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Как грамотно слезти с TRUE BLUE

Как грамотно слезти с TRUE BLUE

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Как грамотно слезти с TRUE BLUE

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Wowhead Client — это небольшая программа, с помощью которой мы поддерживаем базу данных в актуальном состоянии. Пользователи Wowhead Client получают доступ к дополнительным инструментам на сайте. Вы также можете использовать Wowhead Client, чтобы просматривать выученные рецепты, выполненные задания, собранные ездовые животные и спутники и полученные звания! Данный сайт активно использует технологию JavaScript. Пожалуйста, Включите JavaScript в вашем браузере. Live PTR. Classic TBC. Краткая информация. Комментарии Комментарий от Annett Достижение Большой наездник Ракетонога: золото и соответственно Гоночный мини-дирижабль в награду можно будет получить с 5 апреля года. Комментарий от MonsterGrib Вот прохождение за альянс. Вот тут скопируйте после youtube. Комментарий от Sveto4ka Я так и не поняла как слезать с этих ,,простите,, куриц! Комментарий от bylbtepbep после прохождения этой гонки на долгоноге вопросов как проходить на ракетоноге не осталось. Комментарий от bither Прошел все гонки за вечер. Немного подсмотрел гайды, частично переделал. Имхо мои способы куда легче некоторых гайдов. Комментарий от slimsnap Любые гонки берутся легко в золото, если у тебя есть друг прист их Духовное рвение работает на человека-наездника. КД 2 минуты позволяет легко поднять игрока на горку 69 77, и потом возле зоопарка на финишной прямой 50 С первого раза с мужем сделали все ачивки на золото. This shoots you out of a cannon and lets you fly for a minute. This item is quite similar to Око Килрогга and lets you scout out dangerous areas. This teaches the battle pet Гоночный мини-дирижабль. This places down a blinking arrow, similar to the ones used as decorations around the Faire. This is a permanent version of Фейерверк Новолуния , a firework with the Faire logo. Комментарий от Coldfeverx3 Either this achievement is bugged, or the lag is insane right now. There are 2 rockets you need to take and wait for them to spawn if you have to. The first rocket you need to take is at , save the Boosters -Button 1- so you get momentum forward to get on the the ledge, then run up to the highest point and press the Giant Leap -Button 2- to get passed the wall and up to the first banner. Комментарий от Azshira88 Regarding the Real Race and the achievements. It is similiar to LFR, in that it is gated and more will be available in the future. Most presumably every Darkmoon Faire. Currently the Racing Strider is active, and its associated achievements. The above information about the gating was provided to me by a GM friend. Ракетоног: золото May : A new Wanderluster racer, new achievements for beating both races with the Wanderluster, and rewards. Непоседа: золото June : A new Powermonger racer, new achievements for beating both races with the Powermonger, and rewards. Энерготрон: золото. Managed to do it using the strategy from this video! Комментарий от Zarazz Fast and furious! Комментарий от Monatoet Just use your abilities at the right time! Will submit video when allowed :. Here is a short video guide! Комментарий от perculia Some info on what the Rocketeer does: The Ракетоног is slower than the Гоночный долгоног , but has speed boost abilities: : Speed boost for 5 seconds. Also makes you leap forward slightly and makes you immune to snare. Гигантский прыжок : Makes you leap up high into the air, with a parachute. Ракетный залп : Disorients nearby MiniZeps. You will need to pick up a pouch in order to use this. Свернуть парашют : Cancels the parachute in Гигантский прыжок and Гигантский прыжок apply a parachute, so you can chain them with the spring to slowfall an impressive distance--for example, on the Real Big Race, from the top of the hill to almost the finish line. Just be careful of low-hanging trees you can parachute into, such as on the last leg of the Real Race. In addition makes you immune to snares, so you can run through electrical wires and not get slowed down. Комментарий от kardanis Finally succedded with the 'climbing strategy' mentioned in some videos on Youtube. The Purple Post will be on your left side just a few feet away. Комментарий от Evisane I got this achievement first try. A breeze after struggling with the bird. The first attempt was a lot smoother, and I even had a few ticks to spare. In my previous video, you can see that you have to