Kalcker 博士:冠狀病毒疫苗和 CDS【中英對照】

Kalcker 博士:冠狀病毒疫苗和 CDS【中英對照】


Corona Virus Vaccines and CDS 《冠狀病毒疫苗和二氧化氯水》

Chlorine Dioxide Solution = CDS


最近,關於冠狀病毒疫苗的壞消息鋪天蓋地。有許多人感到害怕,這並非沒有充分的理由,因為事實證明,所有製造商生產的疫苗都含有 “納米石墨烯” 和 “磁鐵礦晶體”。Lately we have been inundated with bad news about corona virus vaccines. There are many people who are afraid, and not without good reason, because it turns out that all the vaccines from all the manufacturers contain both nano-graphene and magnetite crystals.

製藥行業將 “納米石墨烯” 添加到疫苗當中的真正原因是:它提供了更高的轉染因子。 The real reason the pharmaceutical industry is adding nano-graphene to vaccines is because it provides a higher transfection factor. 

疫苗中使用的一種成分物質是用來製造流產胎兒二倍體細胞的生物材料。 One of the substances used in vaccines is the biomaterial from which diploid cells of aborted fetuses are made. 

這不僅是一個倫理問題,也是一個技術問題,因為沒有足夠的原材料來生產數百萬種疫苗。那這個問題的技術解決方案是什麽? It is not only an ethical problem, but also a technical one, because there is not enough raw material to produce millions of vaccines. What is the technical solution for this problem? 

他們使用了一種「轉染劑」,也就是 “納米石墨烯”,並且大部分與磁鐵礦晶體結合,因為這樣他們可以在很少的生物材料的情況下,將感染率提高數千倍。同時,這也意味著數十億歐元/美元的利益,而且這是最重要的業務和絕對的權力! They use a transfection agent and that is nano-graphene, mostly combined with magnetite crystals because then they can increase the infection rate with little biomaterial by thousands of times and that means many billions of euros / dollars, because this is first and foremost business and absolute power.

石墨烯的生物物理平衡直接影響了身體,所以身體變得越來越敏感,積累大量的鐵蛋白,同時也強化了具有 “磁性” 的接種手臂(網絡熱傳的「萬磁王」)。由於是鐵蛋白而不是4500鐵原子,多虧了有石墨烯的存在,磁性也發生在了含有的數百萬個鐵原子的分子上。 Graphene interferes directly in the biophysical balance of the body, and so the body becomes more susceptible, accumulates huge amounts of ferritin, and at the same time also reinforces the famous magnetic effect on the arm of the inoculated, because the ferritin, instead of being formed by up to 4500 iron atoms, immediately, thanks to the presence of graphene, happens to contain millions of iron atoms per molecule. 

大多數人和許多科學家所不理解的是,與其說是石墨烯,不如說是突刺蛋白,因為石墨烯是一種增殖因子。 What most people and many scientists do not understand is that it is not so much the graphene, but the spike proteins, because graphene is a multiplication factor. 

在沒有病毒的情況下,這麽少量的石墨烯是相對無害的(實際是,這是產生毒素的量)!由於身體的大小的關係,隨著時間的推移,它會以 “異己/非自體” 或 “病原體行為” 作為排出體外的理由。 Without viruses, graphene is relatively harmless in this small amount (it's the amount that makes the poison!) because the body, due to its size, over time can excrete it as anything that is not its own or behaves as a noxa in the body. 

突刺蛋白是真正的敵人。因為它們會導致註意力不集中、疲勞、血凝甚至死亡。但是現在有好消息!! The spike proteins are the real enemy, because they cause lack of concentration, fatigue, blood clotting and even death, after a while. But now the good news!!

根據已證實的病例和我們COMUSAV醫生的確證,甚至可以證實,在冠狀病毒接種患者當中,CDS是絕對有效的。 According to proven cases and corroborated by our COMUSAV doctors, it can even be confirmed that in corona virus vaccinated patients, CDS is absolutely effective. 

接種疫苗的患者應遵循《C方案》至少21天,以及在註射部位遵循《K方案》的應用。 Vaccinated patients should follow PROTOCOL-C for at least 21 days, as well as PROTOCOL-K at the place of the injection. 

研究發現,以前接受磁場治療的患者康復後,癥狀消失,且不再有異常的磁場。 It has been found that patients who were previously magnetic recovered, that symptoms disappeared, and that they no longer had an abnormal magnetic field.

CDS 也對Delta達爾塔變種和所有其他變體起到作用,因為它是一種氧化劑。這意味著它會氧化蛋白質,從而使其變性,和使其無害。 CDS also works on the delta variant and all the other variants, because it is an oxidant, which means that it oxidizes the protein, therefore denaturing it and rendering it harmless. 

所以我們必須把重點放在推廣「解決方案」上,而不是「問題」本身。我們齊心協力就能拯救生命,這是唯一重要的事情,因為傳播壞消息根本就不健康。 So we have to focus on spreading the solution and not the problem. All together we can save lives and that is the only thing that matters, because spreading bad messages is not healthy at all. 

有了CDS,我們就能拯救生命!在一起還來得及以前我們都可以做到。 With CDS we help save lives! We can all do it before it's too late.


Written by Dr. Andreas Kalcker 13 September 2021

Kalcker博士 筆 2021年9月13日

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