Как называется игра в карты дурак на английском. The Classic Card Game Fool: How to Play and Other Variations

Как называется игра в карты дурак на английском. The Classic Card Game Fool: How to Play and Other Variations


The classic card game Fool, also known as Durak, is one of the most popular card games in Russia. In this article, we will discuss the different variations of the game, how to play, and useful tips to improve your gameplay.

Дурак - это классическая карточная игра, которая является одной из самых популярных в России. В эту игру играют обычно два или более игроков, которые получают по 6 карт. Один игрок начинает игру, выкладывая карту на стол, а остальные игроки должны бить эту карту своими картами, если у них есть такая возможность. Если игрок не может побить карту, то он берет ее на руки. Цель игры - избавиться от всех карт на руках, став последним "дураком". В игре есть особые карты - козырные, которые имеют большую силу и могут побить любую другую карту. На английском языке игра называется "fool", что переводится как "дурак".

Other Names for the Game Fool

Although the classic version of the game is the most popular, there are also other variations such as «Podkidnoy» and «Transitional» Fool. These variations only increased the popularity of the game. Additionally, there is a special version of the game where spades can only be beaten by other spades, and diamonds are always trumps («Piki Pikami,» «Vini Vinyami,» Japanese).

What is the German Name for Fool

The German name for Fool is «Schafkopf,» which translates to «sheep's head» or «fool.» It is a popular Bavarian card game.

How to Play Fool in English

To start the game, the main attacker draws as many cards as needed, followed by all other attackers clockwise, and finally, the defender. The defender's last card must exceed the last card of the attack; otherwise, they must take all the cards played in that round.

How to Say «Playing Cards» in English

To say «playing cards» in English, you can use the phrase «Playing cards is very interesting.» If someone invites you to play cards, you can say, «They invited me to play cards.» And if you want to suggest playing cards as an activity, you can say, «We can hunt together, play cards, or go to court.»

Useful Tips for Playing Fool

  • Try to keep a balanced hand with a mix of high and low cards.
  • Don't be afraid to use your trumps early in the game.
  • Keep track of the cards played to anticipate your opponent's moves.
  • If you have a strong hand, consider attacking early to put pressure on your opponents.
  • If you have a weak hand, focus on defending and trying to force your opponents to take cards.

In conclusion, Fool is a classic card game that has been enjoyed for generations in Russia and beyond. With these tips and variations, you can enhance your gameplay and enjoy the game even more.

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