jump up the cliff when using the strider, but with the rocketeer, you can just rocket boost up yourself, and end up at the top much faster than the bird. Here is my video! Keep in mind: -Your speed boost and your big rocket boost are up more often than you think, and they can get you really far, really fast. I only used the small boost on the second. I got lucky and landed on a rocket powerup and was able to keep flying. Lots of room for error. Good luck and have fun, friends! Комментарий от Vargful Here is the video, watch and just copy it! Комментарий от Vargful Here is a quick video! I hope this video helps! Almost right on top of it and it changes to something else messing your run. Комментарий от kardanis I have to confess that I tried to solo this heartbreaking race for two days following all possible strategies. I ended up in duo mode. To save your time and health find a companion for example, via x-cross server search to stay uptop the cliff by the Purple Post. You just need to grab Regs on your way left and use button 3. It will leap you up straight to the first checkpoint. I had 18 tolls score. Yes, I discovered this the hard way. Комментарий от thebl4ckd0g another helpful hint: any of the non-speed boost power-ups seem to swap every few seconds between each other, so if you see a rocket in a distance, it might be a portal or a spring by the time you reach it. Комментарий от schnizol Actually you have plenty of room for mistakes. I managed to get gold even after hitting a wire trap. The trick is to use rockets to jump onto cliffs - you do it twice. And while the buffs keep changing, I simply waited for the appropriate one to appear on the second high jump. Комментарий от DarkDei7 I am not sure if this is a glitch or it is intended but I will keep going. Today after infinite tries and endless desperation I found accidentally the very best way to complete each race with tolls. Basically you start the race and then enter arena. When the arena is over or you leave it you will find yourself mounted up in the middle of the race but without any power-ups or tracks of the run,except for the main objects the blue green and red pillars. At this point you will only need to reach every pillar and instantly enter arena again,the tolls will restart from where u left and pillar by pillar your tolls will only count the time in between you reaching the pillar and entering arena. Basically what entering the arena does is stopping the toll timer until you reach another pillar, so you can easily run through the race without any pressure. Has anyone else noticed this? Комментарий от Dyzdaemar I got the achieve but not the minizep :. Комментарий от Jyll I like to have a heading going into these things, so here are the waypoints for the posts and finish. Комментарий от Yowsa OK, Guys, this one has been nerfed To all you guys who did this pre-nerf, gratz To all of you who are trying to do it, good luck I tried and tried and even got so frustrated that I tried to race the people who posted the videos, I beat them every time So I checked all of the videos of these guys doing to course, Yup, they all registered 10 seconds between 'Tolls'. Well now its 6 seconds! It took a lot of coins 40 plus and a lot of trial and error. It can be done with the new timer, but it is very very hard. Good Luck. Getting the angle right when using the rocket at the beginning and using your boost only at the climax of the rocket launch were the two issues I had. Перед публикацией комментария просим принять во внимание следующие рекомендации: Комментарий должен быть написан на русском языке — в противном случае он будет удален. Не уверены, как правильно построить комментарий? Ознакомьтесь с нашим замечательным руководством! Желаете узнать ответ на свой вопрос как можно скорее? Посетите канал russian на нашем Discord-сервере. Для загрузки изображения воспользуйтесь приведенной ниже формой. Скриншоты, содержащие элементы интерфейса, по общему правилу, удаляются сразу. Это же относится и к скриншотам, полученным с помощью Просмотрщика моделей или окна выбора персонажа. Перед загрузкой скриншота, пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь с требованиями, предъявляемыми к скриншотам. Пожалуйста, введите ссылку на видеоролик в поле, указанное ниже. Он устанавливает и обновляет аддон Wowhead Looter , который собирает данные, пока вы играете! Он загружает собранные данные на Wowhead, помогая поддерживать базу данных в актуальном состоянии! Будь на связи с Wowhead. Серии 1.

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