Как называются сухари для котлет

Как называются сухари для котлет


Panirovochnye sukhari are breadcrumbs made from wheat bread, used to coat fried culinary products made from meat, fish, and vegetables. Panirovochnye sukhari give the products an attractive appearance, form a crispy crust, reduce moisture loss, and prevent products from sticking to the frying surface.

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Панировочные сухари – это крошка из сухого хлеба, которую используют для приготовления жареных блюд. Они позволяют создать аппетитную хрустящую корочку и сохранить влагу и вкус блюда, а также предотвратить прилипание к жарочной поверхности. Часто панировочные сухари добавляют к мясу, рыбе и овощам, чтобы придать им привлекательный вид и необычный вкус. Существует несколько видов сухарей для панировки, например, мелкие или крупные, натертые или цельные. Их могут приготовить из различных сортов хлеба, однако самые популярные – из белого пшеничного хлеба. В рецептах национальных кухонь мира панировка с использованием сухарей – распространенная практика, которую применяют при приготовлении блюд для многих семейных обедов и праздничных ужинов.

What kind of breading is used for meatballs

Most often, breadcrumbs are used to coat meat and fish patties, cutlets, zrazy, schnitzels. Breaded coating protects the product from drying out, maintains its tender texture, and gives it a crispy golden crust.

Why add breadcrumbs to meatballs

The breading is needed to form a crust on the meatballs or fish, which keeps the meat juicy and prevents it from burning when in contact with the hot surface. Breadcrumbs give the crispy crust, while flour breading is softer.

What types of breading are there for meatballs

There are five types of breading. How to use them correctly for meat, fish, and vegetables:

-Milk: One of the simplest breadings, it goes well with meat and fish.

-Breadcrumbs: A classic type of breading.

-Mixture of flour and breadcrumbs: Allows you to obtain a denser and crunchier crust.

-Wheat bran

-Ground nuts or seeds

What can meatballs be coated with

Flour helps create a thin, crispy crust that retains the moisture and makes the meatballs juicy. However, other products can be used for breading. For example, semolina or oatmeal, as well as coarse breadcrumbs are a perfect alternative.

Tips and Conclusion

  • Before adding the breading, coat the patties with flour. This helps to solidify the breading.
  • The breadcrumbs should be fresh. They can be dried in an oven or on a pan before use.
  • Do not press the breadcrumbs too hard. This will make the crust less crispy.
  • For an extra crispy crust, you can double coat the patties. First, coat with flour, then dip in an egg mixture, and finally coat in the breadcrumb mixture.
  • Mix a small amount of grated Parmesan cheese into the breadcrumbs for a twist.

In conclusion, panirovochnye sukhari are the most popular breading for meatballs. However, you can use other coatings such as flour, oatmeal, or wheat bran. The breading not only adds a crispy texture to the meatballs but also protects them from drying out and burning. Use the tips above to create the perfect meatball with an extra crispy crust.

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