Как Создать Клавиатуру В Телеграмм Боте Python В Telegram

Как Создать Клавиатуру В Телеграмм Боте Python В Telegram

Как Создать Клавиатуру В Телеграмм Боте Python В Telegram
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Title: Creating a Keyboard in a Telegram Bot using Python

Creating a custom keyboard for a Telegram bot using Python can add a user-friendly interface and improve the interaction between the bot and users. In this article, we will explore how to create a simple keyboard using the Telegram Bot API and Python.

First, you need to have a Telegram bot account and its token. You can create a new bot by talking to the BotFather in Telegram, or manage your existing bot's token at BotFather. To get started, install the `python-telegram-bot` library using pip:

pip install python-telegram-bot

Now, let's create a new Python file, `bot.py`, and set up the basic bot structure:

import telegram

TOKEN = 'your_bot_token'

bot = telegram.Bot(token=TOKEN)

def send_message_and_keyboard(chat_id, text, keyboard=None):
"""Function to send a message with an optional keyboard."""
if keyboard:
bot.send_message(chat_id=chat_id, text=text, reply_markup=keyboard)
bot.send_message(chat_id=chat_id, text=text)

def start(message):
"""Handle the /start command and send a welcome message."""
send_message_and_keyboard(message.chat.id, "Welcome to the bot!")

def send_menu_keyboard(chat_id):
"""Function to send a menu keyboard."""
markup = telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(one_time_keyboard=True)
markup.add("Option1", "Option2")
bot.send_message(chat_id=chat_id, text="Here's your menu", reply_markup=markup)

if __name__ == '__main__':
updater = telegram.ext.Updater(token=TOKEN, use_context=True)
dispatcher = updater.dispatcher

Replace `'your_bot_token'` with your bot's token. This script sets up a simple bot that responds to the `/start` command with a welcome message and a simple menu keyboard.

Now, when someone starts the bot, they will receive a welcome message and the menu keyboard. The menu keyboard contains two options, "Option1" and "Option2". The `send_message_and_keyboard()` function is used to send a message with a keyboard, while the `send_menu_keyboard()` function sends the menu keyboard.

You can customize the options and the keyboard layout as per your requirements. When a user selects an option, the bot will process the respective command.

This is just a basic example to get started. You can create more complex keyboards and handle multiple commands in a more sophisticated way. For more information on Telegram Bot API and Python library, visit the official documentation: https://core.telegram.org/bots and https://python-telegram-bot.readthedocs.io/.

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