Plus she probably exaggerates how alone she is as well. I find it hard to believe that someone could have so many partners in the short amount of time and not being put themselves out there? It's not like men randomly walk up to your door and ask to be your boyfriend. I wouldn't put it pass her to think that being home alone some weekends makes you a recluse.

I am sure she is going through some depression and a life crisis at this point but Kalel is not really all that worse off? Maybe shopping, doing a bit of college and watching TV is all she really cares about? Not everyone has huge life dreams. I am not sure if Kalel ever announced having any specific career goals? It's not like she is mourning the lost of all her hopes and dreams. Some people seriously don't have any. It's okay and normal.
Just watched her latest Instagram story, how does she have the guts to shame Canada goose while owning multiple non-cruelty free clothing?
I think Kale's "goals" are just things she gets excited about in the short term then gives up on them when the novelty wears off and she has to start putting actual work into them rather than just telling everyone about them. It's like she gets a high off telling people all these things that make her look really cool, but then when people stop asking about it and she gets bored, she moves onto the next "project" or "goal". That's why she's had so fucking many over the years.

1)Manga/book during WW (discussed in one of the monthly update videos and a few other times)
2)TV show during Alec phase (posted about it several times, even hung note about it on her wall)
3)Fashion line during WW (fantasy inspired clothing and "Incatuated" the shitty tshirt line she had)
4)Fashion line during FF (when she started fashion school and had a mannequin in her room)
5)Fashion school during FF (that she dropped out of after like 2 weeks, homework was too "amateur")
6)Travel vlogs she was going to continue and have as a main part of her channel during Alec phase (San Fran, Portland)
7)Ape sanctuary that will never happen
8)Book during WULAS (discussed in video when she was going to the gym and several other times, nothing happened)
9)actress phase before WW, she even created a website page to post her "resume" (why she moved to LA)
10)She wanted to be a lifestyle/fitness/healthy food vlogger and had some videos about those during Alec phase but
that didn't last. (VS model body video, cooking videos)
11)College classes now that I'm sure she'll drop out of when she no longer has a "hot" professor
12) Eating and just being healthy as a goal. She's had this goal for years now but keeps eating like shit and quitting exercising.

I don't believe she has any goals other than watching TV, being known as an introvert/recluse, buying shit, and having boyfriends. She acts like a directionless teenager. Which if you're 15 it's ok to enjoy simple things like what I just listed but when you're 29, it just seems weird. Granted, she has the money and time to only worry about simple things but it doesn't seem healthy to have nothing of substance in your life. School for her is not substance, it's just something to waste time with and to try and impress people with.
Ugh disgusting, didnt you peasants know only Kween kakel can wear animal products!? Her leather shoes are much more of a necessity than someone with a filthy Canadian goose jacket

And yes, the tv show! She said she was writing one and even filmed herself going to a conference room with two other people to pitch it or whatever. What a joke.
she is in no position to judge anyone after spending the last ten years of her life caking her face with makeup, wasting a fortune to look like sloth from goonies and doing absolutely NOTHING else
CrystallineKitty wrote: I am not sure about alcoholism. She might be just really sad after her break-up with Cyrus which is totally normal. Not that emotional drinking is healthy or anything like that but you know what I mean.

I don't necessarily agree that Kalel is always unhappy or miserable. She seems to do well sometimes and other times not so. I think she is just one of those people who have structured their happiness around being with other people. I've known some people like that and they get really bummed out when they are not in a relationship just like Kalel does. And I am not sure if there anything that can be done about it at this point. I mean they could do it with therapy and a lot of self-reflection but not a lot of people are capable of that or even want to do that work.

It just sucks for that she is so dependant on people for her happiness and she struggles to maintain relationships. I personally think she will end up with another boyfriend soon enough.

Plus she probably exaggerates how alone she is as well. I find it hard to believe that someone could have so many partners in the short amount of time and not being put themselves out there? It's not like men randomly walk up to your door and ask to be your boyfriend. I wouldn't put it pass her to think that being home alone some weekends makes you a recluse.

I am sure she is going through some depression and a life crisis at this point but Kalel is not really all that worse off? Maybe shopping, doing a bit of college and watching TV is all she really cares about? Not everyone has huge life dreams. I am not sure if Kalel ever announced having any specific career goals? It's not like she is mourning the lost of all her hopes and dreams. Some people seriously don't have any. It's okay and normal.
Still curious where her family is in all of this. Has she been disowned?
"We're over it Jaclyn, just spend all your money and be gone. You're pure trash."
Whats her relationship with her family anyway? I have never heard her mention one of them even once.
Uggh those clothes would look amazing if she didn't have the boob job. Her whole body looks out of proportion and tacky.
English is not my first language, I apologize in advance for my mistakes _-_
marysunshine wrote: Uggh those clothes would look amazing if she didn't have the boob job. Her whole body looks out of proportion and tacky.
Her face is looking really textured/bad in new video. Doesn't she use those expensive Tatcha lotions and potions from Sephora? It doesn't seem to be helping at all.

Although it is good that she's going out, i get this sense of desperation along with man hunting vibes from this lol!
marysunshine wrote: Uggh those clothes would look amazing if she didn't have the boob job. Her whole body looks out of proportion and tacky.
marysunshine wrote: Uggh those clothes would look amazing if she didn't have the boob job. Her whole body looks out of proportion and tacky.
Wow her boobs look like they are about to burst. She went too far
Oh this video....

1:19 she has this thing where "she really can't lie to people." Uh, Kalel your online presence from the dawn of the internet says otherwise.

The reasoning for the wardrobe is straight depressing. She's manipulating herself into not cancelling plans by having a fancy wardrobe in the very very tiny instance that she'd have a nice event to go to.

She's smaller than small you guys. Like if your size isn't XXS, homegirl's TINY waist isn't going to fit. Oh and her thighs are just so small that she'll have to eat carbs to bulk them out. Really hoping she's not daft enough to think spot weight GAIN is a thing.

She thinks the BCBG dress screams corporate culture, uh....maybe in the eyes of Hollywood, but if you're a female supervisor wearing that, no one in their right mind is going to take you seriously.

Those bolt on tits look stiff and uncomfortable and the lighting was mad unflattering.
and what in the fuck is this reply from Kalel in the comments: "My grandma had implants for 40+ years and never got sick. Of course some people may have an adverse reaction...because I mean, they're certainly not going to boost your health. But let's not generalize and act like anyone who gets implants will become sick."

40+ years? Don't you have to get implants replaced roughly every decade?
mameha wrote: and what in the fuck is
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