Как сказать здравствуйте по английски

Как сказать здравствуйте по английски

Как сказать здравствуйте по английски

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Русско-английский разговорник

Hi, how are you? Hi, how are you today? Hi, how are you doing? Have a good night! Have a great day! Have a good afternoon! Have a nice evening! Have a good one! See you in a bit! The following are appropriate to say back to:. One phrase for example would be: And how are you? All of those would be perfectly fine in response. This is a little bit trickier to maneuver on, but any of the following would be great to say back:. Some people will respond with 'Nothing much', even though they might be doing something. And How are you? Not much' Working or studying or whatever you happen be up at the moment. Some people respond with nothing much even nothing my ………. As …… all …… their respective on what actually we doing at this moment. So you can respond what where you are doing or as …………. See you next time! The following are appropriate to say back to: How are you doing? So, here we go. Not much' Working, or studying, or whatever you happen be up to at the moment. Some people respond with nothing much, even nothing might be doing something. It just all and their respective on what actually we doing at the moment. So, you can respond what whatever are you doing, or as little as what you doing. The following are appropriate to say back to 'How are you doing? This is a little bit cheker to menu variant by any of the fllowing would be great to say back: Some people respond with 'Nothing much' even though they might be doing something. Have a good time! One phrase,for example would be: This is a little be checker to many variant. And is a following if the great to say back: One phrase, for example, would be: All of those would be perfectly fine and response. This is a little bit … maneuver on , but any of the following would be great to say back: This is a little bit trickier to maneuver on, but any of the following would be great to say back: I must be off. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. Her Morning Elegance Smokie: Thrifty Dude ,

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